Progress bar

Progress bar

Main Freatures

  • 10 Progress Bar
  • Responsive
  • Clean code
  • Separete folder
  • Documentation included

Progress Bar List 01-progress-bar 01-progress-bar

02-progress-bar 02-progress-bar

03-progress-bar 03-progress-bar

04-progress-bar 04-progress-bar

05-progress-bar 05-progress-bar

06-progress-bar 06-progress-bar

07-progress-bar 07-progress-bar

08-progress-bar 08-progress-bar

09-progress-bar 09-progress-bar

10-progress-bar 10-progress-bar

How to use the progress bar.

First unzip the main zip file. Then go to main folder and go to the progress folder of your choice. Again you can see the css and js and html files here. css and js paste in your project. (For a progress bar, you don’t need all the code of the css file. You can understand it by looking at a css file, everything is said there).In some places % is given in the value and in some places it is not.

01_progress_bar 01-progress-bar

In this progress bar you can see the value of red color displayed by design in html. And through the green color, the number is the value.

Here’s how you set your expected value here: red color
style="--num:  your value "   (it's displayed by design) 
<i>green color</i><br />
<"h2"> your value<"span">%</"span"><"/h2">


red color style=”—value: your value ” (it’s displayed by design)

A value will appear in two places. 03_progress_bar03-progress-bar

red color
value=” your value” (it’s displayed by design)


red color
value=” your value ” (it’s displayed by design)
style=”—value: your value ” (it’s displayed by design)


It basically shows different values through different colors on a progress bar. Next is the normal progress bar. Next is the animated progress bar. (It doesn’t statically show the animation but if you set the value the animation will look like below)

style=”—value: your value ” (it’s displayed by design)
The number displayed is the value given to the child of the : your value % tag

06_progress_bar06-progress-bar style=”—value: your value ” (it’s displayed by design)
style=”—progress_bar_color: set your color”


Here everything is denoted by yellow and purple color arrows. purple style=”width: Your value”; (it’s displayed by design) yellow The number displayed is the value given to the child of the : your value % tag


style=”—per: Your value”; (it’s displayed by design) yellow
The Skills displayed is the value given to the child of the : your skills name tag

08-progress-bar2 Clicking on + button will show some more skills names and click ” – “button to hide


In this progress bar you can see the value of yellow color displayed by design in html. And through the blue color, the number is the value.

Here’s how you set your expected value here: yellow
style=”width: Your value %”; (it’s displayed by design)

blue color
<”div”> your value %</”div”>


In this progress bar you can see the value of red color displayed by design in html. And through the orange, yellow,green color, the number is the value.

Here’s how you set your expected value here: red color
data-value=”your value ” (it’s displayed by design) Code and design are denoted by the same color.

folder structure form-folder-structure

Rating 0.0
Sales 3
Price $3.00
Author Tech_beauty
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