CodeCanyon new JavaScript items 2024-07-27T19:03:40+00:00 FeedCreator 1.8 ([email protected]) Money Map - SaaS Financial Management 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/money-map-saas-financial-management/53105437 MoneyMap is a comprehensive SaaS web application designed to streamline your financial management. With a user-friendly interface and robust features, MoneyMap empowers you to take control of your finances, track your spending, and plan for a secure financial future.

Preview Link:

Key Features

Create and Manage Categories: Easily organize your finances by creating and managing custom categories. Whether it’s groceries, entertainment, or utilities, you can categorize your transactions for better clarity and organization.

Create and Manage Transactions: Log your income and expenses with ease. MoneyMap allows you to create, and delete transactions, ensuring that your financial records are always accurate and up-to-date.

Monthly and Yearly History with Bar Charts: Visualize your financial data with intuitive bar charts. Track your spending and income trends on a monthly and yearly basis, helping you make informed financial decisions and spot patterns over time.

Settings to Manage Categories, Currencies, and Billing Information: Customize MoneyMap to fit your unique financial situation. Manage your categories, set your preferred currency, and update your billing information all from one convenient settings menu.

Monthly Subscription with Stripe Integration: Enjoy seamless and secure payment processing with Stripe integration. Subscribe to MoneyMap on a monthly basis and manage your subscription with ease.

Dark and Light Mode Support: Toggle between dark and light modes to suit your preference and reduce eye strain. MoneyMap provides a seamless experience in both modes, ensuring comfortable use in any lighting condition.

MoneyMap is the ultimate tool for anyone looking to gain control over their finances and achieve their financial goals. Start your journey to better financial health with MoneyMap today.

Tech Stack


  • React (v18)
  • Next.js (v14.2.3)
  • Tailwind CSS (v3.4.1)
  • Recharts (v2.12.7)
  • React Hook Form (v7.51.4)
  • NextAuth.js (v4.24.7)
  • Stripe API (v15.12.0)
  • React Query (v5.37.1)


  • Node.js
  • Prisma (v5.14.0)
  • PostgreSQL (via Prisma Client, v5.14.0)
  • TypeScript (v5)

Authentication & Authorization:

  • NextAuth.js for authentication
  • JWT (likely managed by NextAuth.js)

Payment Integration:

  • Stripe API for handling payments and subscriptions

Other Tools:

  • Date-fns (v3.6.0) for date manipulation
  • Prettier (v3.2.5) for code formatting
  • ESLint (v8) for linting
  • Tailwind CSS plugins for styling enhancements

This tech stack utilizes modern JavaScript frameworks and tools to build a scalable, performant, and secure SaaS web application like MoneyMap. It leverages Next.js for server-side rendering, React for the frontend, Prisma for ORM and database management (with PostgreSQL), and integrates with Stripe for handling payment functionalities.

MoneyMap is a comprehensive SaaS web application designed to streamline your financial management. With a user-friendly interface and robust features, MoneyMap empowers you to take control of your finances, track your spending, and plan for a secure financial future.

Preview Link:

Key Features

Create and Manage Categories: Easily organize your finances by creating and managing custom categories. Whether it’s groceries, entertainment, or utilities, you can categorize your transactions for better clarity and organization.

Create and Manage Transactions: Log your income and expenses with ease. MoneyMap allows you to create, and delete transactions, ensuring that your financial records are always accurate and up-to-date.

Monthly and Yearly History with Bar Charts: Visualize your financial data with intuitive bar charts. Track your spending and income trends on a monthly and yearly basis, helping you make informed financial decisions and spot patterns over time.

Settings to Manage Categories, Currencies, and Billing Information: Customize MoneyMap to fit your unique financial situation. Manage your categories, set your preferred currency, and update your billing information all from one convenient settings menu.

Monthly Subscription with Stripe Integration: Enjoy seamless and secure payment processing with Stripe integration. Subscribe to MoneyMap on a monthly basis and manage your subscription with ease.

Dark and Light Mode Support: Toggle between dark and light modes to suit your preference and reduce eye strain. MoneyMap provides a seamless experience in both modes, ensuring comfortable use in any lighting condition.

MoneyMap is the ultimate tool for anyone looking to gain control over their finances and achieve their financial goals. Start your journey to better financial health with MoneyMap today.

Tech Stack


  • React (v18)
  • Next.js (v14.2.3)
  • Tailwind CSS (v3.4.1)
  • Recharts (v2.12.7)
  • React Hook Form (v7.51.4)
  • NextAuth.js (v4.24.7)
  • Stripe API (v15.12.0)
  • React Query (v5.37.1)


  • Node.js
  • Prisma (v5.14.0)
  • PostgreSQL (via Prisma Client, v5.14.0)
  • TypeScript (v5)

Authentication & Authorization:

  • NextAuth.js for authentication
  • JWT (likely managed by NextAuth.js)

Payment Integration:

  • Stripe API for handling payments and subscriptions

Other Tools:

  • Date-fns (v3.6.0) for date manipulation
  • Prettier (v3.2.5) for code formatting
  • ESLint (v8) for linting
  • Tailwind CSS plugins for styling enhancements

This tech stack utilizes modern JavaScript frameworks and tools to build a scalable, performant, and secure SaaS web application like MoneyMap. It leverages Next.js for server-side rendering, React for the frontend, Prisma for ORM and database management (with PostgreSQL), and integrates with Stripe for handling payment functionalities.

Fashion Website and Dashboard With React Js and Node Js 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/fashion-website-and-dashboard-react-js-and-node-js/52996504 Fashion E-commerce Website and Dashboard Built with React.js and Node.js

This product appears to be a pre-built solution for creating a fashion e-commerce website and a corresponding admin dashboard. It likely utilizes React.js for building the interactive front-end of the website and Node.js for the back-end functionality and server-side logic.

## Live preview 
Website :
Dashboard : 

Fashion Website and React.js and Node.js

Potential Features

    For the Website:

  • User-friendly interface for browsing and purchasing fashion items.
  • Product categories and filters.
  • Shopping cart and checkout functionalities.
  • Responsive design for optimal viewing on various devices.

    For the Dashboard:

  • Order management tools.
  • Inventory control.
  • User management (if applicable).
  • Sales analytics and reporting.

Benefits of using a pre-built solution:

  • Faster development time compared to building from scratch.
  • Potentially lower development costs.
  • Focus on customization and branding for your specific fashion store.
Fashion E-commerce Website and Dashboard Built with React.js and Node.js

This product appears to be a pre-built solution for creating a fashion e-commerce website and a corresponding admin dashboard. It likely utilizes React.js for building the interactive front-end of the website and Node.js for the back-end functionality and server-side logic.

## Live preview 
Website :
Dashboard : 

Fashion Website and React.js and Node.js

Potential Features

    For the Website:

  • User-friendly interface for browsing and purchasing fashion items.
  • Product categories and filters.
  • Shopping cart and checkout functionalities.
  • Responsive design for optimal viewing on various devices.

    For the Dashboard:

  • Order management tools.
  • Inventory control.
  • User management (if applicable).
  • Sales analytics and reporting.

Benefits of using a pre-built solution:

  • Faster development time compared to building from scratch.
  • Potentially lower development costs.
  • Focus on customization and branding for your specific fashion store.
RestroPRO SaaS - POS software for Restaurant, Cafe, Hotel, Food Truck 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/restropro-saas-pos-software-restaurant-cafe-hotel-food-truck/52806377 Imagine a restaurant management system that simplifies your daily operations, empowers your staff, and elevates your customer service. That’s exactly what our RestroPRO POS SaaS system delivers.

From streamlining orders and reservations to managing customers and tracking key metrics, this intuitive software is your one-stop shop for success. And the best part? It’s a PWA, so you can install it as an App on any device, Android, iPhone, iPad or Desktop, for ultimate convenience!

Watch Video: image

image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image



- QR/Digital Menu Added
- Upload Menu Items Photo
- Reports: View Top Selling Items


- Product Launch

[RestroPRO, POS, Point-of-Sale, Restaurant POS app, POS for Restaurant, SaaS, SaaS POS, RestroPRO SaaS]

Imagine a restaurant management system that simplifies your daily operations, empowers your staff, and elevates your customer service. That’s exactly what our RestroPRO POS SaaS system delivers.

From streamlining orders and reservations to managing customers and tracking key metrics, this intuitive software is your one-stop shop for success. And the best part? It’s a PWA, so you can install it as an App on any device, Android, iPhone, iPad or Desktop, for ultimate convenience!

Watch Video: image

image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image



- QR/Digital Menu Added
- Upload Menu Items Photo
- Reports: View Top Selling Items


- Product Launch

[RestroPRO, POS, Point-of-Sale, Restaurant POS app, POS for Restaurant, SaaS, SaaS POS, RestroPRO SaaS]

Quantum | LMS Dashboard Next Js Template 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/quantum-lms-dashboard-next-js-template/52794472
  • Responsive design optimized for laptop screens.
  • Dark and light themes for personalized user experience.
  • State management for efficient data handling.
  • App routing for seamless navigation between pages.
  • Gauge chart and donut chart for data visualization.
  • Demo URL

    Next.js TypeScript App Installation Guide



    Step 1: Prerequisites

    Ensure you have the following installed on your system:

    Step 2: Download the Template

    After purchasing, download the template package from CodeCanyon. Extract the downloaded ZIP file to your desired location.

    Step 3: Open a Terminal

    Open a terminal (Command Prompt, PowerShell, or Terminal) and navigate to the extracted template directory:

    cd path/to/your/template-directory

    Step 4: Install Dependencies

    Run the following command to install the necessary dependencies:

    npm install

    Step 5: Run the Development Server

    After the dependencies are installed, start the development server by running:

    npm run dev

    The server will start, and you can view your application by opening a web browser and navigating to http://localhost:3000.

    Step 6: Building for Production

    To create an optimized production build, run:

    npm run build

    Then, start the server with:

    npm start

    Your application will be available at http://localhost:3000.


    If you encounter any issues, please refer to the Next.js documentation.

    Thank you for purchasing our Quantum Next Js LMS Dashboard Template. This guide will walk you through the steps to install and run the application on your local server.

    Enjoy your new template!

  • Responsive design optimized for laptop screens.
  • Dark and light themes for personalized user experience.
  • State management for efficient data handling.
  • App routing for seamless navigation between pages.
  • Gauge chart and donut chart for data visualization.
  • Demo URL

    Next.js TypeScript App Installation Guide



    Step 1: Prerequisites

    Ensure you have the following installed on your system:

    Step 2: Download the Template

    After purchasing, download the template package from CodeCanyon. Extract the downloaded ZIP file to your desired location.

    Step 3: Open a Terminal

    Open a terminal (Command Prompt, PowerShell, or Terminal) and navigate to the extracted template directory:

    cd path/to/your/template-directory

    Step 4: Install Dependencies

    Run the following command to install the necessary dependencies:

    npm install

    Step 5: Run the Development Server

    After the dependencies are installed, start the development server by running:

    npm run dev

    The server will start, and you can view your application by opening a web browser and navigating to http://localhost:3000.

    Step 6: Building for Production

    To create an optimized production build, run:

    npm run build

    Then, start the server with:

    npm start

    Your application will be available at http://localhost:3000.


    If you encounter any issues, please refer to the Next.js documentation.

    Thank you for purchasing our Quantum Next Js LMS Dashboard Template. This guide will walk you through the steps to install and run the application on your local server.

    Enjoy your new template!

    Nextall - React Multivendor Ecommerce Script with Next js & MongoDB 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/nextall-react-multivendor-ecommerce-script-next-js-mongodb/52674287 Nextall – React Multivendor Ecommerce Script

    Launch your own powerful multivendor ecommerce platform in just 10 minutes with Nextall! Built with Next.js and MongoDB, Nextall offers a seamless shopping experience for users, vendors, and admins. Enjoy features like multicurrency support, light/dark mode, advanced search, SEO optimization, secure checkout, and more. Start your ecommerce journey today with Nextall’s fast, efficient, and mobile-responsive solution.

    Supports Stripe and PayPal payments.


    Nextall consists of two main applications:

    • Frontend
    • Backend (APIs that can integrate in mobile app)
    nextall frontend app demo nextall vendor and admin dashboard demo nextall features nextall home page nextall products listing page nextall details page nextall cart page nextall checkout page nextall search products

    Payment Methods

    Nextall supports the following payment methods:

    • Stripe
    • PayPal
    Nextall – React Multivendor Ecommerce Script

    Launch your own powerful multivendor ecommerce platform in just 10 minutes with Nextall! Built with Next.js and MongoDB, Nextall offers a seamless shopping experience for users, vendors, and admins. Enjoy features like multicurrency support, light/dark mode, advanced search, SEO optimization, secure checkout, and more. Start your ecommerce journey today with Nextall’s fast, efficient, and mobile-responsive solution.

    Supports Stripe and PayPal payments.


    Nextall consists of two main applications:

    • Frontend
    • Backend (APIs that can integrate in mobile app)
    nextall frontend app demo nextall vendor and admin dashboard demo nextall features nextall home page nextall products listing page nextall details page nextall cart page nextall checkout page nextall search products

    Payment Methods

    Nextall supports the following payment methods:

    • Stripe
    • PayPal
    31SaaS - NextJs 14 boilerplate to build sleek and modern SaaS 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/31saas-nextjs-14-boilerplate-build-sleek-and-modern-saas/52634606 Demo of 31SaaS 31SaaS Documentation


    In today’s digital landscape, an outdated website isn’t just inconvenient—it’s a liability. Crafting a modern, high-performing site can feel overwhelming, leaving developers stuck in the past.

    Say goodbye to outdated aesthetics. Enter 31SaaS, the Next.js 14 boilerplate engineered for sleek design and modern technology, streamlining top-tier SaaS development. With it, you can go from concept to launch in days, not months—and start making money.

    Harness its comprehensive stack: TanStack React Query, Resend, Appwrite, Stripe, Shadcn UI + Radix UI, and Content Layer—empowering you to build high-performing SaaS solutions.

    From dynamic MDX-based Blogs to robust authentication and payment processing, its essential features make your SaaS dreams a reality. And with strict TypeScript ensuring code integrity, enabling the construction of enterprise-grade applications, alongside enhanced security measures like parallel routes and secure routes, plus SEO optimization, it is not just streamlining development—it is fortifying it for maximum productivity.

    Don’t let complexities hold you back. With 31SaaS, bring your vision to life quickly and efficiently. 31SaaS has everything you need to build a working SaaS, not MVP.

    Key Features











    Products built with 31SaaS:

    Developed by Said Hasyim.

    Demo of 31SaaS 31SaaS Documentation


    In today’s digital landscape, an outdated website isn’t just inconvenient—it’s a liability. Crafting a modern, high-performing site can feel overwhelming, leaving developers stuck in the past.

    Say goodbye to outdated aesthetics. Enter 31SaaS, the Next.js 14 boilerplate engineered for sleek design and modern technology, streamlining top-tier SaaS development. With it, you can go from concept to launch in days, not months—and start making money.

    Harness its comprehensive stack: TanStack React Query, Resend, Appwrite, Stripe, Shadcn UI + Radix UI, and Content Layer—empowering you to build high-performing SaaS solutions.

    From dynamic MDX-based Blogs to robust authentication and payment processing, its essential features make your SaaS dreams a reality. And with strict TypeScript ensuring code integrity, enabling the construction of enterprise-grade applications, alongside enhanced security measures like parallel routes and secure routes, plus SEO optimization, it is not just streamlining development—it is fortifying it for maximum productivity.

    Don’t let complexities hold you back. With 31SaaS, bring your vision to life quickly and efficiently. 31SaaS has everything you need to build a working SaaS, not MVP.

    Key Features











    Products built with 31SaaS:

    Developed by Said Hasyim.

    EDateTimePicker - Mobile Responsive Date Time Picker 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/edatetimepicker-mobile-responsive-date-time-picker/52577999 jQuery DateTime Picker Plugin

    Enhance your web applications with a versatile and user-friendly jQuery DateTime Picker!

    Introducing the jQuery DateTime Picker plugin, a powerful and customizable tool designed to seamlessly integrate into any web application. This plugin allows users to effortlessly select dates and times with a sleek, intuitive interface, enhancing user experience and streamlining data input processes.

    Key Features:

    • User-Friendly Interface: An intuitive design that makes selecting dates and times easy and efficient for users of all skill levels.
    • Customizable Options: Tailor the look and feel to match your website’s design. Adjust formats, themes, and styles with ease.
    • Responsive Design: Fully responsive and mobile-friendly, ensuring optimal performance across all devices.
    • Time Picker Integration: Along with date selection, users can also choose specific times, making it ideal for booking systems, event scheduling, and more.
    • Callback Functions: Utilize callback functions for custom actions and enhanced interactivity, triggered on specific events such as selection change or form submission.
    • Cross-Browser Compatibility: Tested and optimized for all major browsers, ensuring consistent performance and appearance.

    Installation and Usage:
    Integrating the jQuery DateTime Picker plugin into your project is straightforward. Simply include the required files in your HTML and initialize the plugin with a few lines of JavaScript. Detailed documentation and examples are provided to guide you through the setup process and customization options.

    Why Choose Our DateTime Picker?

    • Reliability: Built with robust coding standards and thoroughly tested to provide a reliable tool for developers.
    • Performance: Lightweight and optimized for speed, ensuring and smooth
    • Flexibility: Highly adaptable to various use cases, from simple date selection to complex booking systems.
    • Support: Comprehensive documentation and dedicated support to assist you with any questions or issues.

    Get Started Today:

    Upgrade your web application with the jQuery DateTime Picker plugin and experience the difference in usability and functionality. Purchase now and take the first step towards enhancing your user interface!]]>
    jQuery DateTime Picker Plugin

    Enhance your web applications with a versatile and user-friendly jQuery DateTime Picker!

    Introducing the jQuery DateTime Picker plugin, a powerful and customizable tool designed to seamlessly integrate into any web application. This plugin allows users to effortlessly select dates and times with a sleek, intuitive interface, enhancing user experience and streamlining data input processes.

    Key Features:

    • User-Friendly Interface: An intuitive design that makes selecting dates and times easy and efficient for users of all skill levels.
    • Customizable Options: Tailor the look and feel to match your website’s design. Adjust formats, themes, and styles with ease.
    • Responsive Design: Fully responsive and mobile-friendly, ensuring optimal performance across all devices.
    • Time Picker Integration: Along with date selection, users can also choose specific times, making it ideal for booking systems, event scheduling, and more.
    • Callback Functions: Utilize callback functions for custom actions and enhanced interactivity, triggered on specific events such as selection change or form submission.
    • Cross-Browser Compatibility: Tested and optimized for all major browsers, ensuring consistent performance and appearance.

    Installation and Usage:
    Integrating the jQuery DateTime Picker plugin into your project is straightforward. Simply include the required files in your HTML and initialize the plugin with a few lines of JavaScript. Detailed documentation and examples are provided to guide you through the setup process and customization options.

    Why Choose Our DateTime Picker?

    • Reliability: Built with robust coding standards and thoroughly tested to provide a reliable tool for developers.
    • Performance: Lightweight and optimized for speed, ensuring and smooth
    • Flexibility: Highly adaptable to various use cases, from simple date selection to complex booking systems.
    • Support: Comprehensive documentation and dedicated support to assist you with any questions or issues.

    Get Started Today:

    Upgrade your web application with the jQuery DateTime Picker plugin and experience the difference in usability and functionality. Purchase now and take the first step towards enhancing your user interface!]]>
    AI Chat for WhatsApp - Add-on for WhatsCRM 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/ai-chat-whatsapp-add-whatscrm/52498511

    DISCLAIMER – This is an add-on plugin for WhatsCRM – Chatbot, Flow Builder, API Access, WhatsApp CRM SAAS System. To use this plugin you will have to purchase WhatsCRM first. You will require OpenAI API keys in order to use the AI.


    Introducing the AI Chat Add-on, a powerful plugin for WhatsCRM! Enhance your WhatsCRM experience by integrating AI chatbots directly into your chatbot flow. With the AI Chat Add-on, you can effortlessly automate your conversations, ensuring seamless and intelligent interactions with your customers 24/7. ✨ Elevate your communication game with WhatsCRM and the AI Chatbot Add-on today!



    Parent App


    Features Description

    • Ai enabled chatbot flow
    • Train your Ai chatbot
    • Easy to build
    • Much more
    Changelog - 1.0 (5 Jun. 2024) 
        Initial release

    DISCLAIMER – This is an add-on plugin for WhatsCRM – Chatbot, Flow Builder, API Access, WhatsApp CRM SAAS System. To use this plugin you will have to purchase WhatsCRM first. You will require OpenAI API keys in order to use the AI.


    Introducing the AI Chat Add-on, a powerful plugin for WhatsCRM! Enhance your WhatsCRM experience by integrating AI chatbots directly into your chatbot flow. With the AI Chat Add-on, you can effortlessly automate your conversations, ensuring seamless and intelligent interactions with your customers 24/7. ✨ Elevate your communication game with WhatsCRM and the AI Chatbot Add-on today!



    Parent App


    Features Description

    • Ai enabled chatbot flow
    • Train your Ai chatbot
    • Easy to build
    • Much more
    Changelog - 1.0 (5 Jun. 2024) 
        Initial release
    LiveSmart AI Video - Smart Video Avatars with ChatGPT | Node.js 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/livesmart-ai-video-smart-video-avatars-chatgpt-nodejs/52482018 LiveSmart AI Video is a standalone web application which combines the amazing capabilities of OpenAI ChatGPT with a video avatar by your choice. Interact with one of the greatest AI generated video avatars having a meaningful conversation on a variety of topics.

    This product is based on Node.js. For the PHP based product check this one.

    Features and Usages

    Combining AI avatars and ChatGPT for video interaction is incredibly resourceful and it allows you to define specific instructions so the avatar can intelligently capture visitor questions and give back highly accurate answers. This allows you to enormously extend the possibility of interaction with AI avatars.
    Using OpenAI API (ChatGPT) is not free and depends on your usage. More information about pricing, limitations and other FAQ topics can be found here.

    - Provide seamless voice interactions in real-time between users and digital avatars, providing immersive and interactive experiences;
    - Integrate the GPT model to enable dynamic and interactive conversations with smart avatars, enhancing user engagement and satisfaction;
    - Personal assistant for large e-commerce sites, give information about product recommendations and promotions;
    - First line support operator to provide initial contact with customers;
    - Healthcare operator who can check for doctor availability and schedule meetings;
    - City sightseeing guide with information about coming festivals, celebrations or events;
    - Travelling mate who can estimate your shortest route between two points;
    - Business assistant to remind you about upcoming meetings and schedules;
    - Airport information about arriving flights or helping you with booking tickets;
    - and many more …


    - Directly start the demo meeting with default avatar, backgound and voice. Please have in mind that avatar can speak English, French and German. For language specific avatars without accent choose from below;
    If you want to customize your avatar look&feel, spoken language and natural voice.
    - Login to the dashboard with username demo and password demo;
    - Go to Rooms -> Video AI Avatars;
    - Choose an avatar and background and start a meeting with it from Start AI Session button;
    Choose from these predefined avatars who understand and speak following languages without an accent: French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Hindi, Romanian, Vietnamese or Russian
    Test with these customized avatars:
    \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\

    Requirements and Installation

    - Node.js with version 16 at least;
    - PHP and MySQL;
    - API keys from HeyGen and OpenAI;
    Installation is straightforward and easy. Just copy files from videoai folder in the zip file to the folder you need on your server and run the install folder. Follow the instructions then login to your dash with admin/admin, activate your instance with your purchase code and you are done!

    Supported browsers and OS

    LiveSmart AI Video is supported on all major browsers:
    LiveSmart AI Video - Smart Video Avatars with ChatGPT | Node.js - 1


    LiveSmart AI Video can be integrated in any WordPress site with the included plugin extension. Installing the plugin will add the dashboard in WP admin panel and add possibility to add AI Avatar to any WP page with a shortcode.
    Demo WordPress Page

    Installation Guide, FAQ and Demos

    Requirements and installation guide
    Dashboard login, with demo/demo
    Live demo
    Documentation of the sample API calls
    Demo WordPress Page
    Copyright and terms of usage


    v1.0.5 - Jun 30, 2024
    - Avatar can be assigned to OpenAI assistant;
    - Added booking sample function and updated news demo;
    - UI and code optimizations;
    v1.0.2 - Jun 17, 2024
    - Added possibility for a single avatar to have many custom skills;
    - Updated sample functions to add background images;
    - UI and code optimizations;
    v1.0.1 - Jun 6, 2024
    - Initial release
    LiveSmart AI Video is a standalone web application which combines the amazing capabilities of OpenAI ChatGPT with a video avatar by your choice. Interact with one of the greatest AI generated video avatars having a meaningful conversation on a variety of topics.

    This product is based on Node.js. For the PHP based product check this one.

    Features and Usages

    Combining AI avatars and ChatGPT for video interaction is incredibly resourceful and it allows you to define specific instructions so the avatar can intelligently capture visitor questions and give back highly accurate answers. This allows you to enormously extend the possibility of interaction with AI avatars.
    Using OpenAI API (ChatGPT) is not free and depends on your usage. More information about pricing, limitations and other FAQ topics can be found here.

    - Provide seamless voice interactions in real-time between users and digital avatars, providing immersive and interactive experiences;
    - Integrate the GPT model to enable dynamic and interactive conversations with smart avatars, enhancing user engagement and satisfaction;
    - Personal assistant for large e-commerce sites, give information about product recommendations and promotions;
    - First line support operator to provide initial contact with customers;
    - Healthcare operator who can check for doctor availability and schedule meetings;
    - City sightseeing guide with information about coming festivals, celebrations or events;
    - Travelling mate who can estimate your shortest route between two points;
    - Business assistant to remind you about upcoming meetings and schedules;
    - Airport information about arriving flights or helping you with booking tickets;
    - and many more …


    - Directly start the demo meeting with default avatar, backgound and voice. Please have in mind that avatar can speak English, French and German. For language specific avatars without accent choose from below;
    If you want to customize your avatar look&feel, spoken language and natural voice.
    - Login to the dashboard with username demo and password demo;
    - Go to Rooms -> Video AI Avatars;
    - Choose an avatar and background and start a meeting with it from Start AI Session button;
    Choose from these predefined avatars who understand and speak following languages without an accent: French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Hindi, Romanian, Vietnamese or Russian
    Test with these customized avatars:
    \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\

    Requirements and Installation

    - Node.js with version 16 at least;
    - PHP and MySQL;
    - API keys from HeyGen and OpenAI;
    Installation is straightforward and easy. Just copy files from videoai folder in the zip file to the folder you need on your server and run the install folder. Follow the instructions then login to your dash with admin/admin, activate your instance with your purchase code and you are done!

    Supported browsers and OS

    LiveSmart AI Video is supported on all major browsers:
    LiveSmart AI Video - Smart Video Avatars with ChatGPT | Node.js - 1


    LiveSmart AI Video can be integrated in any WordPress site with the included plugin extension. Installing the plugin will add the dashboard in WP admin panel and add possibility to add AI Avatar to any WP page with a shortcode.
    Demo WordPress Page

    Installation Guide, FAQ and Demos

    Requirements and installation guide
    Dashboard login, with demo/demo
    Live demo
    Documentation of the sample API calls
    Demo WordPress Page
    Copyright and terms of usage


    v1.0.5 - Jun 30, 2024
    - Avatar can be assigned to OpenAI assistant;
    - Added booking sample function and updated news demo;
    - UI and code optimizations;
    v1.0.2 - Jun 17, 2024
    - Added possibility for a single avatar to have many custom skills;
    - Updated sample functions to add background images;
    - UI and code optimizations;
    v1.0.1 - Jun 6, 2024
    - Initial release
    Modern Video Reel Javascript 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/modern-video-reel-javascript/52356831 Modern Video Reel is a extremely attractive reel creator that supports video, audio and images in a vertical Reel style design.

    Create stunning multimedia reels easily, by linking your images and videos.

    Auto scroll functionality enables automatic advance through the reel.

    CSS Snap layout and custom swipe implementation enable both vertical and horizontal scrolling inside the reel.

    Lazy loading ensures fast page load and additional loading of new media inside the reels using scroll and other methods.

    Reel supports standard video, audio and images, plus Youtube and Vimeo sources (playlists, channel and other sources).

    Click image to view demo


    View plugin documentation



    This is javascript plugin for standalone website.

    Some videos in demo do not have sound

    Updates / Changelog

    VERSION 1.25 [26.06.2024]

     - [UPDATE] sharing improvements

    VERSION 1.2 [25.06.2024]

     - [UPDATE] preloader now visible in front of html video 
     - [ADD] option to specify videos in reel with object notation markup
     - [ADD] random sort order from folder playlist  

    VERSION 1.05 [28.05.2024]

     - [UPDATE] social sharing add email, sms
     - [UPDATE] option to convert description url to links 

    VERSION 1.0 [21.5.2024]

     - first release

    keywords: reel, video reel, wall, showreel, sizzle, demo reel, youtube, vimeo, scrolling video, vertical video

    Modern Video Reel is a extremely attractive reel creator that supports video, audio and images in a vertical Reel style design.

    Create stunning multimedia reels easily, by linking your images and videos.

    Auto scroll functionality enables automatic advance through the reel.

    CSS Snap layout and custom swipe implementation enable both vertical and horizontal scrolling inside the reel.

    Lazy loading ensures fast page load and additional loading of new media inside the reels using scroll and other methods.

    Reel supports standard video, audio and images, plus Youtube and Vimeo sources (playlists, channel and other sources).

    Click image to view demo


    View plugin documentation



    This is javascript plugin for standalone website.

    Some videos in demo do not have sound

    Updates / Changelog

    VERSION 1.25 [26.06.2024]

     - [UPDATE] sharing improvements

    VERSION 1.2 [25.06.2024]

     - [UPDATE] preloader now visible in front of html video 
     - [ADD] option to specify videos in reel with object notation markup
     - [ADD] random sort order from folder playlist  

    VERSION 1.05 [28.05.2024]

     - [UPDATE] social sharing add email, sms
     - [UPDATE] option to convert description url to links 

    VERSION 1.0 [21.5.2024]

     - first release

    keywords: reel, video reel, wall, showreel, sizzle, demo reel, youtube, vimeo, scrolling video, vertical video

    AMRO - Next.js, Tailwind CSS With DaisyUI, Admin Dashboard Template 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/amro-nextjs-tailwind-css-daisyui-admin-dashboard-template/52238483 Dashboard_Two

    A powerful admin dashboard template built with Tailwind CSS and Next.js 14

    AMRO – Next.js, Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboard Template – is the most developer-friendly & highly customizable Admin Dashboard Template based on Next.js 14, Tailwind CSS, and React. It comes with high feature-rich pages and components with fully developer-centric code. AMRO Admin Template is a clean and modern Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboard Template that comes with a variety of components, necessary elements, and pre-build pages.

    If you’re a developer and looking for an admin dashboard that is fully responsive with Tailwind CSS, React, and Next.js without jQuery then you are at the right place. It is a highly polished admin dashboard template that will help you get started with your next project. Offering ultimate convenience and flexibility, you will be able to build whatever application you want with very little hassle.

    Build premium quality applications with AMRO

    Use our admin dashboard template to create eye-catching, high-quality, and high-performing single-page applications. Your apps will be completely responsive, ensuring they look stunning and function perfectly on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.

    Incredible versatile, the AMRO Admin Template allows you to build any type of web application. For example, you can create:

    • Admin Dashboards
    • Web Applications
    • CRM Systems
    • Project Management Tools
    • Analytics Applications
    • Accounting Software
    • Customer Support Systems
    • & much more

    Why choose AMRO?

    AMRO is a powerful admin dashboard template that is built with Tailwind CSS and Next.js 14 and AMRO is a multi themes supported admin dashboard template. For multi theming, we used DaisyUI which is a component library for Tailwind CSS. DaisyUI adds a set of components to Tailwind CSS. It doesn’t add new classes but it adds new components that are built with Tailwind CSS.

    Also, All the DaisyUI components are fully responsive and mobile-first. DaisyUI adds a set of components to Tailwind CSS. It doesn’t add new classes but it adds new components that are built with Tailwind CSS. All the DaisyUI components are fully responsive and mobile-first. All the components are ready to use and easy to customize.

    Get started quickly

    AMRO is user-friendly and easy to use, making it fast and simple to get started. It also comes equipped with ready-to-go templates including three niche dashboards and carefully crafted pages. You can use these templates to kickstart your project and save time.

    Also, it’s well-documented and comes with a clean and well-commented codebase. This makes it easy to understand and customize. You can easily build on top of the existing code to create the perfect application for your needs. Making it even simpler for you to get started and continue using the Stater Kit.

    Make it your own

    AMRO offers easy and unlimited customization – including unlimited color options. You can easily change the color scheme of your app to match your brand. This allows you to create a unique and professional-looking application that stands out from the crowd.

    Make the most of our innovative features

    AMRO is packed with innovative features that help you create premium-quality applications. These features include:

    • Dark and Light Mode
    • Multi-Theming Supported
    • Three Niche Dashboards
    • Multiple Layouts
    • Multiple Color Options
    • Multiple Icon Packs
    • & Much more

    Enjoy hassle-free support

    We offer top-notch support to all our customers. If you have any questions or need help with anything, our team is here to help. We are committed to providing you with the best possible experience and ensuring you get the most out of our admin dashboard template.

    Get free lifetime updates

    When you purchase AMRO, you will receive free lifetime updates. This means you will always have access to the latest features and improvements. We are constantly working to improve our admin dashboard template and ensure you have the best possible experience.



    A powerful admin dashboard template built with Tailwind CSS and Next.js 14

    AMRO – Next.js, Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboard Template – is the most developer-friendly & highly customizable Admin Dashboard Template based on Next.js 14, Tailwind CSS, and React. It comes with high feature-rich pages and components with fully developer-centric code. AMRO Admin Template is a clean and modern Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboard Template that comes with a variety of components, necessary elements, and pre-build pages.

    If you’re a developer and looking for an admin dashboard that is fully responsive with Tailwind CSS, React, and Next.js without jQuery then you are at the right place. It is a highly polished admin dashboard template that will help you get started with your next project. Offering ultimate convenience and flexibility, you will be able to build whatever application you want with very little hassle.

    Build premium quality applications with AMRO

    Use our admin dashboard template to create eye-catching, high-quality, and high-performing single-page applications. Your apps will be completely responsive, ensuring they look stunning and function perfectly on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.

    Incredible versatile, the AMRO Admin Template allows you to build any type of web application. For example, you can create:

    • Admin Dashboards
    • Web Applications
    • CRM Systems
    • Project Management Tools
    • Analytics Applications
    • Accounting Software
    • Customer Support Systems
    • & much more

    Why choose AMRO?

    AMRO is a powerful admin dashboard template that is built with Tailwind CSS and Next.js 14 and AMRO is a multi themes supported admin dashboard template. For multi theming, we used DaisyUI which is a component library for Tailwind CSS. DaisyUI adds a set of components to Tailwind CSS. It doesn’t add new classes but it adds new components that are built with Tailwind CSS.

    Also, All the DaisyUI components are fully responsive and mobile-first. DaisyUI adds a set of components to Tailwind CSS. It doesn’t add new classes but it adds new components that are built with Tailwind CSS. All the DaisyUI components are fully responsive and mobile-first. All the components are ready to use and easy to customize.

    Get started quickly

    AMRO is user-friendly and easy to use, making it fast and simple to get started. It also comes equipped with ready-to-go templates including three niche dashboards and carefully crafted pages. You can use these templates to kickstart your project and save time.

    Also, it’s well-documented and comes with a clean and well-commented codebase. This makes it easy to understand and customize. You can easily build on top of the existing code to create the perfect application for your needs. Making it even simpler for you to get started and continue using the Stater Kit.

    Make it your own

    AMRO offers easy and unlimited customization – including unlimited color options. You can easily change the color scheme of your app to match your brand. This allows you to create a unique and professional-looking application that stands out from the crowd.

    Make the most of our innovative features

    AMRO is packed with innovative features that help you create premium-quality applications. These features include:

    • Dark and Light Mode
    • Multi-Theming Supported
    • Three Niche Dashboards
    • Multiple Layouts
    • Multiple Color Options
    • Multiple Icon Packs
    • & Much more

    Enjoy hassle-free support

    We offer top-notch support to all our customers. If you have any questions or need help with anything, our team is here to help. We are committed to providing you with the best possible experience and ensuring you get the most out of our admin dashboard template.

    Get free lifetime updates

    When you purchase AMRO, you will receive free lifetime updates. This means you will always have access to the latest features and improvements. We are constantly working to improve our admin dashboard template and ensure you have the best possible experience.


    Ultimate SaaS Agency Website Builder, All in on CRM Tool (Project Management) 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/ultimate-saas-agency-website-builder-all-crm-tool-project-ma/52028280 \\







    <video controls=”controls” width=”548” height=”274”> <source src=”” type=”video/mp4” /></video>








    <video controls=”controls” width=”548” height=”274”> <source src=”” type=”video/mp4” /></video>

    CrypVen - Crypto vendor platform 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/crypven-crypto-vendor-platform/51828861 Price Disclaimer: The current item price is $9 and will only last for 72hrs. Price will go back to it’s original price which is $55 soon.

    Disclaimer: Crypven uses MongoDB for data storage. You can create a free account with MogoDB Altlas to use it’s cloud storage. No coding knowledge required. We provided an offline documentation to help you get started.

    Generally to run this project you will need to have:

    1. Free mongoDB account: For data storage
    2. Free Cloudinary account: For image upload

    Links for each resources will be provided in the documentation

    Installation Disclaimer: We provide installation service for this script, this means you do not have to worry about the above installation process. No code knowledge is required

    About CRYPVEN

    Crypven is a cutting-edge solution developed to address the challenges faced by local crypto vendors when buying cryptocurrencies from their customers. Our platform offers a centralized system where users can register, initiate transactions, and receive payments efficiently in their bank account. All process happens manually, this gives the admin total controll of every step.

    Demo Access

    Visit the Investinnova demo website: CRYPVEN Demo

    Email: [email protected]

    Password: 123456

    Note: This is the admin login, as an admin you can switch between a normal user and an admin

    Getting Started

    1. Create an Account:
      • Navigate to the website and sign up for a new account.
      • Complete the registration process by providing the necessary information.
    2. Explore User Interface:
      • After logging in, explore the user-friendly interface designed to provide an intuitive experience.
    3. Switch to Admin Mode:
      • As an admin, you have the ability to switch between normal user mode and admin mode.
      • Locate the switch button at the /user/profile to toggle between user and admin modes.

    System Requirements

    You can run this script on any server like Linux, Windows or Uinix Server. But you need to meet some server requirements for installing and running this script.

    This System built with express 4.18.2, that’s why you must meet the following server requirements:

    • NodeJs
    • NPM (Node Package Manager)

    Core Features

    • Streamlined Crypto Sales
    • Referral system
    • Multiple currency
    • Full admin Dashboard
    • Fast Payments(Send payment directly to user bank)
    • Secure Transaction Handling
    • Real-time Updates
    • User-friendly Interface
    • Privacy Protection


    • Support Will not cover any types of customization.
    • If you need any customization then extra cost will be charged.
    • Support Will not cover installation service
    • If you need any help with the installation, then extra cost will be charged.

    For self installation and a detailed instructions, refer to the comprehensive offline documentation provided after purchase.

    Price Disclaimer: The current item price is $9 and will only last for 72hrs. Price will go back to it’s original price which is $55 soon.

    Disclaimer: Crypven uses MongoDB for data storage. You can create a free account with MogoDB Altlas to use it’s cloud storage. No coding knowledge required. We provided an offline documentation to help you get started.

    Generally to run this project you will need to have:

    1. Free mongoDB account: For data storage
    2. Free Cloudinary account: For image upload

    Links for each resources will be provided in the documentation

    Installation Disclaimer: We provide installation service for this script, this means you do not have to worry about the above installation process. No code knowledge is required

    About CRYPVEN

    Crypven is a cutting-edge solution developed to address the challenges faced by local crypto vendors when buying cryptocurrencies from their customers. Our platform offers a centralized system where users can register, initiate transactions, and receive payments efficiently in their bank account. All process happens manually, this gives the admin total controll of every step.

    Demo Access

    Visit the Investinnova demo website: CRYPVEN Demo

    Email: [email protected]

    Password: 123456

    Note: This is the admin login, as an admin you can switch between a normal user and an admin

    Getting Started

    1. Create an Account:
      • Navigate to the website and sign up for a new account.
      • Complete the registration process by providing the necessary information.
    2. Explore User Interface:
      • After logging in, explore the user-friendly interface designed to provide an intuitive experience.
    3. Switch to Admin Mode:
      • As an admin, you have the ability to switch between normal user mode and admin mode.
      • Locate the switch button at the /user/profile to toggle between user and admin modes.

    System Requirements

    You can run this script on any server like Linux, Windows or Uinix Server. But you need to meet some server requirements for installing and running this script.

    This System built with express 4.18.2, that’s why you must meet the following server requirements:

    • NodeJs
    • NPM (Node Package Manager)

    Core Features

    • Streamlined Crypto Sales
    • Referral system
    • Multiple currency
    • Full admin Dashboard
    • Fast Payments(Send payment directly to user bank)
    • Secure Transaction Handling
    • Real-time Updates
    • User-friendly Interface
    • Privacy Protection


    • Support Will not cover any types of customization.
    • If you need any customization then extra cost will be charged.
    • Support Will not cover installation service
    • If you need any help with the installation, then extra cost will be charged.

    For self installation and a detailed instructions, refer to the comprehensive offline documentation provided after purchase.

    Full SaaS AI-Powered Application: Invoice, Billing & Expense, Live Chat, Vendor, Payroll, Documents 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/full-saas-ai-powered-application-invoice-billing-expense-liv/51824853

    Super Admin Credentials

    Username: [email protected]
    Password: 1234

    HR Manager Credentials

    [email protected]

    Accountant Credentials

    [email protected]

    The AI-Driven Business Management Suite revolutionizes business operations with its advanced AI technology, providing a centralized solution for tasks like invoices, expenses, documents, assets, clients, vendors, and payroll. Its AI integration offers actionable insights into expenditure patterns, client behavior, asset performance, and more, enabling informed decision-making and resource optimization. This suite empowers businesses to stay ahead in today’s competitive market by efficiently managing operations while leveraging strategic insights.

    Full SaaS AI-Powered Application: Invoice, Billing & Expense, Live Chat, Vendor, Payroll, Documents - 2
    Full SaaS AI-Powered Application: Invoice, Billing & Expense, Live Chat, Vendor, Payroll, Documents - 3
    Full SaaS AI-Powered Application: Invoice, Billing & Expense, Live Chat, Vendor, Payroll, Documents - 4
    Full SaaS AI-Powered Application: Invoice, Billing & Expense, Live Chat, Vendor, Payroll, Documents - 5
    Full SaaS AI-Powered Application: Invoice, Billing & Expense, Live Chat, Vendor, Payroll, Documents - 6
    Full SaaS AI-Powered Application: Invoice, Billing & Expense, Live Chat, Vendor, Payroll, Documents - 7
    Full SaaS AI-Powered Application: Invoice, Billing & Expense, Live Chat, Vendor, Payroll, Documents - 8
    Full SaaS AI-Powered Application: Invoice, Billing & Expense, Live Chat, Vendor, Payroll, Documents - 9

    Main Features:

    1- AI-Powered Modules
    2- Invoice Management
    3- Client Management
    4- Expense Management
    5- User Roles & Permissions
    6- Vendors Management
    7- Document Management
    8- Assets Management
    9- Direct sending of invoice emails to clients from the system
    10- Direct sending of payroll emails from the system
    12- PDF Download with Company Watermark
    12- AI Live Chat
    13- Node.js Express for API


    1- Angular
    2- Node.js
    3- MySQL
    4- Node Express for API


    Support for this item is provided through our Support Forum. Our dedicated developers are available to resolve your queries on an urgent basis and are also available for hire for customizations.

    Full SaaS AI-Powered Application: Invoice, Billing & Expense, Live Chat, Vendor, Payroll, Documents - 10

    Super Admin Credentials

    Username: [email protected]
    Password: 1234

    HR Manager Credentials

    [email protected]

    Accountant Credentials

    [email protected]

    The AI-Driven Business Management Suite revolutionizes business operations with its advanced AI technology, providing a centralized solution for tasks like invoices, expenses, documents, assets, clients, vendors, and payroll. Its AI integration offers actionable insights into expenditure patterns, client behavior, asset performance, and more, enabling informed decision-making and resource optimization. This suite empowers businesses to stay ahead in today’s competitive market by efficiently managing operations while leveraging strategic insights.

    Full SaaS AI-Powered Application: Invoice, Billing & Expense, Live Chat, Vendor, Payroll, Documents - 2
    Full SaaS AI-Powered Application: Invoice, Billing & Expense, Live Chat, Vendor, Payroll, Documents - 3
    Full SaaS AI-Powered Application: Invoice, Billing & Expense, Live Chat, Vendor, Payroll, Documents - 4
    Full SaaS AI-Powered Application: Invoice, Billing & Expense, Live Chat, Vendor, Payroll, Documents - 5
    Full SaaS AI-Powered Application: Invoice, Billing & Expense, Live Chat, Vendor, Payroll, Documents - 6
    Full SaaS AI-Powered Application: Invoice, Billing & Expense, Live Chat, Vendor, Payroll, Documents - 7
    Full SaaS AI-Powered Application: Invoice, Billing & Expense, Live Chat, Vendor, Payroll, Documents - 8
    Full SaaS AI-Powered Application: Invoice, Billing & Expense, Live Chat, Vendor, Payroll, Documents - 9

    Main Features:

    1- AI-Powered Modules
    2- Invoice Management
    3- Client Management
    4- Expense Management
    5- User Roles & Permissions
    6- Vendors Management
    7- Document Management
    8- Assets Management
    9- Direct sending of invoice emails to clients from the system
    10- Direct sending of payroll emails from the system
    12- PDF Download with Company Watermark
    12- AI Live Chat
    13- Node.js Express for API


    1- Angular
    2- Node.js
    3- MySQL
    4- Node Express for API


    Support for this item is provided through our Support Forum. Our dedicated developers are available to resolve your queries on an urgent basis and are also available for hire for customizations.

    Full SaaS AI-Powered Application: Invoice, Billing & Expense, Live Chat, Vendor, Payroll, Documents - 10
    RestroPRO - POS software for Restaurant, Cafe, Hotel, Food Truck 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/restropro-pos-software-restaurant-cafe-hotel-food-truck/51779937 RestroPRO - POS software for Restaurant, Cafe, Hotel, Food Truck - 1

    Imagine a restaurant management system that simplifies your daily operations, empowers your staff, and elevates your customer service. That’s exactly what our RestroPRO POS system delivers.

    From streamlining orders and reservations to managing customers and tracking key metrics, this intuitive software is your one-stop shop for success. And the best part? It’s a PWA, so you can install it as an App on any device, Android, iPhone, iPad or Desktop, for ultimate convenience!

    Watch Video: image

    image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image



    - QR/Digital Menu Added
    - Upload Menu Items Photo
    - Reports: View Top Selling Items


    - Product Launch

    [RestroPRO, POS, Point-of-Sale, Restaurant POS app, POS for Restaurant, QR Menu, Digital Menu, Restaurant QR Menu]

    RestroPRO - POS software for Restaurant, Cafe, Hotel, Food Truck - 1

    Imagine a restaurant management system that simplifies your daily operations, empowers your staff, and elevates your customer service. That’s exactly what our RestroPRO POS system delivers.

    From streamlining orders and reservations to managing customers and tracking key metrics, this intuitive software is your one-stop shop for success. And the best part? It’s a PWA, so you can install it as an App on any device, Android, iPhone, iPad or Desktop, for ultimate convenience!

    Watch Video: image

    image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image



    - QR/Digital Menu Added
    - Upload Menu Items Photo
    - Reports: View Top Selling Items


    - Product Launch

    [RestroPRO, POS, Point-of-Sale, Restaurant POS app, POS for Restaurant, QR Menu, Digital Menu, Restaurant QR Menu]

    FinTrack - Manage your money in professional way 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/fintrack-manage-your-money-professional-way/51779309 FinTrack: Your Financial Management Partner

    FinTrack is a web-based application designed to empower you to take control of your finances.

    Built with cutting-edge technologies, FinTrack offers a comprehensive set of features to help you track your income, expenses, investments, and overall financial health.

    Preview Link:



    Tech Stack:

    FinTrack leverages a robust tech stack to deliver a secure and performant user experience. Here are some key technologies powering the app:

    • Frontend: React, Next.js, Tailwind CSS
    • Data Management: Prisma, Zod
    • User Interface: Radix UI, Lucide React
    • Authentication: NextAuth.js
    • Data Visualization: Nivo


    FinTrack boasts a range of features to simplify your financial management:

    • Secure Login & Signup (Authentication)
    • Add, Update & Delete Transactions (Transaction Management)
    • Filter Transactions by Category (Organization)
    • Analytics Dashboard for Financial Overview:
      • Total Transactions Count
      • Income vs Expense & Investment Pie Chart
    • Quick Access to Latest Transactions (Recent Transactions)

    FinTrack is your one-stop solution for achieving financial clarity and making informed decisions about your money.

    FinTrack: Your Financial Management Partner

    FinTrack is a web-based application designed to empower you to take control of your finances.

    Built with cutting-edge technologies, FinTrack offers a comprehensive set of features to help you track your income, expenses, investments, and overall financial health.

    Preview Link:



    Tech Stack:

    FinTrack leverages a robust tech stack to deliver a secure and performant user experience. Here are some key technologies powering the app:

    • Frontend: React, Next.js, Tailwind CSS
    • Data Management: Prisma, Zod
    • User Interface: Radix UI, Lucide React
    • Authentication: NextAuth.js
    • Data Visualization: Nivo


    FinTrack boasts a range of features to simplify your financial management:

    • Secure Login & Signup (Authentication)
    • Add, Update & Delete Transactions (Transaction Management)
    • Filter Transactions by Category (Organization)
    • Analytics Dashboard for Financial Overview:
      • Total Transactions Count
      • Income vs Expense & Investment Pie Chart
    • Quick Access to Latest Transactions (Recent Transactions)

    FinTrack is your one-stop solution for achieving financial clarity and making informed decisions about your money.

    AlianHub - Project Management System 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/alianhub-project-management-system/51373823 Alian Hub is an ultimate tool comprised of CRM, CMS, project management, HR management, Time management, Sales & Resource Management, and Finance & Account Management. Buy Alian Hub and manage all your business operations anytime from anywhere

    Experience the ease of having everything in one place. Boost productivity, enhance collaboration, and simplify your operations with our comprehensive platform.

    Ready to revolutionize how you work? Discover the power of consolidation with our all-in-one solution.


    A comprehensive project management solution to handle mundane tasks seamlessly with no effort. Complete workplace management that includes HR management, work tracking, supply, real-time chat, and cost management. Lead multiple teams to accomplish various goals. Increase team productivity and security with your own database.

    Regular License(Non-SaaS) Demo.

    Check Demo

    Extended License(SaaS) Demo

    Saas Version Ask For Support

    Integrated External Services

    1. MongoDB Atlas – for database management, authentication, and Realm services
    2. Wasabi – for external storage
    3. Chargebee or Paddle – Payment gateway (only available in Extended License/SaaS)
    4. Firebase – for notifications
    5. SMTP – for email sending
    YOutube Videos Time Tracker

    Comming Soon Best Selling 2024 100+ Feature Comming Soon

    AlianHub Details Built For Everyone AlianHub Details AlianHub AlianHub Time Tracking Fast Search AlianHub Report AlianHub Security and Permission Key Feature technologystack ChargebeePayment gateway Paddle Payment gateway onetimerecurring trustedhappycustomer




    Custom Work

    Alian Hub’s Features for Smooth Project Management

    • Create companies and add multiple employees.
    • User allowance with custom roles, and read and write permissions
    • Create projects, create tasks, assign members, and monitor progress, calculate costs, check timelogs, release milestones, etc.
    • Agile project management with Board view
    • Monitoring of every action done by the users like keyboard and mouse click counts
    • Pre-built project management templates for marketing, IT, etc.
    • Handle sales, invoices, and deliver projects
    • Drag-and-drop feature for changing task status
    • Prioritize workload based on project size, time, and urgency
    • In-built real-time chat and channels for broadcasting messages, sharing files, voice notes, etc.
    • Advanced Time Tracker to track the work done in the projects
    • Project, Workload, and Timesheet reports to monitor the progress of projects
    • Custom Fields to categorize and manage tasks quickly
    • Advanced search feature to find tasks quickly
    • Schedule management with Google Calendar integration

    *Cost of all external services should be bear by customers

    thank you

    What you get in package

    • Source Code in Vuejs and Nodejs
    • Project Documentation


    v9.0.2 (12-Jun-2024)
    New Features
    - Integrated Firebase FCM with Firebase SDK due to FCM key deprecation.
    - Integrated Paddle Payment Gateway.
    - Fetched thumbnails of images for optimization.
    - Added an advanced search option to the header.
    Bug Fixing
    - Fixed estimated time edge cases.
    - Security permissions are now based on user plans. 
    v8.36.0 (21-May-2024)
    - Bug Fixes
    - Improve Installation Process
    v8.0.0 (3-April-2024)
    - Initial Product Release
    Facebook Twitter
    Linkedin Support
    Alian Hub is an ultimate tool comprised of CRM, CMS, project management, HR management, Time management, Sales & Resource Management, and Finance & Account Management. Buy Alian Hub and manage all your business operations anytime from anywhere

    Experience the ease of having everything in one place. Boost productivity, enhance collaboration, and simplify your operations with our comprehensive platform.

    Ready to revolutionize how you work? Discover the power of consolidation with our all-in-one solution.


    A comprehensive project management solution to handle mundane tasks seamlessly with no effort. Complete workplace management that includes HR management, work tracking, supply, real-time chat, and cost management. Lead multiple teams to accomplish various goals. Increase team productivity and security with your own database.

    Regular License(Non-SaaS) Demo.

    Check Demo

    Extended License(SaaS) Demo

    Saas Version Ask For Support

    Integrated External Services

    1. MongoDB Atlas – for database management, authentication, and Realm services
    2. Wasabi – for external storage
    3. Chargebee or Paddle – Payment gateway (only available in Extended License/SaaS)
    4. Firebase – for notifications
    5. SMTP – for email sending
    YOutube Videos Time Tracker

    Comming Soon Best Selling 2024 100+ Feature Comming Soon

    AlianHub Details Built For Everyone AlianHub Details AlianHub AlianHub Time Tracking Fast Search AlianHub Report AlianHub Security and Permission Key Feature technologystack ChargebeePayment gateway Paddle Payment gateway onetimerecurring trustedhappycustomer




    Custom Work

    Alian Hub’s Features for Smooth Project Management

    • Create companies and add multiple employees.
    • User allowance with custom roles, and read and write permissions
    • Create projects, create tasks, assign members, and monitor progress, calculate costs, check timelogs, release milestones, etc.
    • Agile project management with Board view
    • Monitoring of every action done by the users like keyboard and mouse click counts
    • Pre-built project management templates for marketing, IT, etc.
    • Handle sales, invoices, and deliver projects
    • Drag-and-drop feature for changing task status
    • Prioritize workload based on project size, time, and urgency
    • In-built real-time chat and channels for broadcasting messages, sharing files, voice notes, etc.
    • Advanced Time Tracker to track the work done in the projects
    • Project, Workload, and Timesheet reports to monitor the progress of projects
    • Custom Fields to categorize and manage tasks quickly
    • Advanced search feature to find tasks quickly
    • Schedule management with Google Calendar integration

    *Cost of all external services should be bear by customers

    thank you

    What you get in package

    • Source Code in Vuejs and Nodejs
    • Project Documentation


    v9.0.2 (12-Jun-2024)
    New Features
    - Integrated Firebase FCM with Firebase SDK due to FCM key deprecation.
    - Integrated Paddle Payment Gateway.
    - Fetched thumbnails of images for optimization.
    - Added an advanced search option to the header.
    Bug Fixing
    - Fixed estimated time edge cases.
    - Security permissions are now based on user plans. 
    v8.36.0 (21-May-2024)
    - Bug Fixes
    - Improve Installation Process
    v8.0.0 (3-April-2024)
    - Initial Product Release
    Facebook Twitter
    Linkedin Support
    Ai Course Generator - Text To Course SaaS Ai Chat Ai Video & Image Content Earn Gemini React Admin 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/ai-course-generator-text-course-saas-ai-chat-ai-video-image/51342965 media&token=0c1341bc-3f4e-4b4b-b583-d847f06abd02\

    About SaaS

    Ai Text To Course Generator using Google Gemini. Users input a topic, optionally with subtopics, and the web app generates a structured list of topics and subtopics based on the input. Then web app generates a Ai course covering all the topics and subtopics. The generated courses will be offered in two formats: a theory plus image course and a theory plus video course. This web app will be a Software as a Service (SaaS) product, where generating theory plus video courses will be a paid feature, while theory plus image courses will be available for free. Paid users will also have the flexibility to select the number of topics they wish to include in their course. This web app is educational content creation, providing users with tailored courses at their convenience. For more info about the app scroll down.





      Test Payment Details

    • Paypal :- Email :- [email protected]
      Password :- ]?*L-Jl7
    • Razorpay UPI :- success@razorpay
      Card :- Details
    • Paystack :- Click on any method
    • Stripe :- Card : 4000003560000123 Country :India (My Stripe Has Not Approved So Select Country As India)


    Support & Customisation

  • Email: [email protected]
  • WhatsApp: +91 9372592711

  • media&token=b40b9d41-e952-4d6a-ac4e-7b7db8a3232c\


  • Landing Page: SaaS like landing lage showing features, pricing & testimonial.
  • Authentication: Added ability to login & register via email
  • Welcome Email: Welcome Email to new users.
  • Forgot password: Added ability for users to recover their account via email address.
  • Home: Added ability to see all ai created courses.
  • Night mode : Added ability to enable / disable night mode.
  • Create Course: Added ability to create course by entering course title, sub topics (Optional), selecting No. of topics to generate & selecting type of course (Image or Video) as input.
  • Generated Topics: Ai will generate a list of topics and sub topics based on input.
  • Video & Theory Course: Course type containing Video & Theory which will be ai generated.
  • Image & Theory Course: Course type containing Image & Theory which will be ai generated.
  • Chat Bot: Ai Chat Bot to clear doubts during course.
  • Profile: Added ability for users to manage their profile.
  • Certificate: Added ability for users earn course completion certificate and download it anytime.
  • Certificate Email: Added ability for users to receive completion certificate on mail.
  • Manage Subscription: Added ability for users manage their subscription Plan.
  • Pricing: Added ability for users to select from 3 different types of pricing plan (Free, Monthly, Yearly).
  • PayPal Method: Added ability for users to buy subscription plan using paypal payment method.
  • Stripe Method: Added ability for users to buy subscription plan using stripe payment method.
  • Paystack Method: Added ability for users to buy subscription plan using paystack payment method.
  • Razorpay Method: Added ability for users to buy subscription plan using razorpay payment method.
  • Payment Details: Added ability for users to enter their payment details.
  • Subscription Email: Added ability for users to Receive subscription email with payment receipt.
  • Payment Receipt: Added ability for users to download payment receipt at anytime.
  • Cancel Subscription: Added ability for users to cancel subscription plan at anytime.
  • Cancel Subscription Email: Added ability for users to Receive Cancel subscription email.
  • Modify Subscription: Added ability for users to Modify subscription plan at anytime.
  • Modify Subscription Email: Added ability for users to Receive Modify subscription email.
  • Recurring Payment: Added ability for subscription plan to automatically pay for subscription in recursive way.
  • Recurring Payment Email: Added ability for users to Receive Recurring Payment email.
  • Features Page: Added ability for users to see all features of SaaS web app.
  • About Page: Added ability for users to see About page of SaaS web app.
  • Contact Page: Added ability for users to Contact for support.
  • Terms Page: Added ability for users to see Terms page.
  • Privacy Page: Added ability for users to see Privacy page.
  • Cancellation Page: Added ability for users to see Cancellation page.
  • Refund Page: Added ability for users to see Refund page.
  • Billing & Subscription Page: Added ability for users to see Billing & Subscription page.
  • Logout: Added ability for users to Logout.
  • Responsive: Added ability for users to use web app in mobile or on any screen.

  • Admin panel Features

  • Dashboard: Added ability for admin to keep the track of number of users, courses, Recurring Revenue, Total Revenue, Paid/Free Users & Video/Image Course.
  • Users: Added ability for admin to all registered users.
  • Courses: Added ability for admin to all courses.
  • Paid Users: Added ability for admin to all Paid users.
  • Admin: Added ability for admin to all Admin users.
  • Contacts: Added ability for admin to see all contact messages.
  • Terms Page: Added ability for admin to edit Terms page.
  • Privacy Page: Added ability for admin to edit Privacy page.
  • Cancellation Page: Added ability for admin to edit Cancellation page.
  • Refund Page: Added ability for admin to edit Refund page.
  • Billing & Subscription Page: Added ability for admin to edit Billing & Subscription page.

  • Requirement

  • VS Code – Free
  • Node JS – Free
  • GIT – Free
  • MongoDB – Free
  • Gemini API – Free
  • Github – Free
  • Unsplash – Free
  • PayPal – Free
  • Razorpay – Free
  • – Free
  • Firebase Hosting (Optional) – Free
  • Any Other Web Hosting (Optional) – Paid

  • Updates

    Version: 2.0

  • [ADDED] Ai Chat Bot During Course
  • [ADDED] Stripe Payment Method
  • [ADDED] Paystack Payment Method
  • [FIXED] Fixed Reported Bugs

  • Version: 1.0

  • Initial release
  • ]]>

    About SaaS

    Ai Text To Course Generator using Google Gemini. Users input a topic, optionally with subtopics, and the web app generates a structured list of topics and subtopics based on the input. Then web app generates a Ai course covering all the topics and subtopics. The generated courses will be offered in two formats: a theory plus image course and a theory plus video course. This web app will be a Software as a Service (SaaS) product, where generating theory plus video courses will be a paid feature, while theory plus image courses will be available for free. Paid users will also have the flexibility to select the number of topics they wish to include in their course. This web app is educational content creation, providing users with tailored courses at their convenience. For more info about the app scroll down.





      Test Payment Details

    • Paypal :- Email :- [email protected]
      Password :- ]?*L-Jl7
    • Razorpay UPI :- success@razorpay
      Card :- Details
    • Paystack :- Click on any method
    • Stripe :- Card : 4000003560000123 Country :India (My Stripe Has Not Approved So Select Country As India)


    Support & Customisation

  • Email: [email protected]
  • WhatsApp: +91 9372592711

  • media&token=b40b9d41-e952-4d6a-ac4e-7b7db8a3232c\


  • Landing Page: SaaS like landing lage showing features, pricing & testimonial.
  • Authentication: Added ability to login & register via email
  • Welcome Email: Welcome Email to new users.
  • Forgot password: Added ability for users to recover their account via email address.
  • Home: Added ability to see all ai created courses.
  • Night mode : Added ability to enable / disable night mode.
  • Create Course: Added ability to create course by entering course title, sub topics (Optional), selecting No. of topics to generate & selecting type of course (Image or Video) as input.
  • Generated Topics: Ai will generate a list of topics and sub topics based on input.
  • Video & Theory Course: Course type containing Video & Theory which will be ai generated.
  • Image & Theory Course: Course type containing Image & Theory which will be ai generated.
  • Chat Bot: Ai Chat Bot to clear doubts during course.
  • Profile: Added ability for users to manage their profile.
  • Certificate: Added ability for users earn course completion certificate and download it anytime.
  • Certificate Email: Added ability for users to receive completion certificate on mail.
  • Manage Subscription: Added ability for users manage their subscription Plan.
  • Pricing: Added ability for users to select from 3 different types of pricing plan (Free, Monthly, Yearly).
  • PayPal Method: Added ability for users to buy subscription plan using paypal payment method.
  • Stripe Method: Added ability for users to buy subscription plan using stripe payment method.
  • Paystack Method: Added ability for users to buy subscription plan using paystack payment method.
  • Razorpay Method: Added ability for users to buy subscription plan using razorpay payment method.
  • Payment Details: Added ability for users to enter their payment details.
  • Subscription Email: Added ability for users to Receive subscription email with payment receipt.
  • Payment Receipt: Added ability for users to download payment receipt at anytime.
  • Cancel Subscription: Added ability for users to cancel subscription plan at anytime.
  • Cancel Subscription Email: Added ability for users to Receive Cancel subscription email.
  • Modify Subscription: Added ability for users to Modify subscription plan at anytime.
  • Modify Subscription Email: Added ability for users to Receive Modify subscription email.
  • Recurring Payment: Added ability for subscription plan to automatically pay for subscription in recursive way.
  • Recurring Payment Email: Added ability for users to Receive Recurring Payment email.
  • Features Page: Added ability for users to see all features of SaaS web app.
  • About Page: Added ability for users to see About page of SaaS web app.
  • Contact Page: Added ability for users to Contact for support.
  • Terms Page: Added ability for users to see Terms page.
  • Privacy Page: Added ability for users to see Privacy page.
  • Cancellation Page: Added ability for users to see Cancellation page.
  • Refund Page: Added ability for users to see Refund page.
  • Billing & Subscription Page: Added ability for users to see Billing & Subscription page.
  • Logout: Added ability for users to Logout.
  • Responsive: Added ability for users to use web app in mobile or on any screen.

  • Admin panel Features

  • Dashboard: Added ability for admin to keep the track of number of users, courses, Recurring Revenue, Total Revenue, Paid/Free Users & Video/Image Course.
  • Users: Added ability for admin to all registered users.
  • Courses: Added ability for admin to all courses.
  • Paid Users: Added ability for admin to all Paid users.
  • Admin: Added ability for admin to all Admin users.
  • Contacts: Added ability for admin to see all contact messages.
  • Terms Page: Added ability for admin to edit Terms page.
  • Privacy Page: Added ability for admin to edit Privacy page.
  • Cancellation Page: Added ability for admin to edit Cancellation page.
  • Refund Page: Added ability for admin to edit Refund page.
  • Billing & Subscription Page: Added ability for admin to edit Billing & Subscription page.

  • Requirement

  • VS Code – Free
  • Node JS – Free
  • GIT – Free
  • MongoDB – Free
  • Gemini API – Free
  • Github – Free
  • Unsplash – Free
  • PayPal – Free
  • Razorpay – Free
  • – Free
  • Firebase Hosting (Optional) – Free
  • Any Other Web Hosting (Optional) – Paid

  • Updates

    Version: 2.0

  • [ADDED] Ai Chat Bot During Course
  • [ADDED] Stripe Payment Method
  • [ADDED] Paystack Payment Method
  • [FIXED] Fixed Reported Bugs

  • Version: 1.0

  • Initial release
  • ]]>
    React United States SVG Map 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/react-united-states-svg-map/51332281 The React United States SVG Map component is a powerful tool for creating interactive and visually stunning maps of the United States within React applications. Developed with TypeScript, it offers seamless integration for both TypeScript and plain JavaScript React projects. The component utilizes SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) technology, providing high-quality, scalable maps that adapt to various screen sizes.


    Responsive Design: The component is designed to seamlessly fit into its parent container, ensuring a consistent user experience across different devices and screen sizes.

    Customizable Colors: Users have the flexibility to customize all colors used in the map, allowing for easy adaptation to match the styling of any application.

    Interactive Features: Built-in callbacks enable the creation of powerful interactions, such as handling mouse events on specific regions of the map. This feature opens up possibilities for creating dynamic user experiences based on user interactions.

    Custom Tooltip Content: Developers can customize tooltip content to display additional information when users hover over specific regions of the map. This feature enhances user engagement by providing context-sensitive information.

    Custom SVG Markers: The component supports the addition of custom SVG markers, including images, to further enhance the visualization of data or points of interest on the map.

    Marker Coordinate Tool: An included tool simplifies the process of determining marker coordinates on the map, streamlining the development workflow.

    IntelliSense Support: Developers using TypeScript benefit from IntelliSense, which provides intelligent code completion when passing props, enhancing productivity and reducing development time.

    Compatibility: The component is rigorously tested with React 18 and Next.js 14.

    Documented: Your download includes the preview files which is a Next.js project, including examples and full documentation.

    The React United States SVG Map component is a powerful tool for creating interactive and visually stunning maps of the United States within React applications. Developed with TypeScript, it offers seamless integration for both TypeScript and plain JavaScript React projects. The component utilizes SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) technology, providing high-quality, scalable maps that adapt to various screen sizes.


    Responsive Design: The component is designed to seamlessly fit into its parent container, ensuring a consistent user experience across different devices and screen sizes.

    Customizable Colors: Users have the flexibility to customize all colors used in the map, allowing for easy adaptation to match the styling of any application.

    Interactive Features: Built-in callbacks enable the creation of powerful interactions, such as handling mouse events on specific regions of the map. This feature opens up possibilities for creating dynamic user experiences based on user interactions.

    Custom Tooltip Content: Developers can customize tooltip content to display additional information when users hover over specific regions of the map. This feature enhances user engagement by providing context-sensitive information.

    Custom SVG Markers: The component supports the addition of custom SVG markers, including images, to further enhance the visualization of data or points of interest on the map.

    Marker Coordinate Tool: An included tool simplifies the process of determining marker coordinates on the map, streamlining the development workflow.

    IntelliSense Support: Developers using TypeScript benefit from IntelliSense, which provides intelligent code completion when passing props, enhancing productivity and reducing development time.

    Compatibility: The component is rigorously tested with React 18 and Next.js 14.

    Documented: Your download includes the preview files which is a Next.js project, including examples and full documentation.

    Firebase Auth App: Forms, Hooks, Google Sign-In 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/firebase-auth-app-forms-hooks-google-sign/51319762 The five form options in the authentication application are sign up, sign in, reset password, forget password, and email verification. It uses Firebase for authentication services. For user convenience, “Sign in with Google” authentication is also available. The application uses custom hooks to handle form state and authentication more effectively.

    It offers an env.template file for environment variable management, where private data, like Firebase configuration or API keys, can be safely kept. Vite is used in the application’s construction to speed up configuration and development.

    React Hook Form is used to provide form validation, which effectively validates each form field and guarantees data integrity and accurate user input. The application also has a modal component that shows responses for successful or unsuccessful tasks, offering a smooth user interface and unambiguous feedback.

    There’s a total of 5 different variants layout you can use

    The five form options in the authentication application are sign up, sign in, reset password, forget password, and email verification. It uses Firebase for authentication services. For user convenience, “Sign in with Google” authentication is also available. The application uses custom hooks to handle form state and authentication more effectively.

    It offers an env.template file for environment variable management, where private data, like Firebase configuration or API keys, can be safely kept. Vite is used in the application’s construction to speed up configuration and development.

    React Hook Form is used to provide form validation, which effectively validates each form field and guarantees data integrity and accurate user input. The application also has a modal component that shows responses for successful or unsuccessful tasks, offering a smooth user interface and unambiguous feedback.

    There’s a total of 5 different variants layout you can use

    Quiz - Web Game | React 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/quiz-web-game-react/51284114 ABOUT

    Quiz is a great way to spend time in a fun and useful way.
    The game will help you expand your horizons, train your memory and logical thinking.

    What makes the game interesting:

    • Variety of Topics: The game covers a wide range of topics, from history and science to art and pop culture.
    • Challenging Questions: Questions are designed to challenge even the most skilled players.


    • Questions load from (4000+ questions)
    • Multiple quiz categories
    • Check your answers with answer analysis option
    • Light and Dark themes
    • Mouse and Touch Controls
    • Fully resizable product
    • Save progress in browser memory (local storage)
    • Place to add Privacy Policy / Terms & Conditions



    • Source code (tsx, ts, json, sass)
    • HTML5 Folder (html, js, css)
    • Documentation (help file)


    • Shared hosting (not VPS)
    • Domain or subdomain


    This can be found in the README.html file inside the project.


    Before or after purchase if you need support ask in comment or goto item support page :)


    Quiz is a great way to spend time in a fun and useful way.
    The game will help you expand your horizons, train your memory and logical thinking.

    What makes the game interesting:

    • Variety of Topics: The game covers a wide range of topics, from history and science to art and pop culture.
    • Challenging Questions: Questions are designed to challenge even the most skilled players.


    • Questions load from (4000+ questions)
    • Multiple quiz categories
    • Check your answers with answer analysis option
    • Light and Dark themes
    • Mouse and Touch Controls
    • Fully resizable product
    • Save progress in browser memory (local storage)
    • Place to add Privacy Policy / Terms & Conditions



    • Source code (tsx, ts, json, sass)
    • HTML5 Folder (html, js, css)
    • Documentation (help file)


    • Shared hosting (not VPS)
    • Domain or subdomain


    This can be found in the README.html file inside the project.


    Before or after purchase if you need support ask in comment or goto item support page :)

    Vodcast - Full Stack Video Podcast Next.js App 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/vodcast-full-stack-video-podcast-nextjs-app/51281814 Vodcast offers a seamless platform for creating, sharing, and enjoying video podcasts. Elevate your podcasting experience with user-friendly features designed to captivate your audience. Whether you’re a creator or a viewer, Vodcast provides the tools and content you need to engage with the world of video podcasts like never before.

    Admin Login link :
        Admin email: [email protected]
        Pass: 12345
        Note: Update and delete action disabled for demo purpose
    1. @next-auth/prisma-adapter: Facilitates user authentication and management with Prisma, crucial for securing access to video podcast content.
    2. @prisma/client: Prisma client for database interaction, likely utilized for storing information about podcast episodes, users, and other data.
    3. axios: Enables HTTP requests, potentially utilized for fetching video content from external sources or interacting with APIs for podcast distribution.
    4. next: Framework for building server-rendered React applications, providing the foundation for creating the Vodcast platform.
    5. next-auth: Authentication library for Next.js applications, essential for securing access to user accounts and managing authentication flows.
    6. next-cloudinary: Integration with Cloudinary, a cloud-based media management platform, likely used for storing and serving video podcast files.
    7. react: Core library for building user interfaces, utilized for creating the front-end components of the Vodcast platform.
    8. react-modal-video: Component for playing videos in a modal, potentially used for displaying video podcast episodes in a user-friendly manner.
    9. swiper: JavaScript slider library, possibly utilized for creating carousel-like navigation for browsing through podcast episodes.
    10. swr: React hook for data fetching, likely employed for fetching and updating podcast episode data in real-time.
    11. wowjs: Library for revealing animations, potentially used to add engaging visual effects to the Vodcast platform’s user interface.
    Vodcast offers a seamless platform for creating, sharing, and enjoying video podcasts. Elevate your podcasting experience with user-friendly features designed to captivate your audience. Whether you’re a creator or a viewer, Vodcast provides the tools and content you need to engage with the world of video podcasts like never before.

    Admin Login link :
        Admin email: [email protected]
        Pass: 12345
        Note: Update and delete action disabled for demo purpose
    1. @next-auth/prisma-adapter: Facilitates user authentication and management with Prisma, crucial for securing access to video podcast content.
    2. @prisma/client: Prisma client for database interaction, likely utilized for storing information about podcast episodes, users, and other data.
    3. axios: Enables HTTP requests, potentially utilized for fetching video content from external sources or interacting with APIs for podcast distribution.
    4. next: Framework for building server-rendered React applications, providing the foundation for creating the Vodcast platform.
    5. next-auth: Authentication library for Next.js applications, essential for securing access to user accounts and managing authentication flows.
    6. next-cloudinary: Integration with Cloudinary, a cloud-based media management platform, likely used for storing and serving video podcast files.
    7. react: Core library for building user interfaces, utilized for creating the front-end components of the Vodcast platform.
    8. react-modal-video: Component for playing videos in a modal, potentially used for displaying video podcast episodes in a user-friendly manner.
    9. swiper: JavaScript slider library, possibly utilized for creating carousel-like navigation for browsing through podcast episodes.
    10. swr: React hook for data fetching, likely employed for fetching and updating podcast episode data in real-time.
    11. wowjs: Library for revealing animations, potentially used to add engaging visual effects to the Vodcast platform’s user interface.
    LockIT - Next.js Profissional Authentication system 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/lockit-nextjs-profissional-authentication-system/51201202 LOCKIT is a user management platform built using modern web technologies. It provides a secure and user-friendly experience for registration, login, and account management. Whether you’re building a social media platform, an e-commerce website, or any application requiring user accounts, LOCKIT offers a robust foundation for managing user identities.

    Preview Link:

    Email:[email protected]


    Here’s a breakdown of LOCKIT’s key functionalities:

    • Secure User Registration: New users can easily register for accounts using their email addresses. To prevent unauthorized access, LOCKIT implements email verification. Users receive a confirmation email with a unique link, and their accounts are activated only after clicking the link.
    • Secure Login with Password Reset: Existing users can log in using their registered email addresses and passwords. LOCKIT prioritizes security by offering features like password hashing and secure storage. Additionally, users can easily reset their passwords if forgotten by requesting a password reset link via email.
    • Two-Factor Authentication (Optional): For enhanced security, LOCKIT allows users to enable two-factor authentication (2FA). This adds an extra layer of protection by requiring a secondary verification code, typically sent to the user’s phone or generated by an authentication app, in addition to the password during login.
    • User Roles Management: LOCKIT provides a flexible role-based access control system. You can define different user roles (e.g., admin, moderator, user) and assign specific permissions to each role. This allows you to control user access to functionalities and data within your application.

    To achieve these functionalities, LOCKIT leverages a powerful tech stack that combines industry-standard tools for optimal performance and security:

    • Next.js: This popular React framework is the foundation for building the LOCKIT application. Next.js offers features like server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG), which improve website performance and search engine optimization (SEO).
    • Prisma: LOCKIT utilizes Prisma as its data access and management tool. Prisma acts as a bridge between your application and your database, simplifying interactions and data operations. It allows you to define your data schema and interact with it using a query language similar to SQL.
    • NextAuth.js: Authentication is a critical aspect of user management. LOCKIT incorporates NextAuth.js, a library specifically designed for Next.js applications. NextAuth.js provides built-in support for various authentication providers, social logins, and JWT (JSON Web Token) management, streamlining the user authentication process.
    • Radix UI: To ensure a consistent and accessible user interface, LOCKIT utilizes Radix UI, a component library offering a wide range of reusable UI elements. These pre-built components are accessible and responsive, ensuring a smooth user experience across different devices.

    This documentation provides a starting point for understanding the LOCKIT project. It outlines the core functionalities and the underlying technologies that power the platform. Additional resources like user guides, code examples, and API references might be available to further explore the project’s capabilities and facilitate its implementation in your own web applications.

    LOCKIT is a user management platform built using modern web technologies. It provides a secure and user-friendly experience for registration, login, and account management. Whether you’re building a social media platform, an e-commerce website, or any application requiring user accounts, LOCKIT offers a robust foundation for managing user identities.

    Preview Link:

    Email:[email protected]


    Here’s a breakdown of LOCKIT’s key functionalities:

    • Secure User Registration: New users can easily register for accounts using their email addresses. To prevent unauthorized access, LOCKIT implements email verification. Users receive a confirmation email with a unique link, and their accounts are activated only after clicking the link.
    • Secure Login with Password Reset: Existing users can log in using their registered email addresses and passwords. LOCKIT prioritizes security by offering features like password hashing and secure storage. Additionally, users can easily reset their passwords if forgotten by requesting a password reset link via email.
    • Two-Factor Authentication (Optional): For enhanced security, LOCKIT allows users to enable two-factor authentication (2FA). This adds an extra layer of protection by requiring a secondary verification code, typically sent to the user’s phone or generated by an authentication app, in addition to the password during login.
    • User Roles Management: LOCKIT provides a flexible role-based access control system. You can define different user roles (e.g., admin, moderator, user) and assign specific permissions to each role. This allows you to control user access to functionalities and data within your application.

    To achieve these functionalities, LOCKIT leverages a powerful tech stack that combines industry-standard tools for optimal performance and security:

    • Next.js: This popular React framework is the foundation for building the LOCKIT application. Next.js offers features like server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG), which improve website performance and search engine optimization (SEO).
    • Prisma: LOCKIT utilizes Prisma as its data access and management tool. Prisma acts as a bridge between your application and your database, simplifying interactions and data operations. It allows you to define your data schema and interact with it using a query language similar to SQL.
    • NextAuth.js: Authentication is a critical aspect of user management. LOCKIT incorporates NextAuth.js, a library specifically designed for Next.js applications. NextAuth.js provides built-in support for various authentication providers, social logins, and JWT (JSON Web Token) management, streamlining the user authentication process.
    • Radix UI: To ensure a consistent and accessible user interface, LOCKIT utilizes Radix UI, a component library offering a wide range of reusable UI elements. These pre-built components are accessible and responsive, ensuring a smooth user experience across different devices.

    This documentation provides a starting point for understanding the LOCKIT project. It outlines the core functionalities and the underlying technologies that power the platform. Additional resources like user guides, code examples, and API references might be available to further explore the project’s capabilities and facilitate its implementation in your own web applications.

    WhatsCRM - Chatbot, Flow Builder, API Access, WhatsApp CRM SAAS System 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/whatscrm-chatbot-flow-builder-api-access-whatsapp-crm-saas-s/51122205

    - DISCLAIMER – The system employs the Official WhatsApp Cloud API, which is a paid service. You can find the current pricing details [here]. In contrast to the past, access to the Official WhatsApp Cloud API is now openly available to all businesses without any review or acceptance process.

    WhatsCRM is a cloud-based WhatsApp marketing tool, which is a SaaS platform that allows you to use chatbots, a WhatsApp ticket system, WhatsApp chat, a chatbot flow builder, a bulk WhatsApp sender, API access where you can implement it anywhere, and much more.

    WhatsCRM - Chatbot, Flow Builder, API Access, WhatsApp CRM SAAS System - 1









    Features Description

    User Features

    • WhatsApp CRM
    • Ticket management
    • Chats management
    • Online WhatsApp chat (cloud API)
    • Online chat messages tracking (delivered, seen, failed, ...)
    • Automate chatbot
    • Chatbot Drag & Drop builder
    • WhatsApp Broadcasting
    • Broadcast tracking
    • Phonebook management
    • Rich dashboard
    • API Access
    • Interactive design
    • Agent Management
    • Dynamic Chat Widget
    • Much More

    Agent Features

    • WhatsApp CRM
    • Task management
    • Chats management

    Admin Features

    • SAAS ready
    • Informative dashboard
    • User management
    • Plan management
    • Auto login
    • Orders tracking
    • Dynamic pages for frontend
    • Dynamic testimonial
    • Dynamic Faq section
    • Full Web translation
    • App config
    • Much more


    • Shared hosting with Nodejs App maker or VPS (recommended)
    • MySQL database
    • Domain or Subdomain

    App Access

    Video:- Click Here

    Frontend:- Click Here

    Admin login:- Click Here
    Admin email:- [email protected]
    Admin password:- password

    User login:- Click Here
    User email:- [email protected]
    User password:- password

    Agent login:- Click Here
    User email:- [email protected]
    User password:- password

    Changelog - 1.9 (5 Jun. 2024) 
    Preparing for the upcoming updates
    Few very miner issue fixed
    Changelog - 1.8 (9 Apr. 2024) 
    Added Agent/Staff panel
    Added Chat Widget
    Miner Bug Fixes
    Admin can now enable/disable the header from login page
    Failed reason added in broadcast
    Much More
    Changelog - 1.4 (23 Mar. 2024) 
    Fixed ChatBot Flow reply
    Miner fixes
    Changelog - 1.2 (14 Mar. 2024) 
    Fixed media facebook CDN
    Added one click update 
    Installation experience enhanced
    Changelog - 1.0 (3 Mar. 2024) 
    Initial release

    - DISCLAIMER – The system employs the Official WhatsApp Cloud API, which is a paid service. You can find the current pricing details [here]. In contrast to the past, access to the Official WhatsApp Cloud API is now openly available to all businesses without any review or acceptance process.

    WhatsCRM is a cloud-based WhatsApp marketing tool, which is a SaaS platform that allows you to use chatbots, a WhatsApp ticket system, WhatsApp chat, a chatbot flow builder, a bulk WhatsApp sender, API access where you can implement it anywhere, and much more.

    WhatsCRM - Chatbot, Flow Builder, API Access, WhatsApp CRM SAAS System - 1









    Features Description

    User Features

    • WhatsApp CRM
    • Ticket management
    • Chats management
    • Online WhatsApp chat (cloud API)
    • Online chat messages tracking (delivered, seen, failed, ...)
    • Automate chatbot
    • Chatbot Drag & Drop builder
    • WhatsApp Broadcasting
    • Broadcast tracking
    • Phonebook management
    • Rich dashboard
    • API Access
    • Interactive design
    • Agent Management
    • Dynamic Chat Widget
    • Much More

    Agent Features

    • WhatsApp CRM
    • Task management
    • Chats management

    Admin Features

    • SAAS ready
    • Informative dashboard
    • User management
    • Plan management
    • Auto login
    • Orders tracking
    • Dynamic pages for frontend
    • Dynamic testimonial
    • Dynamic Faq section
    • Full Web translation
    • App config
    • Much more


    • Shared hosting with Nodejs App maker or VPS (recommended)
    • MySQL database
    • Domain or Subdomain

    App Access

    Video:- Click Here

    Frontend:- Click Here

    Admin login:- Click Here
    Admin email:- [email protected]
    Admin password:- password

    User login:- Click Here
    User email:- [email protected]
    User password:- password

    Agent login:- Click Here
    User email:- [email protected]
    User password:- password

    Changelog - 1.9 (5 Jun. 2024) 
    Preparing for the upcoming updates
    Few very miner issue fixed
    Changelog - 1.8 (9 Apr. 2024) 
    Added Agent/Staff panel
    Added Chat Widget
    Miner Bug Fixes
    Admin can now enable/disable the header from login page
    Failed reason added in broadcast
    Much More
    Changelog - 1.4 (23 Mar. 2024) 
    Fixed ChatBot Flow reply
    Miner fixes
    Changelog - 1.2 (14 Mar. 2024) 
    Fixed media facebook CDN
    Added one click update 
    Installation experience enhanced
    Changelog - 1.0 (3 Mar. 2024) 
    Initial release
    WMusic - The Ultimate Music Plugin for WoWonder & Sngine 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/wmusic-ultimate-music-plugin-wowonder-sngine/51051509 WMusic Plugin is a player add-on for your WoWonder website, that is easy-to-install and easy-to-use, thanks to our modern and simple design system that makes it enjoyable and hassle-free for you!

    The plugin seamlessly integrates into the WoWonder PHP Script’s header toolbar, offering you and your users the ability to access and listen to a vast library of worldwide music. You can manage the plugin through the wConnect admin panel. Enhance your website’s functionality and offer your users new possibilities with the premier music add-on available on CodeCanyon

    WMusic Plugin is available for WoWonder PHP Script (for WoWonder, Sunshine and Wondertag themes) and for Sngine Script (only for default Sngine theme)
    • Want to read more about WMusic Plugin? Take a look on our documentation
    • Latest version: v2.2.0, View update changelog
    • Looking for plugin demo? WoWonder Demo, Sngine Demo (you’ll need to register an account with any details to access the plugin)
    • Looking for admin panel? wConnect is the place where you can manage your plugin after purchasing (e.g. change appearance, configure ads and much more)

    Envato long banner Envato long banner


    Looking for changelog? View changelog

    WMusic Plugin is a player add-on for your WoWonder website, that is easy-to-install and easy-to-use, thanks to our modern and simple design system that makes it enjoyable and hassle-free for you!

    The plugin seamlessly integrates into the WoWonder PHP Script’s header toolbar, offering you and your users the ability to access and listen to a vast library of worldwide music. You can manage the plugin through the wConnect admin panel. Enhance your website’s functionality and offer your users new possibilities with the premier music add-on available on CodeCanyon

    WMusic Plugin is available for WoWonder PHP Script (for WoWonder, Sunshine and Wondertag themes) and for Sngine Script (only for default Sngine theme)
    • Want to read more about WMusic Plugin? Take a look on our documentation
    • Latest version: v2.2.0, View update changelog
    • Looking for plugin demo? WoWonder Demo, Sngine Demo (you’ll need to register an account with any details to access the plugin)
    • Looking for admin panel? wConnect is the place where you can manage your plugin after purchasing (e.g. change appearance, configure ads and much more)

    Envato long banner Envato long banner


    Looking for changelog? View changelog

    AgentHub - Insurance Agent CRM | Policy Management CRM | Policy Management System 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/agenthub-insurance-agent-crm-policy-management-crm-policy-ma/51019675 AgentHub – Insurance Agent CRM

    Customer Benefits

    • Free Setup on Server
    • Free Domain Mapping
    • Free SSL Certificates installation from Let’s Encrypt
    • Rebranding task like [Logo, Name, Color theme etc] addition charge @173 USD
    • For adding new payment gateway addition charge @499 USD

    Minimum requirement for setup

    • Cloud server from digital Ocean
    • Full access of server
    • One Gmail account with login details
    • App name and logo and color theme
    • CRM name
    • It will not work on shared hosting. May be user will get installation issue.

    AgentHub – Insurance agent CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system involves providing useful information and resources that help agents manage their client interactions effectively

    AgentHub Functionalities & Features – An Overview

    Agent Have
    • Dynamic Dashboard
    • Lead Management
    • Contact Management
    • Policy Management
    • Task
    • Meetings
    • Calls
    • Email
    • Calendar
    • Documents
    • Email Templates
    • Subscription
    • Payment History

    Admin Have

    • Dynamic Dashboard
    • User Mangement
    • Create Packages
    • Payment History

    Please Take a Tour Of Our fuelwise With This Credentials

    AgentHub Setup Document Setup Document Link

    Agent Panel Login Details

    AgentHub: AgentHub – Insurance Agent CRM
    Agent Email ‒ [email protected]
    Password ‒ arun@123 \\

    Admin Panel Login Details

    AgentHub: AgentHub – A Insurance Agent CRM
    Admin Email ‒ [email protected]
    Password ‒ varun@123 \\

    What Will You Get

    • Frontend Code React JS
    • Backend Code NodeJS
    • MongoDB Collection Database
    • Api Docs Of Postman


    Source And Credit

    I am happy to credit the below

    If you have any questions please feel free to Email via my user page contact form here. Thank you!

    AgentHub – Insurance Agent CRM

    Customer Benefits

    • Free Setup on Server
    • Free Domain Mapping
    • Free SSL Certificates installation from Let’s Encrypt
    • Rebranding task like [Logo, Name, Color theme etc] addition charge @173 USD
    • For adding new payment gateway addition charge @499 USD

    Minimum requirement for setup

    • Cloud server from digital Ocean
    • Full access of server
    • One Gmail account with login details
    • App name and logo and color theme
    • CRM name
    • It will not work on shared hosting. May be user will get installation issue.

    AgentHub – Insurance agent CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system involves providing useful information and resources that help agents manage their client interactions effectively

    AgentHub Functionalities & Features – An Overview

    Agent Have
    • Dynamic Dashboard
    • Lead Management
    • Contact Management
    • Policy Management
    • Task
    • Meetings
    • Calls
    • Email
    • Calendar
    • Documents
    • Email Templates
    • Subscription
    • Payment History

    Admin Have

    • Dynamic Dashboard
    • User Mangement
    • Create Packages
    • Payment History

    Please Take a Tour Of Our fuelwise With This Credentials

    AgentHub Setup Document Setup Document Link

    Agent Panel Login Details

    AgentHub: AgentHub – Insurance Agent CRM
    Agent Email ‒ [email protected]
    Password ‒ arun@123 \\

    Admin Panel Login Details

    AgentHub: AgentHub – A Insurance Agent CRM
    Admin Email ‒ [email protected]
    Password ‒ varun@123 \\

    What Will You Get

    • Frontend Code React JS
    • Backend Code NodeJS
    • MongoDB Collection Database
    • Api Docs Of Postman


    Source And Credit

    I am happy to credit the below

    If you have any questions please feel free to Email via my user page contact form here. Thank you!

    LteUrl - Link shortener | ReactJs, Node.js 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/lteurl-link-shortener-reactjs-nodejs/50989338 Price Disclaimer: The current item price is $9 and will only last for 72hrs. Price will go back to it’s original price which is $55 soon.

    Disclaimer: LteUrl uses MongoDB for data storage. You can create a free account with MogoDB Altlas to use it’s cloud storage. No coding knowledge required. We provided an offline documentation to help you get started.

    Generally to run this project you will need to have:

    1. Free mongoDB account: For data storage
    2. Free Cloudinary account: For image upload
    3. Free account For collecting accurate user IP address data

    Links for each resources will be provided in the documentation

    About LTEURL

    LTEURL is more than just a link shortening tool; it’s a comprehensive solution designed to meet the diverse needs of developers, businesses, and individuals. Whether you’re building a platform that requires URL shortening capabilities or you want to launch your own branded link shortener service, our script is the ideal choice.

    Demo Access

    Visit the Investinnova demo website: LteUrl Demo

    Email: [email protected]

    Password: 12345

    Note: This is the admin login, as an admin you can switch between a normal user and an admin

    Getting Started

    1. Create an Account:
      • Navigate to the website and sign up for a new account.
      • Complete the registration process by providing the necessary information.
    2. Explore User Interface:
      • After logging in, explore the user-friendly interface designed to provide an intuitive experience.
    3. Switch to Admin Mode:
      • As an admin, you have the ability to switch between normal user mode and admin mode.
      • Locate the switch button at the navbar to toggle between user and admin modes.

    System Requirements

    You can run this script on any server like Linux, Windows or Uinix Server. But you need to meet some server requirements for installing and running this script.

    This System built with express 4.18.2, that’s why you must meet the following server requirements:

    • NodeJs
    • NPM (Node Package Manager)

    Core Features

    • Link shortener
    • Developer Api (on request)
    • Subscription Mode (on request)
    • Analytics Dashboard
    • Security
    • User-Friendly Interface
    • Link Password Protection
    • Custom Link Id
    • Link Expiry Scheduling
    • Group link shortening


    • Support Will not cover any types of customization.
    • If you need any customization then extra cost will be charged.
    • Support Will not cover installation service
    • If you need any help with the installation, then extra cost will be charged.

    For self installation and a detailed instructions, refer to the comprehensive offline documentation provided after purchase.

    Price Disclaimer: The current item price is $9 and will only last for 72hrs. Price will go back to it’s original price which is $55 soon.

    Disclaimer: LteUrl uses MongoDB for data storage. You can create a free account with MogoDB Altlas to use it’s cloud storage. No coding knowledge required. We provided an offline documentation to help you get started.

    Generally to run this project you will need to have:

    1. Free mongoDB account: For data storage
    2. Free Cloudinary account: For image upload
    3. Free account For collecting accurate user IP address data

    Links for each resources will be provided in the documentation

    About LTEURL

    LTEURL is more than just a link shortening tool; it’s a comprehensive solution designed to meet the diverse needs of developers, businesses, and individuals. Whether you’re building a platform that requires URL shortening capabilities or you want to launch your own branded link shortener service, our script is the ideal choice.

    Demo Access

    Visit the Investinnova demo website: LteUrl Demo

    Email: [email protected]

    Password: 12345

    Note: This is the admin login, as an admin you can switch between a normal user and an admin

    Getting Started

    1. Create an Account:
      • Navigate to the website and sign up for a new account.
      • Complete the registration process by providing the necessary information.
    2. Explore User Interface:
      • After logging in, explore the user-friendly interface designed to provide an intuitive experience.
    3. Switch to Admin Mode:
      • As an admin, you have the ability to switch between normal user mode and admin mode.
      • Locate the switch button at the navbar to toggle between user and admin modes.

    System Requirements

    You can run this script on any server like Linux, Windows or Uinix Server. But you need to meet some server requirements for installing and running this script.

    This System built with express 4.18.2, that’s why you must meet the following server requirements:

    • NodeJs
    • NPM (Node Package Manager)

    Core Features

    • Link shortener
    • Developer Api (on request)
    • Subscription Mode (on request)
    • Analytics Dashboard
    • Security
    • User-Friendly Interface
    • Link Password Protection
    • Custom Link Id
    • Link Expiry Scheduling
    • Group link shortening


    • Support Will not cover any types of customization.
    • If you need any customization then extra cost will be charged.
    • Support Will not cover installation service
    • If you need any help with the installation, then extra cost will be charged.

    For self installation and a detailed instructions, refer to the comprehensive offline documentation provided after purchase.

    Pass Gen - Strong Password generator 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/pass-gen-strong-password-generator/50965159 At PassGen, we understand the importance of password security, and that’s why we’ve crafted a comprehensive and intuitive password generation tool. Our generator offers a variety of options to cater to your preferences and security requirements:

    Visit Demo website

    Core Features

    • Numbers: Include numbers in your password for added complexity.
    • Symbols: Enhance the strength of your password by incorporating symbols.
    • Lowercase: Utilize lowercase letters for a mix of character types.
    • Uppercase: Employ uppercase letters to increase password strength.
    • Exclude Similar Characters: Eliminate confusion by excluding similar characters like ‘i’ and ‘l’.
    • Strict: Ensure a well-rounded password by requiring at least one character from each pool.
    • Exclude Characters: Personalize your password by excluding specific characters.
    • History: Keep track of your generated passwords with the built-in history feature, conveniently stored in local storage.

    We provided an offline documentation to help you get started with the script.

    At PassGen, we understand the importance of password security, and that’s why we’ve crafted a comprehensive and intuitive password generation tool. Our generator offers a variety of options to cater to your preferences and security requirements:

    Visit Demo website

    Core Features

    • Numbers: Include numbers in your password for added complexity.
    • Symbols: Enhance the strength of your password by incorporating symbols.
    • Lowercase: Utilize lowercase letters for a mix of character types.
    • Uppercase: Employ uppercase letters to increase password strength.
    • Exclude Similar Characters: Eliminate confusion by excluding similar characters like ‘i’ and ‘l’.
    • Strict: Ensure a well-rounded password by requiring at least one character from each pool.
    • Exclude Characters: Personalize your password by excluding specific characters.
    • History: Keep track of your generated passwords with the built-in history feature, conveniently stored in local storage.

    We provided an offline documentation to help you get started with the script.

    Audio Player javascript Comments AddOn 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/audio-player-javascript-comments-addon/50934309 This add-on requires Audio Player With Playlist to be installed first!

    Click image to view demo


    This is addon for javascript Audio Player version. Using Comments addOn for Audio Player enables users to add comments to songs.

    Features and options:

    • Display song comments below the seekbar (or elsewhere in the player if you move the comments div holder)
    • Enable users to add comments to songs
    • Optional custom button in player to show / hide comments
    • Optional custom button in player to display all song comments in popup element
    • Optional disable comments on mobile
    • Included API methods and events to manage comments data

    Note that comment functionality is not available in all player skins (for example skin with circle seekbar or some small skins not containing seekbar).

    Updates / Changelog

    VERSION 1.0 [22.2.2024]

     - first release

    tags: audio, comments, song comment, audio player, user

    This add-on requires Audio Player With Playlist to be installed first!

    Click image to view demo


    This is addon for javascript Audio Player version. Using Comments addOn for Audio Player enables users to add comments to songs.

    Features and options:

    • Display song comments below the seekbar (or elsewhere in the player if you move the comments div holder)
    • Enable users to add comments to songs
    • Optional custom button in player to show / hide comments
    • Optional custom button in player to display all song comments in popup element
    • Optional disable comments on mobile
    • Included API methods and events to manage comments data

    Note that comment functionality is not available in all player skins (for example skin with circle seekbar or some small skins not containing seekbar).

    Updates / Changelog

    VERSION 1.0 [22.2.2024]

     - first release

    tags: audio, comments, song comment, audio player, user

    Movement: Your All-in-One Packers & Movers, Shipping & Courier Parcel Logistics Partner Solution 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/movement-your-all-one-packers-movers-shipping-courier-parcel/50897595 Movement: Your All-in-One Packers & Movers, Shipping & Courier Parcel Logistics Partner Solution - 1 Movement: Your All-in-One Packers & Movers, Shipping & Courier Parcel Logistics Partner Solution - 2 Movement: Your All-in-One Packers & Movers, Shipping & Courier Parcel Logistics Partner Solution - 3

    Move with Ease: Your Comprehensive Logistics Solution

    Movement offers a seamless solution for all your logistics needs, specializing in house shifting(Packer & Movers), domestic, and international courier services. Whether you’re relocating your home or sending packages across borders, trust Movement to deliver efficiency, reliability, and peace of mind every step of the way

    Movement: Your All-in-One Packers & Movers, Shipping & Courier Parcel Logistics Partner Solution - 4 Website Link:
    Admin Login:

    Why Choose Movement

    • Quality verified by Envato
    • Complete Node.js & MySQL DB Source Code
    • Easy for installation and easy can update
    • Regular updates
    • Multilanguage
    • Fully responsive
    • Fully customizable
    • Dark/White Mode
    • Live Notification
    • Free future updates
    • Welcome for suggestions

    Movement: Your All-in-One Packers & Movers, Shipping & Courier Parcel Logistics Partner Solution - 5

    Top Features

    The admin role holds the highest level of authority within the system. Admins manage and oversee all operations of the logistics platform. Their responsibilities include user management, system configuration, monitoring performance metrics, resolving escalated issues, and ensuring compliance with regulations and company policies.

    Customer: Customers are the end-users of the logistics services provided by your platform. They interact with the system to request quotes, schedule pickups and deliveries, track shipments, and manage payments. Customers may also provide feedback and reviews based on their experience with the service.

    Carrier: Carriers are the entities responsible for transporting goods from one location to another. In your logistics platform, carriers register and manage their profiles, including their fleet information, service areas, pricing structures, and availability. They receive job requests from customers, negotiate contracts, coordinate logistics, and update shipment statuses in real-time.

    Driver: Drivers are individuals employed by carriers to physically transport goods from pickup to delivery locations. As part of their role, drivers access the platform to view assigned jobs, navigate routes, confirm pickups and deliveries, update shipment statuses, and communicate with customers and carriers regarding any issues or delays.

    Role Management: This role is responsible for overseeing the access and permissions granted to users within the system. Role management ensures that each user is assigned appropriate roles and permissions based on their responsibilities and authority levels. They handle user authentication, authorization, role assignment, and access control to maintain system security and integrity.

    Admin User Management:

    Customer Management:
    • Admin has the authority to add new customers and carriers directly within the system.
    • Additionally, customers and carriers have the option to sign up from the website, providing their necessary details for registration.

    Customer Registration:

    • Customers can register on the website by providing essential information such as name, contact details, and address.
    • Upon registration, customers gain access to features like requesting quotes, scheduling shipments, tracking deliveries, and managing their accounts.

    Carrier Registration:

    • Carriers interested in joining the logistics platform can sign up through the website.
    • During registration, carriers are required to submit their business details, including company name, contact information, and other relevant credentials.
    • Upon submission, carrier accounts undergo a verification process by the master admin to ensure the legitimacy and reliability of the carrier’s business operations.
    • Once verified, carriers gain access to features such as viewing and accepting shipment assignments, updating shipment statuses, and managing their carrier profiles.

    Master Admin Approval:

    • The master admin reviews and verifies the business details provided by carriers during registration.
    • Upon verification, the master admin approves the carrier accounts, granting them access to the platform’s functionalities.
    • This approval process helps maintain the quality and integrity of carrier services offered through the logistics platform.

    Category & Sub Category management

    Category and sub-category management for Domestic, Packers & Movers, and International modules help organize shipments effectively.

    Packers & Movers Setting

    Product Add and Pricing Details:
    • Admins categorize items based on their characteristics and handling requirements.
    • For each item category, admins specify the pricing details for pickup and drop-off services.
    • Pricing details may include base rates, additional charges for extra services (e.g., packing materials, assembly/disassembly), and any applicable taxes or surcharges.
    Manpower Selection Options
    • When customers book packers and movers services, they have the option to select the number of personnel they require for the task.
    • Typical options may include a 2-man team, 3-man team, or custom team size based on the complexity and size of the job.
    Time Slot Selection
    • Customers can choose from available time slots based on their preferences and convenience.
    • The platform may offer flexible scheduling options, such as morning, afternoon, and evening slots, to accommodate diverse customer needs.

    Delivery Types and Pricing

    • Within each module, users have the ability to choose delivery types based on their specific needs and requirements.
    • admin can define different delivery options, such as standard, express, or specialized services, tailored to the nature of the module.

    Breakdown of each feature for pricing

    Setting for L x B x H / Amount:

    • This feature calculates the weight of the shipment based on the dimensions (Length, Breadth, Height) entered.
    • The weight is determined using the formula (L x B x H) / Amount, representing the space the shipment occupies in the carrier.
    • Our formula: (LxBxH)/Amount
    Min Distance (KM):
    • Total Cost calculation involves two price tiers based on distance:
    • Our formula: (Minimum Distance Price x Minimum Distance) + (Maximum Distance Price x (Total Distance – Minimum Distance)).
    • This pricing structure accounts for distance variations in the delivery process.
    Dead Weight Price:
    • Admins can set prices corresponding to weight ranges from Minimum Weight to Maximum Weight.
    • This feature allows for customizable pricing based on the weight of the shipment.
    Floors Wise Pricing:
    • Offers pricing differentiation based on the number of floors involved in loading and unloading.
    • Pricing may vary depending on the accessibility and complexity of navigating through multiple floors.
    Loading/Unloading with Elevator Pricing:
    • Elevator usage during loading or unloading incurs additional charges.
    • Admins can set specific pricing structures for instances where elevators are utilized for transport.
    Dynamic Date Pricing:
    • Provides flexible pricing options based on the selected delivery date:
    • Today, Tomorrow, Day After Tomorrow.
    • Dynamic date pricing accounts for urgency and scheduling preferences, allowing for tailored pricing strategies.

    Distance-Based Weight Range Pricing:

    This feature empowers admins to customize pricing structures based on geographical parameters, weight ranges, and city-specific rates, thereby enhancing pricing accuracy and transparency for customers across different shipping routes.

    Geographical Parameters:
    • Origin: Country, State, City
    • Destination: Country, State, City
    • Start Weight Range: The minimum weight threshold for pricing to begin.
    • Ending Weight Range: The maximum weight threshold for pricing to end.
    • Rate Price: Admins assign specific rate prices for each defined weight range.

    Package Insurance

    By offering comprehensive package insurance management, the platform enhances customer confidence and provides valuable protection against unforeseen loss or damage during transit.

    Insurance Parameters:
    • Start Price: The minimum value at which insurance coverage begins.
    • End Price: The maximum value up to which insurance coverage applies.
    • Premium Charged Is Percentage (Default Fix): Admins can choose whether the premium charged for insurance is calculated as a percentage of the declared value of the package or a fixed amount.
    • If Percentage: The premium is calculated as a percentage of the declared value of the package.
    • If Default Fix: The premium remains a fixed amount regardless of the declared value.
    • Loss/Damage Payout Is Percentage (Default Fix): Admins can select whether the payout for loss or damage is calculated as a percentage of the declared value of the package or a fixed amount.
    • If Percentage: The payout is a percentage of the declared value.
    • If Default Fix: The payout remains a fixed amount irrespective of the declared value.

    Shipping Status Management

    Admins possess the capability to manage shipping statuses within the platform, facilitating effective tracking and communication throughout the shipping process. Status Definition:
    • Admins define various shipping statuses to reflect different stages of the shipping journey.
    • Examples of shipping statuses may include “Order Received,” “In Transit,” “Out for Delivery,” and “Delivered.”
    Status Updates:
    • Throughout the shipping process, admins or carrier or driver update the status of each shipment based on its progress.
    • They have the authority to change the status manually
    Customizable Notifications:
    • Automatically notifications sent to customers and carrier or driver based on specific shipping statuses.
    • Notifications may include SMS messages, or in-app notifications to keep recipients informed of shipment progress.

    Coupon/Offer Management

    The coupon management feature allows administrators to create, manage, and track coupon codes within the platform, providing promotional opportunities and incentives for customers.

    Zone Management

    The zone management feature enables administrators to define service zones for different modules such as Domestic, Packers & Movers, and International within the platform. Here’s how this feature works:

    Module-Specific Zones:
    • Administrators can create distinct zones for each module, including Domestic, Packers & Movers, and International.
    • Each zone represents a geographic area where the corresponding module’s services are available.
    Zone Definition:
    • Admins specify the boundaries and characteristics of each zone based on factors such as location, postal codes, regions, or countries.
    • Zones can be defined at various levels of granularity, from city-wide coverage to nationwide or international service areas.
    Service Availability:
    • For each zone, administrators determine whether the corresponding module’s services are available or not.
    • This flexibility allows for targeted service offerings based on geographic demand and operational capabilities.
    Customization Options:
    • Administrators have the flexibility to customize service availability and features for each zone independently.
    • They can enable or disable specific services, set pricing structures, and define service-level agreements tailored to each zone’s requirements.

    Module Management

    The module management feature empowers the master admin to enable or disable specific modules within the platform according to convenience and operational requirements. Here’s how this feature operates:

    Module Selection:
    • The platform offers distinct modules such as Domestic, Packers & Movers, and International for different types of logistics services.
    Master Admin Privileges:
    • The master admin possesses the authority to manage module accessibility across the platform.
    • They can enable or disable modules based on business needs, market trends, or strategic considerations.
    Dynamic Enablement:
    • Master admin can dynamically enable or disable modules in response to changing business conditions, customer demand, or internal resources.
    Administrative Interface:
    • The platform provides an intuitive administrative interface where the master admin can toggle module settings with ease.
    • Clear visualization and straightforward controls facilitate efficient management of module configurations.
    Impact on User Experience:
    • Enabling or disabling modules directly impacts the user experience for both administrators and end-users.
    • Users will only see and interact with modules that are enabled, streamlining their navigation and reducing clutter.

    Payment Method Management

    The payment method management feature allows administrators to configure and manage various payment methods accepted on the platform. Here’s an overview of this feature:
    • The platform supports multiple payment methods like Cash, Paystack, Paypal, Razorpay, Bank Account & Stripe.
    • Admins can configure each payment method according to the platform’s integration capabilities and business needs.
    • Each payment method can be set to active or inactive based on its availability and readiness for use.
    • Active payment methods are displayed to customers during the checkout process.

    Payout Management

    The payout management feature allows carriers to request payouts based on predefined criteria set by the master admin, particularly the Wallet Minimum Balance for Withdrawal ($) as configured in the settings page. Here’s how this feature operates:

    Payout Request Submission:
    • Carriers can submit payout requests through the platform’s interface.
    • The payout request functionality becomes available when the carrier’s wallet balance reaches or exceeds the minimum threshold set by the master admin.
    Wallet Minimum Balance for Withdrawal:
    • The master admin defines the minimum wallet balance required for carriers to be eligible to request payouts.
    • This threshold ensures that carriers maintain a sufficient balance before initiating withdrawal transactions.
    Administrative Configuration:
    • The master admin configures the Wallet Minimum Balance for Withdrawal parameter in the platform’s settings page.
    • Admins can adjust this value as needed to align with business requirements and financial considerations.
    Payout Processing:
    • Once a carrier submits a payout request and meets the minimum balance requirement, the request enters the processing queue.
    • Admins review and approve eligible payout requests for further processing.
    Transaction Execution:
    • Approved payout requests are executed through the designated payment gateway or financial institution.
    • The platform facilitates seamless transaction processing to transfer funds from the carrier’s wallet to their designated payout account.

    Reporting System

    The reporting system offers various reports to provide insights and analytics into different aspects of the platform’s operations. Here are the key reports included:

    Daily Report:

    • The daily report offers a snapshot of platform activities and performance metrics for a specific day.
    • It includes key indicators such as the number of orders processed, total sales revenue, payment transactions, and other relevant data.
    Order Report:
    • The order report provides detailed information about individual orders placed on the platform.
    • It includes order numbers, customer details, order status, items purchased, order values, and any additional notes or comments associated with each order.
    Sales Report:
    • The sales report offers insights into the platform’s sales performance over a defined period.
    • It includes metrics such as total sales revenue, average order value, sales trends over time, top-selling products or services, and geographic sales distribution.
    Payment Report:
    • The payment report provides an overview of payment transactions processed through the platform.
    • It includes details such as payment amounts, transaction dates, payment methods used, transaction statuses, and any associated fees or charges.
    Key Features of the Reporting System:
    • Customization Options: Admins can customize report parameters such as date ranges, filters, and data visualization options to tailor reports to specific needs.
    • Export Functionality: Reports can be exported in various formats such as CSV, Excel, or PDF for further analysis or sharing with stakeholders.

    Content Management System (CMS)

    The Content Management System (CMS) empowers administrators to update and manage various pages displayed on the frontend website, enhancing customer experience and ensuring content accuracy

    Master Setting

    Here’s a breakdown of each setting and configuration feature that the master admin can set up:

    Light Logo: Master admin can upload the light version of the platform’s logo, typically used against light backgrounds.

    Dark Logo: Master admin can upload the dark version of the platform’s logo, typically used against dark backgrounds.

    Site Title: Master admin can specify the title of the website or platform.

    Currency: Master admin can select the default currency used for transactions on the platform.

    Timezone: Master admin can set the default timezone for the platform, ensuring consistency in time-related operations and notifications.

    Currency Symbol Placement: Master admin can specify whether the currency symbol appears on the right or left side of the currency value.

    Thousands Separator: Master admin can define the character used as a thousands separator in numeric values.

    Google Map Key: Master admin can input the Google Maps API key for integrating maps and location services into the platform.

    Carrier Commission (%): Master admin can set the percentage of commission earned by carriers for each transaction or service provided.

    Wallet Min Balance For Withdraw ($): Master admin can define the minimum balance required in a carrier’s wallet before they can request a withdrawal.

    Carrier Auto Approved Toggle: Master admin can enable or disable the automatic approval of carrier accounts upon registration.

    Notification Settings (OneSignal):

    • OneSignal App ID: Master admin can input the OneSignal App ID for sending push notifications to users.
    • OneSignal API Key: Master admin can input the OneSignal API Key for authenticating communication with the OneSignal service.
    SMS Verification (MSG91): SMS Verification for customer signup involves sending a one-time password (OTP) to verify the customer’s identity during the registration process. Additionally, customers receive SMS notifications confirming the shipment status updates once the delivery is received.
    • MSG91 Auth Key: Master admin can input the MSG91 authentication key for sending SMS messages.
    • MSG91 OTP Template Id: Master admin can specify the template ID used for OTP (one-time password) verification.
    • MSG91 SMS Template Id: Master admin can specify the template ID used for general SMS notifications.
    Email Verification: Email verification for customer signup entails sending a one-time password (OTP) to verify the customer’s identity during the registration process. Furthermore, customers receive email notifications confirming the shipment status updates once the delivery is received.
    • Host: Master admin can specify the email host for sending verification emails.
    • Port: Master admin can specify the port used for email communication.
    • Email: Master admin can input the email address used for sending verification emails.
    • Password: Master admin can input the password associated with the email account.
    Length Units: Master admin can define the units used for measuring length, such as centimeters (cm) or inches (in).

    Weight Units: Master admin can define the units used for measuring weight, such as kilograms (kg) or pounds (lb).

    Assigning Orders to Carriers Automatically: Master admin can toggle the option to automatically assign orders to carriers based on predefined criteria or algorithms.

    User Workflow:

    Packers & Movers


    • Card: 4242424242424242
    • CVC: Any 3 digits
    • Date: Any future date
    • Card: 4111111111111111
    • CVC: Any 3 digits
    • Date: Any future date
    Movement: Your All-in-One Packers & Movers, Shipping & Courier Parcel Logistics Partner Solution - 6 Movement: Your All-in-One Packers & Movers, Shipping & Courier Parcel Logistics Partner Solution - 7


    Refund Policy

    • We don’t offer a refund. (If the item is downloaded)
    • Please read the description and compatibility content thoroughly before purchasing as we don’t offer a refund if you buy it by mistake.
    • Be Aware: We do not sell any of our items outside the Envato market


    In which technology do you use to develop the Movement?
    For the Movement development we used HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Jquery for the front end & back end developed in Node JS , And for the database we use Mysql.

    Is this Movement Script Plag & Play?
    Yes, its completely ready to use. Just install it to your server and start to use it.

    Can I customize any code or feature?
    Yes sure, if you are developer or if you have developer you can customize our code and any kinds of feature.

    Do you offer installtion support?
    Yes, we offer paid installation support.

    If I face any bug or error, can I get help from you?
    Yes, 100%. If you face any bug or error (Mistake from our side) we will fix this update this without any cost.

    Do I get lifetime free update once we will buy it?
    Yes, 100%. You will get lifetime free update.

    Do I get lifetime free support once we will buy it?
    Unfortunately! No. We don’t offer any free support.

    Can I run the product on shared hosting?
    Yes, there are no limitations with shared hosting plans but nodejs supported server is required.

    Does the product support RTL languages?
    Yes, the product supports the RTL direction perfectly

    Which things could be customized in the product?
    - You can translate it to any language
    - All of the texts, icons and images
    - All of the predefined contents

    Faced with a problem? Need assistance with the product? No worries – our customer support team is always ready to help you.
    • Support requests are being processed on business days from 10:00 to 18:00 (IST +05.30) [generally] within 24h to 48h of the order they were received.
    • We suggest, while our team reviews your support request, please read the documentation that comes in the zip file of Codecanyon. You can download it from Codecanyon:
    • We are in IST+5:30 timezone. We address all the support queries in 5 days (Saturday & Sunday off).
    • If any support ticket has no response from the item owner for 7 days, the ticket will be considered closed. If you need further assistance you can Feel free to contact us on skype for any kind of pre-sale inquiries or support for the product. Click here to connect on Skype.
    • Have pre-sales questions or concerns, please write to us via our Mail Mail
    • If you like our product and support then please drop a rate and write a review at
    Movement: Your All-in-One Packers & Movers, Shipping & Courier Parcel Logistics Partner Solution - 1 Movement: Your All-in-One Packers & Movers, Shipping & Courier Parcel Logistics Partner Solution - 2 Movement: Your All-in-One Packers & Movers, Shipping & Courier Parcel Logistics Partner Solution - 3

    Move with Ease: Your Comprehensive Logistics Solution

    Movement offers a seamless solution for all your logistics needs, specializing in house shifting(Packer & Movers), domestic, and international courier services. Whether you’re relocating your home or sending packages across borders, trust Movement to deliver efficiency, reliability, and peace of mind every step of the way

    Movement: Your All-in-One Packers & Movers, Shipping & Courier Parcel Logistics Partner Solution - 4 Website Link:
    Admin Login:

    Why Choose Movement

    • Quality verified by Envato
    • Complete Node.js & MySQL DB Source Code
    • Easy for installation and easy can update
    • Regular updates
    • Multilanguage
    • Fully responsive
    • Fully customizable
    • Dark/White Mode
    • Live Notification
    • Free future updates
    • Welcome for suggestions

    Movement: Your All-in-One Packers & Movers, Shipping & Courier Parcel Logistics Partner Solution - 5

    Top Features

    The admin role holds the highest level of authority within the system. Admins manage and oversee all operations of the logistics platform. Their responsibilities include user management, system configuration, monitoring performance metrics, resolving escalated issues, and ensuring compliance with regulations and company policies.

    Customer: Customers are the end-users of the logistics services provided by your platform. They interact with the system to request quotes, schedule pickups and deliveries, track shipments, and manage payments. Customers may also provide feedback and reviews based on their experience with the service.

    Carrier: Carriers are the entities responsible for transporting goods from one location to another. In your logistics platform, carriers register and manage their profiles, including their fleet information, service areas, pricing structures, and availability. They receive job requests from customers, negotiate contracts, coordinate logistics, and update shipment statuses in real-time.

    Driver: Drivers are individuals employed by carriers to physically transport goods from pickup to delivery locations. As part of their role, drivers access the platform to view assigned jobs, navigate routes, confirm pickups and deliveries, update shipment statuses, and communicate with customers and carriers regarding any issues or delays.

    Role Management: This role is responsible for overseeing the access and permissions granted to users within the system. Role management ensures that each user is assigned appropriate roles and permissions based on their responsibilities and authority levels. They handle user authentication, authorization, role assignment, and access control to maintain system security and integrity.

    Admin User Management:

    Customer Management:
    • Admin has the authority to add new customers and carriers directly within the system.
    • Additionally, customers and carriers have the option to sign up from the website, providing their necessary details for registration.

    Customer Registration:

    • Customers can register on the website by providing essential information such as name, contact details, and address.
    • Upon registration, customers gain access to features like requesting quotes, scheduling shipments, tracking deliveries, and managing their accounts.

    Carrier Registration:

    • Carriers interested in joining the logistics platform can sign up through the website.
    • During registration, carriers are required to submit their business details, including company name, contact information, and other relevant credentials.
    • Upon submission, carrier accounts undergo a verification process by the master admin to ensure the legitimacy and reliability of the carrier’s business operations.
    • Once verified, carriers gain access to features such as viewing and accepting shipment assignments, updating shipment statuses, and managing their carrier profiles.

    Master Admin Approval:

    • The master admin reviews and verifies the business details provided by carriers during registration.
    • Upon verification, the master admin approves the carrier accounts, granting them access to the platform’s functionalities.
    • This approval process helps maintain the quality and integrity of carrier services offered through the logistics platform.

    Category & Sub Category management

    Category and sub-category management for Domestic, Packers & Movers, and International modules help organize shipments effectively.

    Packers & Movers Setting

    Product Add and Pricing Details:
    • Admins categorize items based on their characteristics and handling requirements.
    • For each item category, admins specify the pricing details for pickup and drop-off services.
    • Pricing details may include base rates, additional charges for extra services (e.g., packing materials, assembly/disassembly), and any applicable taxes or surcharges.
    Manpower Selection Options
    • When customers book packers and movers services, they have the option to select the number of personnel they require for the task.
    • Typical options may include a 2-man team, 3-man team, or custom team size based on the complexity and size of the job.
    Time Slot Selection
    • Customers can choose from available time slots based on their preferences and convenience.
    • The platform may offer flexible scheduling options, such as morning, afternoon, and evening slots, to accommodate diverse customer needs.

    Delivery Types and Pricing

    • Within each module, users have the ability to choose delivery types based on their specific needs and requirements.
    • admin can define different delivery options, such as standard, express, or specialized services, tailored to the nature of the module.

    Breakdown of each feature for pricing

    Setting for L x B x H / Amount:

    • This feature calculates the weight of the shipment based on the dimensions (Length, Breadth, Height) entered.
    • The weight is determined using the formula (L x B x H) / Amount, representing the space the shipment occupies in the carrier.
    • Our formula: (LxBxH)/Amount
    Min Distance (KM):
    • Total Cost calculation involves two price tiers based on distance:
    • Our formula: (Minimum Distance Price x Minimum Distance) + (Maximum Distance Price x (Total Distance – Minimum Distance)).
    • This pricing structure accounts for distance variations in the delivery process.
    Dead Weight Price:
    • Admins can set prices corresponding to weight ranges from Minimum Weight to Maximum Weight.
    • This feature allows for customizable pricing based on the weight of the shipment.
    Floors Wise Pricing:
    • Offers pricing differentiation based on the number of floors involved in loading and unloading.
    • Pricing may vary depending on the accessibility and complexity of navigating through multiple floors.
    Loading/Unloading with Elevator Pricing:
    • Elevator usage during loading or unloading incurs additional charges.
    • Admins can set specific pricing structures for instances where elevators are utilized for transport.
    Dynamic Date Pricing:
    • Provides flexible pricing options based on the selected delivery date:
    • Today, Tomorrow, Day After Tomorrow.
    • Dynamic date pricing accounts for urgency and scheduling preferences, allowing for tailored pricing strategies.

    Distance-Based Weight Range Pricing:

    This feature empowers admins to customize pricing structures based on geographical parameters, weight ranges, and city-specific rates, thereby enhancing pricing accuracy and transparency for customers across different shipping routes.

    Geographical Parameters:
    • Origin: Country, State, City
    • Destination: Country, State, City
    • Start Weight Range: The minimum weight threshold for pricing to begin.
    • Ending Weight Range: The maximum weight threshold for pricing to end.
    • Rate Price: Admins assign specific rate prices for each defined weight range.

    Package Insurance

    By offering comprehensive package insurance management, the platform enhances customer confidence and provides valuable protection against unforeseen loss or damage during transit.

    Insurance Parameters:
    • Start Price: The minimum value at which insurance coverage begins.
    • End Price: The maximum value up to which insurance coverage applies.
    • Premium Charged Is Percentage (Default Fix): Admins can choose whether the premium charged for insurance is calculated as a percentage of the declared value of the package or a fixed amount.
    • If Percentage: The premium is calculated as a percentage of the declared value of the package.
    • If Default Fix: The premium remains a fixed amount regardless of the declared value.
    • Loss/Damage Payout Is Percentage (Default Fix): Admins can select whether the payout for loss or damage is calculated as a percentage of the declared value of the package or a fixed amount.
    • If Percentage: The payout is a percentage of the declared value.
    • If Default Fix: The payout remains a fixed amount irrespective of the declared value.

    Shipping Status Management

    Admins possess the capability to manage shipping statuses within the platform, facilitating effective tracking and communication throughout the shipping process. Status Definition:
    • Admins define various shipping statuses to reflect different stages of the shipping journey.
    • Examples of shipping statuses may include “Order Received,” “In Transit,” “Out for Delivery,” and “Delivered.”
    Status Updates:
    • Throughout the shipping process, admins or carrier or driver update the status of each shipment based on its progress.
    • They have the authority to change the status manually
    Customizable Notifications:
    • Automatically notifications sent to customers and carrier or driver based on specific shipping statuses.
    • Notifications may include SMS messages, or in-app notifications to keep recipients informed of shipment progress.

    Coupon/Offer Management

    The coupon management feature allows administrators to create, manage, and track coupon codes within the platform, providing promotional opportunities and incentives for customers.

    Zone Management

    The zone management feature enables administrators to define service zones for different modules such as Domestic, Packers & Movers, and International within the platform. Here’s how this feature works:

    Module-Specific Zones:
    • Administrators can create distinct zones for each module, including Domestic, Packers & Movers, and International.
    • Each zone represents a geographic area where the corresponding module’s services are available.
    Zone Definition:
    • Admins specify the boundaries and characteristics of each zone based on factors such as location, postal codes, regions, or countries.
    • Zones can be defined at various levels of granularity, from city-wide coverage to nationwide or international service areas.
    Service Availability:
    • For each zone, administrators determine whether the corresponding module’s services are available or not.
    • This flexibility allows for targeted service offerings based on geographic demand and operational capabilities.
    Customization Options:
    • Administrators have the flexibility to customize service availability and features for each zone independently.
    • They can enable or disable specific services, set pricing structures, and define service-level agreements tailored to each zone’s requirements.

    Module Management

    The module management feature empowers the master admin to enable or disable specific modules within the platform according to convenience and operational requirements. Here’s how this feature operates:

    Module Selection:
    • The platform offers distinct modules such as Domestic, Packers & Movers, and International for different types of logistics services.
    Master Admin Privileges:
    • The master admin possesses the authority to manage module accessibility across the platform.
    • They can enable or disable modules based on business needs, market trends, or strategic considerations.
    Dynamic Enablement:
    • Master admin can dynamically enable or disable modules in response to changing business conditions, customer demand, or internal resources.
    Administrative Interface:
    • The platform provides an intuitive administrative interface where the master admin can toggle module settings with ease.
    • Clear visualization and straightforward controls facilitate efficient management of module configurations.
    Impact on User Experience:
    • Enabling or disabling modules directly impacts the user experience for both administrators and end-users.
    • Users will only see and interact with modules that are enabled, streamlining their navigation and reducing clutter.

    Payment Method Management

    The payment method management feature allows administrators to configure and manage various payment methods accepted on the platform. Here’s an overview of this feature:
    • The platform supports multiple payment methods like Cash, Paystack, Paypal, Razorpay, Bank Account & Stripe.
    • Admins can configure each payment method according to the platform’s integration capabilities and business needs.
    • Each payment method can be set to active or inactive based on its availability and readiness for use.
    • Active payment methods are displayed to customers during the checkout process.

    Payout Management

    The payout management feature allows carriers to request payouts based on predefined criteria set by the master admin, particularly the Wallet Minimum Balance for Withdrawal ($) as configured in the settings page. Here’s how this feature operates:

    Payout Request Submission:
    • Carriers can submit payout requests through the platform’s interface.
    • The payout request functionality becomes available when the carrier’s wallet balance reaches or exceeds the minimum threshold set by the master admin.
    Wallet Minimum Balance for Withdrawal:
    • The master admin defines the minimum wallet balance required for carriers to be eligible to request payouts.
    • This threshold ensures that carriers maintain a sufficient balance before initiating withdrawal transactions.
    Administrative Configuration:
    • The master admin configures the Wallet Minimum Balance for Withdrawal parameter in the platform’s settings page.
    • Admins can adjust this value as needed to align with business requirements and financial considerations.
    Payout Processing:
    • Once a carrier submits a payout request and meets the minimum balance requirement, the request enters the processing queue.
    • Admins review and approve eligible payout requests for further processing.
    Transaction Execution:
    • Approved payout requests are executed through the designated payment gateway or financial institution.
    • The platform facilitates seamless transaction processing to transfer funds from the carrier’s wallet to their designated payout account.

    Reporting System

    The reporting system offers various reports to provide insights and analytics into different aspects of the platform’s operations. Here are the key reports included:

    Daily Report:

    • The daily report offers a snapshot of platform activities and performance metrics for a specific day.
    • It includes key indicators such as the number of orders processed, total sales revenue, payment transactions, and other relevant data.
    Order Report:
    • The order report provides detailed information about individual orders placed on the platform.
    • It includes order numbers, customer details, order status, items purchased, order values, and any additional notes or comments associated with each order.
    Sales Report:
    • The sales report offers insights into the platform’s sales performance over a defined period.
    • It includes metrics such as total sales revenue, average order value, sales trends over time, top-selling products or services, and geographic sales distribution.
    Payment Report:
    • The payment report provides an overview of payment transactions processed through the platform.
    • It includes details such as payment amounts, transaction dates, payment methods used, transaction statuses, and any associated fees or charges.
    Key Features of the Reporting System:
    • Customization Options: Admins can customize report parameters such as date ranges, filters, and data visualization options to tailor reports to specific needs.
    • Export Functionality: Reports can be exported in various formats such as CSV, Excel, or PDF for further analysis or sharing with stakeholders.

    Content Management System (CMS)

    The Content Management System (CMS) empowers administrators to update and manage various pages displayed on the frontend website, enhancing customer experience and ensuring content accuracy

    Master Setting

    Here’s a breakdown of each setting and configuration feature that the master admin can set up:

    Light Logo: Master admin can upload the light version of the platform’s logo, typically used against light backgrounds.

    Dark Logo: Master admin can upload the dark version of the platform’s logo, typically used against dark backgrounds.

    Site Title: Master admin can specify the title of the website or platform.

    Currency: Master admin can select the default currency used for transactions on the platform.

    Timezone: Master admin can set the default timezone for the platform, ensuring consistency in time-related operations and notifications.

    Currency Symbol Placement: Master admin can specify whether the currency symbol appears on the right or left side of the currency value.

    Thousands Separator: Master admin can define the character used as a thousands separator in numeric values.

    Google Map Key: Master admin can input the Google Maps API key for integrating maps and location services into the platform.

    Carrier Commission (%): Master admin can set the percentage of commission earned by carriers for each transaction or service provided.

    Wallet Min Balance For Withdraw ($): Master admin can define the minimum balance required in a carrier’s wallet before they can request a withdrawal.

    Carrier Auto Approved Toggle: Master admin can enable or disable the automatic approval of carrier accounts upon registration.

    Notification Settings (OneSignal):

    • OneSignal App ID: Master admin can input the OneSignal App ID for sending push notifications to users.
    • OneSignal API Key: Master admin can input the OneSignal API Key for authenticating communication with the OneSignal service.
    SMS Verification (MSG91): SMS Verification for customer signup involves sending a one-time password (OTP) to verify the customer’s identity during the registration process. Additionally, customers receive SMS notifications confirming the shipment status updates once the delivery is received.
    • MSG91 Auth Key: Master admin can input the MSG91 authentication key for sending SMS messages.
    • MSG91 OTP Template Id: Master admin can specify the template ID used for OTP (one-time password) verification.
    • MSG91 SMS Template Id: Master admin can specify the template ID used for general SMS notifications.
    Email Verification: Email verification for customer signup entails sending a one-time password (OTP) to verify the customer’s identity during the registration process. Furthermore, customers receive email notifications confirming the shipment status updates once the delivery is received.
    • Host: Master admin can specify the email host for sending verification emails.
    • Port: Master admin can specify the port used for email communication.
    • Email: Master admin can input the email address used for sending verification emails.
    • Password: Master admin can input the password associated with the email account.
    Length Units: Master admin can define the units used for measuring length, such as centimeters (cm) or inches (in).

    Weight Units: Master admin can define the units used for measuring weight, such as kilograms (kg) or pounds (lb).

    Assigning Orders to Carriers Automatically: Master admin can toggle the option to automatically assign orders to carriers based on predefined criteria or algorithms.

    User Workflow:

    Packers & Movers


    • Card: 4242424242424242
    • CVC: Any 3 digits
    • Date: Any future date
    • Card: 4111111111111111
    • CVC: Any 3 digits
    • Date: Any future date
    Movement: Your All-in-One Packers & Movers, Shipping & Courier Parcel Logistics Partner Solution - 6 Movement: Your All-in-One Packers & Movers, Shipping & Courier Parcel Logistics Partner Solution - 7


    Refund Policy

    • We don’t offer a refund. (If the item is downloaded)
    • Please read the description and compatibility content thoroughly before purchasing as we don’t offer a refund if you buy it by mistake.
    • Be Aware: We do not sell any of our items outside the Envato market


    In which technology do you use to develop the Movement?
    For the Movement development we used HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Jquery for the front end & back end developed in Node JS , And for the database we use Mysql.

    Is this Movement Script Plag & Play?
    Yes, its completely ready to use. Just install it to your server and start to use it.

    Can I customize any code or feature?
    Yes sure, if you are developer or if you have developer you can customize our code and any kinds of feature.

    Do you offer installtion support?
    Yes, we offer paid installation support.

    If I face any bug or error, can I get help from you?
    Yes, 100%. If you face any bug or error (Mistake from our side) we will fix this update this without any cost.

    Do I get lifetime free update once we will buy it?
    Yes, 100%. You will get lifetime free update.

    Do I get lifetime free support once we will buy it?
    Unfortunately! No. We don’t offer any free support.

    Can I run the product on shared hosting?
    Yes, there are no limitations with shared hosting plans but nodejs supported server is required.

    Does the product support RTL languages?
    Yes, the product supports the RTL direction perfectly

    Which things could be customized in the product?
    - You can translate it to any language
    - All of the texts, icons and images
    - All of the predefined contents

    Faced with a problem? Need assistance with the product? No worries – our customer support team is always ready to help you.
    • Support requests are being processed on business days from 10:00 to 18:00 (IST +05.30) [generally] within 24h to 48h of the order they were received.
    • We suggest, while our team reviews your support request, please read the documentation that comes in the zip file of Codecanyon. You can download it from Codecanyon:
    • We are in IST+5:30 timezone. We address all the support queries in 5 days (Saturday & Sunday off).
    • If any support ticket has no response from the item owner for 7 days, the ticket will be considered closed. If you need further assistance you can Feel free to contact us on skype for any kind of pre-sale inquiries or support for the product. Click here to connect on Skype.
    • Have pre-sales questions or concerns, please write to us via our Mail Mail
    • If you like our product and support then please drop a rate and write a review at
    Fuelwise - Fuel Management System - CRM 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/fuelwise-fuel-management-system-crm/50881789 Fuelwise – A Fuel Management CRM

    Customer Benefits

    • Free Setup on Server
    • Free Domain Mapping
    • Free SSL Certificates installation from Let’s Encrypt
    • Rebranding task like [Logo, Name, Color theme etc] addition charge @173 USD
    • For adding new payment gateway addition charge @499 USD

    Minimum requirement for setup

    • Cloud server from digital Ocean
    • Full access of server
    • One Gmail account with login details
    • App name and logo and color theme
    • CRM name
    • It will not work on shared hosting. May be user will get installation issue.

    Fuelwise – A fuel management CRM system is a software solution designed to help companies in the fuel industry manage their customer relationships and streamline their operations.

    Fuelwise Functionalities & Features – An Overview

    Admin Have
    • Dynamic Dashboard
    • Fuel Orders
    • Add or Manage Pumps
    • Assign Duty
    • Savings
    • Sales Reports
    • Add Staff
    • Manage Payroll
    • Suppliers
    • Creditors

    Please Take a Tour Of Our fuelwise With This Credentials

    Fuelwise Setup Document Setup Document Link

    Admin Panel Login Details

    Fuelwise: Fuelwise – Fuel Management CRM
    Username ‒ [email protected]
    Password ‒ 123456 \\

    What Will You Get

    • Frontend Code React JS
    • Backend Code NodeJS
    • MongoDB Collection Database
    • Api Docs Of Postman


    Source And Credit

    I am happy to credit the below

    If you have any questions please feel free to Email via my user page contact form here. Thank you!

    Fuelwise – A Fuel Management CRM

    Customer Benefits

    • Free Setup on Server
    • Free Domain Mapping
    • Free SSL Certificates installation from Let’s Encrypt
    • Rebranding task like [Logo, Name, Color theme etc] addition charge @173 USD
    • For adding new payment gateway addition charge @499 USD

    Minimum requirement for setup

    • Cloud server from digital Ocean
    • Full access of server
    • One Gmail account with login details
    • App name and logo and color theme
    • CRM name
    • It will not work on shared hosting. May be user will get installation issue.

    Fuelwise – A fuel management CRM system is a software solution designed to help companies in the fuel industry manage their customer relationships and streamline their operations.

    Fuelwise Functionalities & Features – An Overview

    Admin Have
    • Dynamic Dashboard
    • Fuel Orders
    • Add or Manage Pumps
    • Assign Duty
    • Savings
    • Sales Reports
    • Add Staff
    • Manage Payroll
    • Suppliers
    • Creditors

    Please Take a Tour Of Our fuelwise With This Credentials

    Fuelwise Setup Document Setup Document Link

    Admin Panel Login Details

    Fuelwise: Fuelwise – Fuel Management CRM
    Username ‒ [email protected]
    Password ‒ 123456 \\

    What Will You Get

    • Frontend Code React JS
    • Backend Code NodeJS
    • MongoDB Collection Database
    • Api Docs Of Postman


    Source And Credit

    I am happy to credit the below

    If you have any questions please feel free to Email via my user page contact form here. Thank you!

    Client360 - A Real Estate CRM 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/client360-real-estate-crm/50810466 Client360 – A Real Estate CRM

    Customer Benefits

    • Free Setup on Server
    • Free Domain Mapping
    • Free SSL Certificates installation from Let’s Encrypt
    • Rebranding task like [Logo, Name, Color theme etc] addition charge @173 USD
    • For adding new payment gateway addition charge @499 USD

    Minimum requirement for setup

    • Cloud server from digital Ocean
    • Full access of server
    • One Gmail account with login details
    • App name and logo and color theme
    • CRM name
    • It will not work on shared hosting. May be user will get installation issue.

    Client360 – A Real Estate CRM is a powerful tool for maximizing efficiency, streamlining operations, and driving growth in your real estate business. By centralizing data, automating tasks, and nurturing leads effectively, you can focus on what you do best – serving your clients and closing deals. Investing in a CRM is not just a technology upgrade; it’s a strategic decision that can propel your real estate business to new heights of success in today’s dynamic market.

    Client360 Functionalities & Features – An Overview

    Admin Have
    • Dynamic Dashboard
    • Lead Management
    • Contact Manegement
    • Add Employee
    • Add Property
    • Task Management
    • Meeting Logs
    • Call Logs
    • Email Logs
    • Calendar
    • Document Collections
    • Payment Layout

    Employee Have

    • Dynamic Dashboard
    • Lead Management
    • Contact Manegement
    • Add Employee
    • Add Property
    • Task Management
    • Meeting Logs
    • Call Logs
    • Email Logs
    • Calendar
    • Document Collections
    • Payment Layout

    Please Take a Tour Of Our Client360 With This Credentials

    Client360 Setup Document Setup Document Link

    Admin Panel Login Details

    Client360: Client360 – Real Estate CRM
    Username ‒ [email protected]
    Password ‒ admin123 \\

    Employee App Login Details

    Client360: Client360 – Real Estate CRM

    Email Id ‒ [email protected]

    Password ‒ 123456


    What Will You Get

    • Frontend Code React JS
    • Backend Code NodeJS
    • MongoDB Collection
    • Api Docs Of Postman


    Source And Credit

    I am happy to credit the below

    If you have any questions please feel free to Email via my user page contact form here. Thank you!

    Client360 – A Real Estate CRM

    Customer Benefits

    • Free Setup on Server
    • Free Domain Mapping
    • Free SSL Certificates installation from Let’s Encrypt
    • Rebranding task like [Logo, Name, Color theme etc] addition charge @173 USD
    • For adding new payment gateway addition charge @499 USD

    Minimum requirement for setup

    • Cloud server from digital Ocean
    • Full access of server
    • One Gmail account with login details
    • App name and logo and color theme
    • CRM name
    • It will not work on shared hosting. May be user will get installation issue.

    Client360 – A Real Estate CRM is a powerful tool for maximizing efficiency, streamlining operations, and driving growth in your real estate business. By centralizing data, automating tasks, and nurturing leads effectively, you can focus on what you do best – serving your clients and closing deals. Investing in a CRM is not just a technology upgrade; it’s a strategic decision that can propel your real estate business to new heights of success in today’s dynamic market.

    Client360 Functionalities & Features – An Overview

    Admin Have
    • Dynamic Dashboard
    • Lead Management
    • Contact Manegement
    • Add Employee
    • Add Property
    • Task Management
    • Meeting Logs
    • Call Logs
    • Email Logs
    • Calendar
    • Document Collections
    • Payment Layout

    Employee Have

    • Dynamic Dashboard
    • Lead Management
    • Contact Manegement
    • Add Employee
    • Add Property
    • Task Management
    • Meeting Logs
    • Call Logs
    • Email Logs
    • Calendar
    • Document Collections
    • Payment Layout

    Please Take a Tour Of Our Client360 With This Credentials

    Client360 Setup Document Setup Document Link

    Admin Panel Login Details

    Client360: Client360 – Real Estate CRM
    Username ‒ [email protected]
    Password ‒ admin123 \\

    Employee App Login Details

    Client360: Client360 – Real Estate CRM

    Email Id ‒ [email protected]

    Password ‒ 123456


    What Will You Get

    • Frontend Code React JS
    • Backend Code NodeJS
    • MongoDB Collection
    • Api Docs Of Postman


    Source And Credit

    I am happy to credit the below

    If you have any questions please feel free to Email via my user page contact form here. Thank you!

    EvaluateAI - AI Powered Answer Sheet Evaluator and Marksheet Generator SaaS Platform 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/evaluateai-ai-powered-answer-sheet-evaluator-and-marksheet-g/50774309

    Welcome to EvaluateAI, the cutting-edge solution revolutionizing the grading process for educational institutions. Powered by OpenAI GPT-4, EvaluateAI automates the evaluation of exam answer sheets, ensuring accuracy and efficiency while eliminating manual grading hassles. With intuitive features for class management, evaluator creation, and detailed result analysis, EvaluateAI empowers educators to streamline assessment workflows and focus on providing valuable feedback to students.

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    Demo Video:



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    EvaluateAI - AI Powered Answer Sheet Evaluator and Marksheet Generator SaaS Platform - 11

    EvaluateAI - AI Powered Answer Sheet Evaluator and Marksheet Generator SaaS Platform - 12

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    Key Features

    • AI-Powered Evaluation: Automates the grading process using advanced artificial intelligence algorithms, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.
    • Class Management: Organize classes with ease, assigning sections and subjects, and adding students with unique identifiers.
    • Evaluator Creation: Generate evaluators effortlessly, specifying exam titles, associated classes, and uploading question papers and answer keys.
    • Answer Sheet Upload: Seamlessly upload answer sheets for each student within an evaluator, initiating the evaluation process with a single click.
    • Detailed Result Analysis: Access comprehensive result pages with tabs for “Marksheet” and “Detailed View,” offering insights into individual student performance.
    • User-Friendly Interface: Navigate EvaluateAI with ease, thanks to intuitive interfaces designed to streamline the grading process.
    • Exportable Results: Download evaluation results in PDF format for easy sharing and record-keeping, promoting accessibility and collaboration among educators.
    • Responsive Design: Access EvaluateAI seamlessly across various devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

    EvaluateAI - AI Powered Answer Sheet Evaluator and Marksheet Generator SaaS Platform - 16

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    EvaluateAI - AI Powered Answer Sheet Evaluator and Marksheet Generator SaaS Platform - 19


    Welcome to EvaluateAI, the cutting-edge solution revolutionizing the grading process for educational institutions. Powered by OpenAI GPT-4, EvaluateAI automates the evaluation of exam answer sheets, ensuring accuracy and efficiency while eliminating manual grading hassles. With intuitive features for class management, evaluator creation, and detailed result analysis, EvaluateAI empowers educators to streamline assessment workflows and focus on providing valuable feedback to students.

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    Demo Video:



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    EvaluateAI - AI Powered Answer Sheet Evaluator and Marksheet Generator SaaS Platform - 9

    EvaluateAI - AI Powered Answer Sheet Evaluator and Marksheet Generator SaaS Platform - 10

    EvaluateAI - AI Powered Answer Sheet Evaluator and Marksheet Generator SaaS Platform - 11

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    EvaluateAI - AI Powered Answer Sheet Evaluator and Marksheet Generator SaaS Platform - 15

    Key Features

    • AI-Powered Evaluation: Automates the grading process using advanced artificial intelligence algorithms, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.
    • Class Management: Organize classes with ease, assigning sections and subjects, and adding students with unique identifiers.
    • Evaluator Creation: Generate evaluators effortlessly, specifying exam titles, associated classes, and uploading question papers and answer keys.
    • Answer Sheet Upload: Seamlessly upload answer sheets for each student within an evaluator, initiating the evaluation process with a single click.
    • Detailed Result Analysis: Access comprehensive result pages with tabs for “Marksheet” and “Detailed View,” offering insights into individual student performance.
    • User-Friendly Interface: Navigate EvaluateAI with ease, thanks to intuitive interfaces designed to streamline the grading process.
    • Exportable Results: Download evaluation results in PDF format for easy sharing and record-keeping, promoting accessibility and collaboration among educators.
    • Responsive Design: Access EvaluateAI seamlessly across various devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

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    Video Tile Puzzle 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/video-tile-puzzle/50769939 VIDEO TILE PUZZLE Video Tile Puzzle has the ability to convert videos into tile puzzles with a simple click of an icon, users can transform any video into an engaging tile puzzle experience, enhancing interaction and entertainment. Embrace a new dimension of entertainment with our versatile video player, where every frame becomes a piece of the puzzle, inviting users to piece together their favorite moments in a fun and interactive way.
    It’s a powerful marketing tool. Upon completion of the time-based tile puzzles, top winners are rewarded with free coupons, adding an exciting incentive for engagement.
    This innovative approach not only captivates audiences but also creates opportunities for brands to promote their products and services effectively. By intertwining entertainment with marketing, our video player fosters user engagement while offering businesses a dynamic platform to showcase their offerings and drive consumer interaction. Join us in revolutionizing the way videos are experienced and marketed, where entertainment meets promotion seamlessly.

    Key Features:

  • Set game type as normal or match
  • Set match start time to automatically convert the video into tile puzzle
  • Set match duration to make it more challenging
  • Show or hide numbers on tiles
  • Show or hide reference image behind the tiles
  • Set number of horizontal and vertical tiles
  • Multilingual support for popups and lead generation form
  • Style your form and popups through external CSS
  • Support all standard features of video player
  • Deploy on Web:

  • Web folder ready to use on your website.
  • All browsers support, tested in chrome, firefox, opera etc.
  • Developer Notes:

  • A complete guideline is also included that can help developer to customize the Video Player and Tile Puzzle.
  • All customization for video player, tile puzzle and language support are totally seperated and place on top so that the developer customize it accordingly.
  • Video player is DOM based so you can set the style by external style sheet.
  • For multilingual support a seperate form.json is included in which you have to edit or add any language.
  • ]]>
    VIDEO TILE PUZZLE Video Tile Puzzle has the ability to convert videos into tile puzzles with a simple click of an icon, users can transform any video into an engaging tile puzzle experience, enhancing interaction and entertainment. Embrace a new dimension of entertainment with our versatile video player, where every frame becomes a piece of the puzzle, inviting users to piece together their favorite moments in a fun and interactive way.
    It’s a powerful marketing tool. Upon completion of the time-based tile puzzles, top winners are rewarded with free coupons, adding an exciting incentive for engagement.
    This innovative approach not only captivates audiences but also creates opportunities for brands to promote their products and services effectively. By intertwining entertainment with marketing, our video player fosters user engagement while offering businesses a dynamic platform to showcase their offerings and drive consumer interaction. Join us in revolutionizing the way videos are experienced and marketed, where entertainment meets promotion seamlessly.

    Key Features:

  • Set game type as normal or match
  • Set match start time to automatically convert the video into tile puzzle
  • Set match duration to make it more challenging
  • Show or hide numbers on tiles
  • Show or hide reference image behind the tiles
  • Set number of horizontal and vertical tiles
  • Multilingual support for popups and lead generation form
  • Style your form and popups through external CSS
  • Support all standard features of video player
  • Deploy on Web:

  • Web folder ready to use on your website.
  • All browsers support, tested in chrome, firefox, opera etc.
  • Developer Notes:

  • A complete guideline is also included that can help developer to customize the Video Player and Tile Puzzle.
  • All customization for video player, tile puzzle and language support are totally seperated and place on top so that the developer customize it accordingly.
  • Video player is DOM based so you can set the style by external style sheet.
  • For multilingual support a seperate form.json is included in which you have to edit or add any language.
  • ]]>
    Pmotion - Javascript Animated GIF and Video Maker 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/pmotion-javascript-animated-gif-and-video-maker/50750844 Pmotion - Javascript Animated GIF and Video Maker - 1Pmotion - Javascript Animated GIF and Video Maker - 2

    Pmotion - Javascript Animated GIF and Video Maker

    Create animated GIFs and videos with drag & drop motion graphics editor which comes with keyframing, filters, text animations, and much more… You can easily create unique videos or animated gifs for your social media posts, ads or site.

    Unminified source files are included in the download.

    No Database Required

    Users can upload their own images (png, jpeg, webp, svg) and videos (mp4) to Pmotion. These files and saved templates (JSON files) are stored in the users’ browser. Not on your server. In fact, everything, including video creation, happens on the client side. This means you don’t have to worry about your server resources…

    Animate Anything

    You can move the layer around at different time points to automatically generate keyframes. Working with keyframes is easy. Just drag the seek bar to a point in time, transform your selection in the canvas (e.g. by scaling, moving, rotating…), and the keyframes will be automatically generated. You can reposition the keyframes, delete them, or set the easing by clicking on them. Unleash your imagination with Pmotion!

    Pexels and Pixabay Integrations

    With Pexels and Pixabay integrations, users can browse millions of high-quality royalty free stock images and videos from the left panel.

    Light & Dark Themes

    PmotionJS comes with 2 themes. Users can switch between these light and dark themes. You can create your own themes or easily edit existing themes by editing a few lines of CSS variables.


    Save, import or export templates, add your templates to the library for your users with ease.

    Animated Text

    Create and customize animated text for your videos within a few clicks.


    Pmotion comes with carefully selected SVG files. You can easily add your own SVG files to the library so everyone can use them.


    You can lock/unlock, clone or delete any layer with ease from the layers panel. You can also drag the layers up and down to change their ordering in the canvas.

    Highly Compatible

    Pmotion can be easily integrated to any project or can be used as a stand-alone application.

    Lightweight And Fast

    PmotionJS is built on top of FabricJS (and jQuery) which is optimized for performance and can handle complex animations and interactions smoothly.

    Clean Code

    PmotionJS is a well coded JQuery plugin. We strictly follow latest Javascript coding standards to keep Pmotion secure, stable and fast.


    You can undo or redo your actions. History feature allows you to browse all stored actions and restore any one as you want.


    If enabled, your custom watermark will be automatically added to the user’s downloaded video.

    QR Code

    QR codes can store, website URLs, contact info, text messages, product information, payment information, digital tickets and much more!

    Image Editing

    PmotionJS can be used as an image editor as you can customize images and download them in your desired format.

    Video Editing

    PmotionJS can be used as an video editor as you can resize, crop, rotate and download them in WebM format.

    Lifetime Updates

    We regularly update the plugin to add new features and to fix compatibility issues.

    You May Be Interested In

    Palleon - Javascript Image Editor

    Update History

    Version 1.1 May 02nd, 2024

    Fixed Pixabay video issue
    Pmotion - Javascript Animated GIF and Video Maker - 1Pmotion - Javascript Animated GIF and Video Maker - 2

    Pmotion - Javascript Animated GIF and Video Maker

    Create animated GIFs and videos with drag & drop motion graphics editor which comes with keyframing, filters, text animations, and much more… You can easily create unique videos or animated gifs for your social media posts, ads or site.

    Unminified source files are included in the download.

    No Database Required

    Users can upload their own images (png, jpeg, webp, svg) and videos (mp4) to Pmotion. These files and saved templates (JSON files) are stored in the users’ browser. Not on your server. In fact, everything, including video creation, happens on the client side. This means you don’t have to worry about your server resources…

    Animate Anything

    You can move the layer around at different time points to automatically generate keyframes. Working with keyframes is easy. Just drag the seek bar to a point in time, transform your selection in the canvas (e.g. by scaling, moving, rotating…), and the keyframes will be automatically generated. You can reposition the keyframes, delete them, or set the easing by clicking on them. Unleash your imagination with Pmotion!

    Pexels and Pixabay Integrations

    With Pexels and Pixabay integrations, users can browse millions of high-quality royalty free stock images and videos from the left panel.

    Light & Dark Themes

    PmotionJS comes with 2 themes. Users can switch between these light and dark themes. You can create your own themes or easily edit existing themes by editing a few lines of CSS variables.


    Save, import or export templates, add your templates to the library for your users with ease.

    Animated Text

    Create and customize animated text for your videos within a few clicks.


    Pmotion comes with carefully selected SVG files. You can easily add your own SVG files to the library so everyone can use them.


    You can lock/unlock, clone or delete any layer with ease from the layers panel. You can also drag the layers up and down to change their ordering in the canvas.

    Highly Compatible

    Pmotion can be easily integrated to any project or can be used as a stand-alone application.

    Lightweight And Fast

    PmotionJS is built on top of FabricJS (and jQuery) which is optimized for performance and can handle complex animations and interactions smoothly.

    Clean Code

    PmotionJS is a well coded JQuery plugin. We strictly follow latest Javascript coding standards to keep Pmotion secure, stable and fast.


    You can undo or redo your actions. History feature allows you to browse all stored actions and restore any one as you want.


    If enabled, your custom watermark will be automatically added to the user’s downloaded video.

    QR Code

    QR codes can store, website URLs, contact info, text messages, product information, payment information, digital tickets and much more!

    Image Editing

    PmotionJS can be used as an image editor as you can customize images and download them in your desired format.

    Video Editing

    PmotionJS can be used as an video editor as you can resize, crop, rotate and download them in WebM format.

    Lifetime Updates

    We regularly update the plugin to add new features and to fix compatibility issues.

    You May Be Interested In

    Palleon - Javascript Image Editor

    Update History

    Version 1.1 May 02nd, 2024

    Fixed Pixabay video issue
    Universal Loader 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/universal-loader/50682767 Universal Loader is a highly customizable loader you can use anywhere. Show a full-page loader or attach it to any element on the page like a form or a button.

    Universal Loader is a jQuery plugin. If your site isn’t already using jQuery, Universal Loader will load it for you automatically, so this is a simple drop-in-and-work script!

    You’ll find that it works seamlessly out of the box and includes customizations to make it work just right for you.

    Features: - Customize colors and mask opacity - Override the loading UI with any element - Works anywhere and has a tiny footprint - Plenty of samples and documentation included

    Uses: - Protect forms from unwanted interactions while loading - Satisfy user expectations by showing progress - Keep parts of the page interactive while other parts are loading

    Mark loading done in a variety of ways: - A simple time delay - Waiting for an element to exist on the page - A function callback - A function that returns a Promise

    Included in your purchase are thorough examples of how to install and use the various configurations supported, plus documentation on each plugin option you can tweak.

    Universal Loader is a highly customizable loader you can use anywhere. Show a full-page loader or attach it to any element on the page like a form or a button.

    Universal Loader is a jQuery plugin. If your site isn’t already using jQuery, Universal Loader will load it for you automatically, so this is a simple drop-in-and-work script!

    You’ll find that it works seamlessly out of the box and includes customizations to make it work just right for you.

    Features: - Customize colors and mask opacity - Override the loading UI with any element - Works anywhere and has a tiny footprint - Plenty of samples and documentation included

    Uses: - Protect forms from unwanted interactions while loading - Satisfy user expectations by showing progress - Keep parts of the page interactive while other parts are loading

    Mark loading done in a variety of ways: - A simple time delay - Waiting for an element to exist on the page - A function callback - A function that returns a Promise

    Included in your purchase are thorough examples of how to install and use the various configurations supported, plus documentation on each plugin option you can tweak.

    CardFlex - Interactive SwatchBook Card Collection 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/cardflex-interactive-swatchbook-card-collection/50576574 Description

    Meet our Swatch Book Cards: Your stylish and simple way to show off your profile and social links. Upgrade your online presence with ease!

    CardFlex - Interactive SwatchBook Card Collection - 1


    • Clean Design
    • 5 Different Styles (Profile, Social, Info-Box, Emoji, Team)
    • HTML5
    • CSS3
    • jQuery
    • CardFlex
    • Well Documentation
    • Easy to Customize

    Support and Documentation

    If you encounter any issues or have questions, feel free to contact us at support page. Additionally, detailed documentation is provided with the product to assist you with setup and customization.

    Thank you for choosing CardFlex – SwatchBook Cards

    We appreciate your support and hope you enjoy using our product.


    Meet our Swatch Book Cards: Your stylish and simple way to show off your profile and social links. Upgrade your online presence with ease!

    CardFlex - Interactive SwatchBook Card Collection - 1


    • Clean Design
    • 5 Different Styles (Profile, Social, Info-Box, Emoji, Team)
    • HTML5
    • CSS3
    • jQuery
    • CardFlex
    • Well Documentation
    • Easy to Customize

    Support and Documentation

    If you encounter any issues or have questions, feel free to contact us at support page. Additionally, detailed documentation is provided with the product to assist you with setup and customization.

    Thank you for choosing CardFlex – SwatchBook Cards

    We appreciate your support and hope you enjoy using our product.

    RewordAI - AI Rewriter and Grammar Corrector SaaS Platform 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/rewordai-ai-rewriter-and-grammar-corrector-saas-platform/50500483
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    Demo Video:



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    • Build a personalized SaaS with logo, brand name, theme and color customization. (Documentation included)
    • Customize currency settings, symbols, and payment methods for a tailored payment experience.
    • Manage and view shop items, purchases, and invoices.
    • Adjust rewrite count for free users.

    File Formats:

    • The download includes editable source code files in Next.js and Node.js.
    • File formats: .js, .jsx, .ts, .tsx, .css, .json.


    • External OpenAI API costs may apply. Ensure to review OpenAI’s pricing before usage.
    • RewordAI uses GPT-3.5 Turbo. Learn more
    • The number of tokens and credits consumed varies depending on the size and type of the request, as well as the GPT-3 model used.
    • Users can purchase additional tokens and credits as needed and monitor usage through their OpenAI account platform at
    • Users can check the price of each token and model through the
    RewordAI - AI Rewriter and Grammar Corrector SaaS Platform - 10


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    Demo Video:



    RewordAI - AI Rewriter and Grammar Corrector SaaS Platform - 4

    RewordAI - AI Rewriter and Grammar Corrector SaaS Platform - 5

    RewordAI - AI Rewriter and Grammar Corrector SaaS Platform - 6

    RewordAI - AI Rewriter and Grammar Corrector SaaS Platform - 7

    RewordAI - AI Rewriter and Grammar Corrector SaaS Platform - 8

    RewordAI - AI Rewriter and Grammar Corrector SaaS Platform - 9


    • Build a personalized SaaS with logo, brand name, theme and color customization. (Documentation included)
    • Customize currency settings, symbols, and payment methods for a tailored payment experience.
    • Manage and view shop items, purchases, and invoices.
    • Adjust rewrite count for free users.

    File Formats:

    • The download includes editable source code files in Next.js and Node.js.
    • File formats: .js, .jsx, .ts, .tsx, .css, .json.


    • External OpenAI API costs may apply. Ensure to review OpenAI’s pricing before usage.
    • RewordAI uses GPT-3.5 Turbo. Learn more
    • The number of tokens and credits consumed varies depending on the size and type of the request, as well as the GPT-3 model used.
    • Users can purchase additional tokens and credits as needed and monitor usage through their OpenAI account platform at
    • Users can check the price of each token and model through the
    RewordAI - AI Rewriter and Grammar Corrector SaaS Platform - 10

    TutorLab - Learning Management System Saas Platform 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/tutorlab-learning-management-system-saas-platform/50396294 TutorLab – Learning Management System | Next.Js | Saas

    Welcome to TutorLab, an immersive Learning Management System (LMS) that goes beyond traditional education paradigms. Embark on an epic learning odyssey where knowledge becomes an enchanting experience, seamlessly powered by cutting-edge technologies. In a world where education meets innovation, TutorLab stands as a beacon of transformation. Bid farewell to mundane learning experiences and embrace a realm where every lesson is an invitation to explore, discover, and excel.

    Join the educational revolution and let TutorLab, with its fusion of Next.js, Nest.js, Tailwind CSS, and seamless payment integration, make your learning dreams come alive on a grand scale. Embark on this epic learning odyssey with TutorLab – where education becomes an unforgettable journey, and every step is a testament to the power of technology and innovation in shaping the future of learning.

    Why Choose TutorLab LMS?

  • Beautiful User Panel for students
  • Course Management system for instructors
  • Quiz management
  • Versatile Instructor panel
  • Multiple Payment System
  • Advance Admin panel
  • Fast video rendering
  • Responsive Design
  • Fully responsive and dynamic
  • Easy to signup & login
  • Email verification
  • Forgot password
  • Profile management
  • Password setup
  • Security management
  • Complete user management
  • Blog Management
  • FAQ Management
  • Advance Payout management system
  • landing page management system
  • Instructors payment management system
  • Certificate management system
  • Promo Code management system
  • More Features Coming Soon
  • Change Log: Version 1.1 – 27-04-2024

    - Security improvement
    - Piracy and download prevention

    Change Log: Version 1.0 – 21-01-2024

    - Initial Release

    Support: Our support response time can be up to 2 business days. Support only includes script bugs, customization, and new features that are excluded from this service.


    Images are only for demo purposes and are not included with the download bundle.

    TutorLab – Learning Management System | Next.Js | Saas

    Welcome to TutorLab, an immersive Learning Management System (LMS) that goes beyond traditional education paradigms. Embark on an epic learning odyssey where knowledge becomes an enchanting experience, seamlessly powered by cutting-edge technologies. In a world where education meets innovation, TutorLab stands as a beacon of transformation. Bid farewell to mundane learning experiences and embrace a realm where every lesson is an invitation to explore, discover, and excel.

    Join the educational revolution and let TutorLab, with its fusion of Next.js, Nest.js, Tailwind CSS, and seamless payment integration, make your learning dreams come alive on a grand scale. Embark on this epic learning odyssey with TutorLab – where education becomes an unforgettable journey, and every step is a testament to the power of technology and innovation in shaping the future of learning.

    Why Choose TutorLab LMS?

  • Beautiful User Panel for students
  • Course Management system for instructors
  • Quiz management
  • Versatile Instructor panel
  • Multiple Payment System
  • Advance Admin panel
  • Fast video rendering
  • Responsive Design
  • Fully responsive and dynamic
  • Easy to signup & login
  • Email verification
  • Forgot password
  • Profile management
  • Password setup
  • Security management
  • Complete user management
  • Blog Management
  • FAQ Management
  • Advance Payout management system
  • landing page management system
  • Instructors payment management system
  • Certificate management system
  • Promo Code management system
  • More Features Coming Soon
  • Change Log: Version 1.1 – 27-04-2024

    - Security improvement
    - Piracy and download prevention

    Change Log: Version 1.0 – 21-01-2024

    - Initial Release

    Support: Our support response time can be up to 2 business days. Support only includes script bugs, customization, and new features that are excluded from this service.


    Images are only for demo purposes and are not included with the download bundle.

    Room Gallery / 3D Image Carousel / Resposive Slider / JS / jQuery / React / SASS 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/room-gallery-3d-image-carousel-resposive-slider-js-jquery-re/50336453 Room Gallery

    enter image description here

    We present an extraordinary product that will revolutionize the way art is presented and take your users on a journey through a real gallery.

    If you’re looking for a way for your website to reflect the atmosphere of your institution or wondering how to capture the attention of your audience for your creativity, Room Gallery is the perfect choice.

    It provides unlimited customization possibilities.

    Super easy to implement in any CMS system or framework

    1. Pick one of the three ways to work with the gallery: Vanilla JS / jQuery / React
    2. Using Vanilla JS:

      1. Attach the JS gallery-room library to your document head
      2. Add an ID to your body tag, for example: div
      3. Select your images (img) in the body using JS Query Selector
      4. Create a gallery object and initialize it (just one line of code)
      5. All of this in 4 lines of code

    We include 3 examples of use to make it even easier!

    Key Features

    • Change wall, ceiling, and floor colors

    • Add your own textures and customize the gallery to meet your needs

    • Determine the content of each wall segment (object) and place any HTML content on it

    • Source code of the React.js component is included for easy extension during development

    Technical Details

    • Fully adapted to modern browsers, responsive, and fast

    • Based on proven CSS animation technologies and CSS variables

    Package Contents

    • NPM package files (package.json) for installing the component in your JavaScript application

    • Source code of the React.js component with styles in SASS (SCSS) that you can modify as needed

    • A library in pure JavaScript if you’re not using React

    • jQuery plugin if you use jQuery on your site

    • Ready-made implementation and settings examples

    • Access to configuration at different levels, such as JavaScript settings, JavaScript style, JavaScript events, JavaScript callback, CSS variables, SASS variables

    Customization Options

    • Three options for providing image data to the gallery: a JSON file with links and descriptions, a promise function, or specifying image tags on the target page

    • Dark mode settings

    • Backgrounds and colors of walls, ceiling, and floor for each mode

    • Three styles for arrows and buttons, with the option to upload your own

    • Three styles for pagination, including thumbnails

    • Description, title, and content of each wall segment in the gallery, including videos and your own HTML code

    • In the case of using the React.js component, the possibility of implementing any reactive content on the wall segment

    How it works

    Go to Live Preview

    See how Room Gallery looks live and in screenshots.

    durning animation

    enter image description here

    walls customization

    enter image description here

    dark mode

    enter image description here

    navigation style

    enter image description here

    on mobile device

    enter image description here

    Room Gallery

    enter image description here

    We present an extraordinary product that will revolutionize the way art is presented and take your users on a journey through a real gallery.

    If you’re looking for a way for your website to reflect the atmosphere of your institution or wondering how to capture the attention of your audience for your creativity, Room Gallery is the perfect choice.

    It provides unlimited customization possibilities.

    Super easy to implement in any CMS system or framework

    1. Pick one of the three ways to work with the gallery: Vanilla JS / jQuery / React
    2. Using Vanilla JS:

      1. Attach the JS gallery-room library to your document head
      2. Add an ID to your body tag, for example: div
      3. Select your images (img) in the body using JS Query Selector
      4. Create a gallery object and initialize it (just one line of code)
      5. All of this in 4 lines of code

    We include 3 examples of use to make it even easier!

    Key Features

    • Change wall, ceiling, and floor colors

    • Add your own textures and customize the gallery to meet your needs

    • Determine the content of each wall segment (object) and place any HTML content on it

    • Source code of the React.js component is included for easy extension during development

    Technical Details

    • Fully adapted to modern browsers, responsive, and fast

    • Based on proven CSS animation technologies and CSS variables

    Package Contents

    • NPM package files (package.json) for installing the component in your JavaScript application

    • Source code of the React.js component with styles in SASS (SCSS) that you can modify as needed

    • A library in pure JavaScript if you’re not using React

    • jQuery plugin if you use jQuery on your site

    • Ready-made implementation and settings examples

    • Access to configuration at different levels, such as JavaScript settings, JavaScript style, JavaScript events, JavaScript callback, CSS variables, SASS variables

    Customization Options

    • Three options for providing image data to the gallery: a JSON file with links and descriptions, a promise function, or specifying image tags on the target page

    • Dark mode settings

    • Backgrounds and colors of walls, ceiling, and floor for each mode

    • Three styles for arrows and buttons, with the option to upload your own

    • Three styles for pagination, including thumbnails

    • Description, title, and content of each wall segment in the gallery, including videos and your own HTML code

    • In the case of using the React.js component, the possibility of implementing any reactive content on the wall segment

    How it works

    Go to Live Preview

    See how Room Gallery looks live and in screenshots.

    durning animation

    enter image description here

    walls customization

    enter image description here

    dark mode

    enter image description here

    navigation style

    enter image description here

    on mobile device

    enter image description here

    Easy 3D Model Viewer 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/easy-3d-model-viewer/50244401 Easy 3D Model Viewer - 1 Easy 3D Model Viewer - 2 Easy 3D Model Viewer - 3 Easy 3D Model Viewer - 4 Easy 3D Model Viewer - 5

    What is Easy 3D Model Viewer

    3D responsive model viewer that supports gltf, glb, glTF-Embedded, and compressed DRACO formats, delivering stunning realism with realistic lights, environment maps, shadows and more. Take your models to the next level by adding markers/hotspots that can play/control built-in animation, show tooltips and detailed info windows, animate custom camera postions and much more!

    Take your models to the next level by adding markers/hotspots that can play/control built-in animation, show tooltips and detailed info windows, animate custom camera postions and much more

    Main features

    Responsive Layout – Fully responsive and adaptable regardless of which device is used.

    Lightbox Support – Easy 3D Model Viewer can be opened in a lightbox when the page is ready or triggered by an external action, such as clicking a button. The lightbox layout is fully responsive, and the viewer size can be customized as needed, example here.

    Customizable Size – Easy 3D Model Viewer can be set to any width or height and can be added anywhere in your page or app.

    Desktop & Mobile Optimized – Easy 3D Model Viewer will adapt to any screen size and any device, whether you are using a mobile phone (IOS, Iphone, Android) or on your desktop browser.

    Vector Skin – Everything is vector based this will make the viewer look sharp on all devices mobile or desktop.

    Customizable Color Theme – The color theme of all viewer elements can be easily customized to suit your preferences.

    Lazy Scrolling/Loading – Option to initialize Easy 3D Model Viewer on scroll when the viewer is visible in the page, this way for example if the viewer is in a section that is not visible it will not be initialized, instead the viewer will be initialized only when the user will scroll to the section in which the viewer is added.

    Preloader – Customizable preloader that not only displays loading progress but also features a poster. You have the flexibility to set the preloader’s size and position according to your preferences, example here.

    Buttons Controller – Customizable controller featuring play, zoom in, zoom out, info, help, and fullscreen buttons. The controller automatically hides itself after a designated period of user inactivity.

    Orbital Controls – Customizable 3D orbital controls that allows to zoom and move the camera.

    Orbital Controls Ranges – The camera rotation can be selectively constrained both horizontally and vertically, alongside customizable minimum and/or maximum zoom settings, adjusting parameters such as zoom factor, damping factor, zoom speed, pan speed, and more, example here.

    Auto-rotation – The 3D model can be configured for automatic rotation, with the option to customize the rotation speed to suit individual preferences, example here.

    Keyboard Pan – Navigate the model effortlessly with keyboard shortcuts, using the intuitive W A S D keys or your preferred custom key setup, the pan speed can be adjusted as well.

    Enviroment Map – Eenhanced environmental mapping support with .exr files, offering nuanced control. Choose to display the environment map as a background, utilize it solely for reflections and lighting in a specific mode, or apply it subtly as a color-toned gradient color.

    Lights – Effortlessly customize directional and ambient lighting to suit your model perfectly. Easily set the light intensity and position according to your preferences, with added support for tone mapping to extend the luminance range for a richer visual experience.

    Contact Shadow – Achieve authentic contact shadows with a defined contact plane. Tailor the shadow’s blur, darkness, and opacity to your exact specifications for a seamless and customizable visual experience.

    Default Built-in Animation Control – Play a 3D model built-in animation at your preferred time once the model is ready for display. Adjust the animation speed to your liking and fine-tune parameters such as clamping at the end and loop count for a tailored and dynamic presentation.

    Markers/Hotspots – Enhance your 3D model with customizable markers/hotspots. These versatile feature can open pages/links, enable control over built-in animations or camera positions and can display tooltips and/or detailed info windows, enriched with full HTML and CSS support.

    Two Marker Types – Easy 3D Model Viewer introduces support for two marker types. The 2D markers type manifests as an HTML element added over the 3D canvas, it dynamically hides or shows based on the angle value between the camera and the marker’s intersection point face normal. Meanwhile, the 3D markers type seamlessly integrates into the scene, sharing a visual similarity with its 2D counterpart.

    Markers Built-in Animation Control – Clicking on a marker empowers you to control a built-in animation with a myriad of options at your fingertips. Define parameters such as animation loop count, speed/time scale, and choose whether to animate the marker along with the model or maintain a fixed position. Customize post-animation actions, including playing the animation in reverse, animation clamping, and toggling the display of tooltips or info windows.

    Markers Camera Animations – Establish personalized positions on a model with custom names. Upon clicking a marker, seamlessly transition the camera to the personalized location using smooth tweening, allowing you to set the duration and easing to match your preferences. This versatile feature can be integrated with the built-in animations, akin to the functionality observed in the photo camera demo when clicking the larger play marker.

    Markers Camera Animations Menu – Navigate your personalized marker camera animations effortlessly with a dedicated menu. This intuitive interface not only showcases but also grants control over the displayed markers and their corresponding camera animations, example here.

    Direct Support From The Developer – Once you buy the Easy 3D Model Viewer you will also receive direct support and attention from the video player developer, Tibi @ FWD.

    Easy 3D Model Viewer - 1 Easy 3D Model Viewer - 2 Easy 3D Model Viewer - 3 Easy 3D Model Viewer - 4 Easy 3D Model Viewer - 5

    What is Easy 3D Model Viewer

    3D responsive model viewer that supports gltf, glb, glTF-Embedded, and compressed DRACO formats, delivering stunning realism with realistic lights, environment maps, shadows and more. Take your models to the next level by adding markers/hotspots that can play/control built-in animation, show tooltips and detailed info windows, animate custom camera postions and much more!

    Take your models to the next level by adding markers/hotspots that can play/control built-in animation, show tooltips and detailed info windows, animate custom camera postions and much more

    Main features

    Responsive Layout – Fully responsive and adaptable regardless of which device is used.

    Lightbox Support – Easy 3D Model Viewer can be opened in a lightbox when the page is ready or triggered by an external action, such as clicking a button. The lightbox layout is fully responsive, and the viewer size can be customized as needed, example here.

    Customizable Size – Easy 3D Model Viewer can be set to any width or height and can be added anywhere in your page or app.

    Desktop & Mobile Optimized – Easy 3D Model Viewer will adapt to any screen size and any device, whether you are using a mobile phone (IOS, Iphone, Android) or on your desktop browser.

    Vector Skin – Everything is vector based this will make the viewer look sharp on all devices mobile or desktop.

    Customizable Color Theme – The color theme of all viewer elements can be easily customized to suit your preferences.

    Lazy Scrolling/Loading – Option to initialize Easy 3D Model Viewer on scroll when the viewer is visible in the page, this way for example if the viewer is in a section that is not visible it will not be initialized, instead the viewer will be initialized only when the user will scroll to the section in which the viewer is added.

    Preloader – Customizable preloader that not only displays loading progress but also features a poster. You have the flexibility to set the preloader’s size and position according to your preferences, example here.

    Buttons Controller – Customizable controller featuring play, zoom in, zoom out, info, help, and fullscreen buttons. The controller automatically hides itself after a designated period of user inactivity.

    Orbital Controls – Customizable 3D orbital controls that allows to zoom and move the camera.

    Orbital Controls Ranges – The camera rotation can be selectively constrained both horizontally and vertically, alongside customizable minimum and/or maximum zoom settings, adjusting parameters such as zoom factor, damping factor, zoom speed, pan speed, and more, example here.

    Auto-rotation – The 3D model can be configured for automatic rotation, with the option to customize the rotation speed to suit individual preferences, example here.

    Keyboard Pan – Navigate the model effortlessly with keyboard shortcuts, using the intuitive W A S D keys or your preferred custom key setup, the pan speed can be adjusted as well.

    Enviroment Map – Eenhanced environmental mapping support with .exr files, offering nuanced control. Choose to display the environment map as a background, utilize it solely for reflections and lighting in a specific mode, or apply it subtly as a color-toned gradient color.

    Lights – Effortlessly customize directional and ambient lighting to suit your model perfectly. Easily set the light intensity and position according to your preferences, with added support for tone mapping to extend the luminance range for a richer visual experience.

    Contact Shadow – Achieve authentic contact shadows with a defined contact plane. Tailor the shadow’s blur, darkness, and opacity to your exact specifications for a seamless and customizable visual experience.

    Default Built-in Animation Control – Play a 3D model built-in animation at your preferred time once the model is ready for display. Adjust the animation speed to your liking and fine-tune parameters such as clamping at the end and loop count for a tailored and dynamic presentation.

    Markers/Hotspots – Enhance your 3D model with customizable markers/hotspots. These versatile feature can open pages/links, enable control over built-in animations or camera positions and can display tooltips and/or detailed info windows, enriched with full HTML and CSS support.

    Two Marker Types – Easy 3D Model Viewer introduces support for two marker types. The 2D markers type manifests as an HTML element added over the 3D canvas, it dynamically hides or shows based on the angle value between the camera and the marker’s intersection point face normal. Meanwhile, the 3D markers type seamlessly integrates into the scene, sharing a visual similarity with its 2D counterpart.

    Markers Built-in Animation Control – Clicking on a marker empowers you to control a built-in animation with a myriad of options at your fingertips. Define parameters such as animation loop count, speed/time scale, and choose whether to animate the marker along with the model or maintain a fixed position. Customize post-animation actions, including playing the animation in reverse, animation clamping, and toggling the display of tooltips or info windows.

    Markers Camera Animations – Establish personalized positions on a model with custom names. Upon clicking a marker, seamlessly transition the camera to the personalized location using smooth tweening, allowing you to set the duration and easing to match your preferences. This versatile feature can be integrated with the built-in animations, akin to the functionality observed in the photo camera demo when clicking the larger play marker.

    Markers Camera Animations Menu – Navigate your personalized marker camera animations effortlessly with a dedicated menu. This intuitive interface not only showcases but also grants control over the displayed markers and their corresponding camera animations, example here.

    Direct Support From The Developer – Once you buy the Easy 3D Model Viewer you will also receive direct support and attention from the video player developer, Tibi @ FWD.

    Kanakku - Invoice and Billing Management Application System Nodejs with React Js 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/kanakku-invoice-and-billing-management-application-system-no/50240727 Offer


    Super Admin Credentials

    Username: [email protected]
    Password: Demo123$

    Kanakku is a robust Invoice and Billing Management Application meticulously crafted to optimize and automate the entire invoicing lifecycle for businesses. This sophisticated software solution is tailored to simplify the creation, dispatch, and meticulous management of invoices and bills.

    \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\

    followus documentation changelog support Customization
    \\ \\

    Browser Support Elite Author Hire Us

    Main Features

    • Invoice Management
    • Client Management
    • Product Management
    • User Roles & Permissions
    • Vendors Management
    • Inventory Management
    • Sales Return and Purchase Return
    • Advanced Settings
    • Delivery Challan
    • Invoice Templates
    • Manual Signature and e-Signature for Invoice
    • Firebase Notification
    • Quotation
    • Payment link send to Customers for online payment
    • Nodejs express for API

    System Requirements

    • Node – 20.2.0
    • NPM – 10.2.3 and above
    • MongoDB v6.0.3
    • Reactjs v18.2.0 and above


    • Node
    • React
    • Bootstrap
    • Node express for API

    This item is supported

    Support is conducted through our Support Forum. We are in GMT +05.30 and we aim to answer all questions within 24 hours on weekdays. In some cases, the waiting time can be extended to 48 hours. Support requests sent during weekends or public holidays will be processed on next Monday or the next business day.

    Note: Preview Images are for demo purpose only, not included in the package

    Messenger Chat

    Follow us in Envato Follow us in behance Follow us in Dribbble Follow us in Pinterest Chat on WhatsApp


    Super Admin Credentials

    Username: [email protected]
    Password: Demo123$

    Kanakku is a robust Invoice and Billing Management Application meticulously crafted to optimize and automate the entire invoicing lifecycle for businesses. This sophisticated software solution is tailored to simplify the creation, dispatch, and meticulous management of invoices and bills.

    \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\

    followus documentation changelog support Customization
    \\ \\

    Browser Support Elite Author Hire Us

    Main Features

    • Invoice Management
    • Client Management
    • Product Management
    • User Roles & Permissions
    • Vendors Management
    • Inventory Management
    • Sales Return and Purchase Return
    • Advanced Settings
    • Delivery Challan
    • Invoice Templates
    • Manual Signature and e-Signature for Invoice
    • Firebase Notification
    • Quotation
    • Payment link send to Customers for online payment
    • Nodejs express for API

    System Requirements

    • Node – 20.2.0
    • NPM – 10.2.3 and above
    • MongoDB v6.0.3
    • Reactjs v18.2.0 and above


    • Node
    • React
    • Bootstrap
    • Node express for API

    This item is supported

    Support is conducted through our Support Forum. We are in GMT +05.30 and we aim to answer all questions within 24 hours on weekdays. In some cases, the waiting time can be extended to 48 hours. Support requests sent during weekends or public holidays will be processed on next Monday or the next business day.

    Note: Preview Images are for demo purpose only, not included in the package

    Messenger Chat

    Follow us in Envato Follow us in behance Follow us in Dribbble Follow us in Pinterest Chat on WhatsApp
    Metashop- Headless WooCommerce React Theme 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/metashop-headless-woocommerce-react-theme/50183882 60% Discount: Current Price $35, Original Price $89

    Tech Stack – Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and WooCommerce Rest API

    Metashop is a powerful and efficient eCommerce solution based on Next.js, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, and the WooCommerce REST API.

    Metashop Metashop Metashop Metashop Metashop

    Online Demo

    Demo URL:

    Check Online Documentation

    Key Features

    • Next.js 14 version
    • Next.js APP Dir
    • Manage Product from WordPress
    • Lightning-fast Speed
    • User Dashboard
    • Manage SEO from WordPress Plugin
    • Clean & Modern Design

    Required WordPress Plugins:

    60% Discount: Current Price $35, Original Price $89

    Tech Stack – Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and WooCommerce Rest API

    Metashop is a powerful and efficient eCommerce solution based on Next.js, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, and the WooCommerce REST API.

    Metashop Metashop Metashop Metashop Metashop

    Online Demo

    Demo URL:

    Check Online Documentation

    Key Features

    • Next.js 14 version
    • Next.js APP Dir
    • Manage Product from WordPress
    • Lightning-fast Speed
    • User Dashboard
    • Manage SEO from WordPress Plugin
    • Clean & Modern Design

    Required WordPress Plugins:

    Sticky player Addon for Radio Player 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/sticky-player-addon-radio-player/50180245 Sticky player Addon for Radio Player

    It requires a Radio Player plugin to work and it cannot work on its own.

    This Addon can show sticky radio player at the page bottom. Sticky player can be used with or without main radio player in page.

    Features and options:

    • Show sticky player at page bottom
    • Sticky player can be used on its own or together with main radio player in page
    • Multiple demos included in plugin package
    • Reponsive and addapts well to small screens
    • Player includes social sharing buttons, volume control, currently playing radio data
    • Easily stylable with CSS

    Updates / Changelog

    VERSION 1.0 [7.1.2024]

     - first release
    Sticky player Addon for Radio Player

    It requires a Radio Player plugin to work and it cannot work on its own.

    This Addon can show sticky radio player at the page bottom. Sticky player can be used with or without main radio player in page.

    Features and options:

    • Show sticky player at page bottom
    • Sticky player can be used on its own or together with main radio player in page
    • Multiple demos included in plugin package
    • Reponsive and addapts well to small screens
    • Player includes social sharing buttons, volume control, currently playing radio data
    • Easily stylable with CSS

    Updates / Changelog

    VERSION 1.0 [7.1.2024]

     - first release
    Popups Plugin Players (YouTube, Dailymotion, and Vimeo) Standalone for Landing Page 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/popups-plugin-players-youtube-dailymotion-and-vimeo-standalo/50114305 Welcome to our cutting-edge plugin that enhances your website’s interactivity and engagement with the show popup function. Unlock the potential of dynamic video displays on your platform by utilizing the powerful features provided by our plugins Player for YouTube, Dailymotion, and Vimeo,

    easy to integrate and easy to set from autoplay to close icon style

    the product project package you will get:

    2 YouTube plugin players one with a normal popup display and the second with a Rotate display popup effect

    2 Dailymotion plugin players one with a normal popup display and the second with a Rotate display popup effect

    2 Vimeo plugin players one with a normal popup display and the second with a Rotate display popup effect

    1 Pack of beautiful icons for player close function

    1 detailed Guide on how to use in PDF format

    Welcome to our cutting-edge plugin that enhances your website’s interactivity and engagement with the show popup function. Unlock the potential of dynamic video displays on your platform by utilizing the powerful features provided by our plugins Player for YouTube, Dailymotion, and Vimeo,

    easy to integrate and easy to set from autoplay to close icon style

    the product project package you will get:

    2 YouTube plugin players one with a normal popup display and the second with a Rotate display popup effect

    2 Dailymotion plugin players one with a normal popup display and the second with a Rotate display popup effect

    2 Vimeo plugin players one with a normal popup display and the second with a Rotate display popup effect

    1 Pack of beautiful icons for player close function

    1 detailed Guide on how to use in PDF format

    Vue.js Tailawind CSS Admin Panel Sidebar Navigation 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/vuejs-tailawind-css-admin-panel-sidebar-navigation/50092923 Supercharge your admin panel development with this Vue.js Sidebar Navigation template. Built with the latest and greatest Vue 3, Vue Router 4, and Tailwind CSS, this template offers a solid and feature-rich foundation, saving you hours of work

    Key Features:

    • ⚡️ Built with Vue 3 for modern and performant web experiences
    • Sleek and intuitive accordion-style sidebar menu
    • Effortless styling with Tailwind CSS 3 and SCSS
    • Responsive layout for seamless navigation across all devices
    • Powered by Vite for lightning-fast development builds
    • ️Seamlessly integrates with Vue Router v4 for dynamic routing
    • Leverages Headless UI for accessible and customizable components
    • Enhanced visual appeal with Font Awesome icons and Google Fonts
    • Clean and well-structured codebase for easy maintenance and customization


    • ⏱️ Save valuable development time with a pre-built component
    • Enhance user experience with a polished and intuitive navigation interface
    • Easily customize and extend the component to match your specific admin panel needs

    Ideal For:

    • ⚙️ Vue developers seeking a rapid and efficient admin panel development solution
    • Agencies building multiple admin panels with a cohesive look and feel
    • Anyone looking to create a professional and intuitive admin navigation experience


    • This item is a template designed for developers to accelerate admin panel development.

    Purchase this sidebar navigation template and streamline your admin panel development process.

    Supercharge your admin panel development with this Vue.js Sidebar Navigation template. Built with the latest and greatest Vue 3, Vue Router 4, and Tailwind CSS, this template offers a solid and feature-rich foundation, saving you hours of work

    Key Features:

    • ⚡️ Built with Vue 3 for modern and performant web experiences
    • Sleek and intuitive accordion-style sidebar menu
    • Effortless styling with Tailwind CSS 3 and SCSS
    • Responsive layout for seamless navigation across all devices
    • Powered by Vite for lightning-fast development builds
    • ️Seamlessly integrates with Vue Router v4 for dynamic routing
    • Leverages Headless UI for accessible and customizable components
    • Enhanced visual appeal with Font Awesome icons and Google Fonts
    • Clean and well-structured codebase for easy maintenance and customization


    • ⏱️ Save valuable development time with a pre-built component
    • Enhance user experience with a polished and intuitive navigation interface
    • Easily customize and extend the component to match your specific admin panel needs

    Ideal For:

    • ⚙️ Vue developers seeking a rapid and efficient admin panel development solution
    • Agencies building multiple admin panels with a cohesive look and feel
    • Anyone looking to create a professional and intuitive admin navigation experience


    • This item is a template designed for developers to accelerate admin panel development.

    Purchase this sidebar navigation template and streamline your admin panel development process.

    React Seat Map Picker 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/react-seat-map-picker/50039516 Overview

    Elevate your bus reservation experience (or even  even movie, theater, train, ship, plane tickets) with the React Bus Seat Map Picker – a sophisticated and meticulously crafted script designed exclusively for bus seat bookings. Engineered with strict TypeScript, this innovative solution brings unparalleled type safety to your seat selection process, ensuring a seamless and error-free booking experience.

    Key features

    • Precise Bus Seat Representation
      The React Bus Seat Map Picker accurately replicates the layout of a bus interior, allowing passengers to intuitively visualize and select their preferred seats.
    • TypeScript Interfaces for Robust Data Structures
      Our script leverages TypeScript interfaces to define robust data structures, including seats, rows, and area/floor. This strict typing guarantees a reliable and consistent representation of your bus seat map.
    • Interactive Seat Selection
      Users can visually explore and choose their preferred seats from an interactive and visually appealing seat map. The map provides a clear representation of the venue layout, making it easy for customers to navigate and select seats.
    • Grid System Adaptability
      The script’s grid system is designed to accommodate diverse seating arrangements. Whether you’re configuring car or bus seats with specific rows and columns or planning flight seating with unique section divisions, the grid system can be adapted to fit your business requirements.
    • Customization Options
      Enjoy the freedom to customize seat types, area/floor, and layouts to meet the specific needs of your bus service. Designate driver seats, custom the seat icon with your own design or create specialized areas with ease.
    • Integration Possibilities
      The script can be easily integrated into existing React applications or used as a standalone solution

    Elevate your bus reservation experience (or even  even movie, theater, train, ship, plane tickets) with the React Bus Seat Map Picker – a sophisticated and meticulously crafted script designed exclusively for bus seat bookings. Engineered with strict TypeScript, this innovative solution brings unparalleled type safety to your seat selection process, ensuring a seamless and error-free booking experience.

    Key features

    • Precise Bus Seat Representation
      The React Bus Seat Map Picker accurately replicates the layout of a bus interior, allowing passengers to intuitively visualize and select their preferred seats.
    • TypeScript Interfaces for Robust Data Structures
      Our script leverages TypeScript interfaces to define robust data structures, including seats, rows, and area/floor. This strict typing guarantees a reliable and consistent representation of your bus seat map.
    • Interactive Seat Selection
      Users can visually explore and choose their preferred seats from an interactive and visually appealing seat map. The map provides a clear representation of the venue layout, making it easy for customers to navigate and select seats.
    • Grid System Adaptability
      The script’s grid system is designed to accommodate diverse seating arrangements. Whether you’re configuring car or bus seats with specific rows and columns or planning flight seating with unique section divisions, the grid system can be adapted to fit your business requirements.
    • Customization Options
      Enjoy the freedom to customize seat types, area/floor, and layouts to meet the specific needs of your bus service. Designate driver seats, custom the seat icon with your own design or create specialized areas with ease.
    • Integration Possibilities
      The script can be easily integrated into existing React applications or used as a standalone solution
    BookingHub - Booking system for multiple business SaaS application 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/bookinghub-booking-system-multiple-business-saas-application/50017027 BookingHub is a user-friendly Script that leverages the power of React JS technology. This versatile tool provides both admin and user dashboards, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable editing experience.

    A Bookinghub script is designed to facilitate and manage booking system for various services. These services can include hotel bookings, restaurant reservations, event ticketing, appointment scheduling, and more.

    Our platform supports Stripe and PayPal payment methods, allowing administrators to tailor subscription plans to diverse preferences. Booking Hub Script ensures a smooth and adaptable payment process, enhancing user satisfaction.

    Along with this it has an admin dashboard for businesses to manage bookings, view analytics, and adjust settings. While creating user, admin can assign a plan and allow user to access the plan features without making the payment, just by keep an option “Is Payment required for this plan” as unchecked.

    With User dashboard, user can manage their campaigns, registration on the campaign, integrate payment method and autoresponders and many more. Users gain a comprehensive view of their subscription landscape, easily accessing details of purchased plans and exploring available options.

    Where convenience meets customization – welcome to the ultimate booking hub!

    Demo Login Details

    Admin credentials

  • URL
  • Email : [email protected]
  • Password : demoadmin@123

  • User Login Details

  • URL
  • Email : [email protected]
  • Password : demouser@123

  • For more details, please check the Online Documentation of the script.

    BookingHub - Booking system for multiple business SaaS application - 1

    Features Of Admin

  • Dashboard
  • Cloud Storage
  • AWS Integration
  • Google Cloud Integration
  • User manage and listing
  • Can assign plan to user
  • Admin can allow user to access features of the plan without making payment
  • Plans Management
  • Manage payment Methods
  • Manage Profile, SMTP, and Email Content Settings
  • Show the deleted users in Trash
  • Features Of User

  • Dashboard
  • Can add multiple languages for Widget
  • Enable RTL
  • Create campaigns
  • Registrations of the campaign type
  • Manage Profile, Billing, and Subscription Settings.
  • Manage Email Settings
  • Show the deleted campaign in Trash
  • Other Features Of the Script

  • User Friendly
  • Responsive
  • Browser Compatible
  • Lightweight
  • Update

     Date 25-01-2024
    1 . Multi-language support for widget 
    2 . RTL support for widget 
    3 . Email notification on subscription renewal and subscription payment failure
    4 . Campaign(widget) preview option  
    BookingHub is a user-friendly Script that leverages the power of React JS technology. This versatile tool provides both admin and user dashboards, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable editing experience.

    A Bookinghub script is designed to facilitate and manage booking system for various services. These services can include hotel bookings, restaurant reservations, event ticketing, appointment scheduling, and more.

    Our platform supports Stripe and PayPal payment methods, allowing administrators to tailor subscription plans to diverse preferences. Booking Hub Script ensures a smooth and adaptable payment process, enhancing user satisfaction.

    Along with this it has an admin dashboard for businesses to manage bookings, view analytics, and adjust settings. While creating user, admin can assign a plan and allow user to access the plan features without making the payment, just by keep an option “Is Payment required for this plan” as unchecked.

    With User dashboard, user can manage their campaigns, registration on the campaign, integrate payment method and autoresponders and many more. Users gain a comprehensive view of their subscription landscape, easily accessing details of purchased plans and exploring available options.

    Where convenience meets customization – welcome to the ultimate booking hub!

    Demo Login Details

    Admin credentials

  • URL
  • Email : [email protected]
  • Password : demoadmin@123

  • User Login Details

  • URL
  • Email : [email protected]
  • Password : demouser@123

  • For more details, please check the Online Documentation of the script.

    BookingHub - Booking system for multiple business SaaS application - 1

    Features Of Admin

  • Dashboard
  • Cloud Storage
  • AWS Integration
  • Google Cloud Integration
  • User manage and listing
  • Can assign plan to user
  • Admin can allow user to access features of the plan without making payment
  • Plans Management
  • Manage payment Methods
  • Manage Profile, SMTP, and Email Content Settings
  • Show the deleted users in Trash
  • Features Of User

  • Dashboard
  • Can add multiple languages for Widget
  • Enable RTL
  • Create campaigns
  • Registrations of the campaign type
  • Manage Profile, Billing, and Subscription Settings.
  • Manage Email Settings
  • Show the deleted campaign in Trash
  • Other Features Of the Script

  • User Friendly
  • Responsive
  • Browser Compatible
  • Lightweight
  • Update

     Date 25-01-2024
    1 . Multi-language support for widget 
    2 . RTL support for widget 
    3 . Email notification on subscription renewal and subscription payment failure
    4 . Campaign(widget) preview option  
    ChatBizz - Advanced AI Support Chat Bot Plugin with React Js & Python 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/chatbizz-advanced-ai-support-chat-bot-plugin-react-js-python/49997544 ChatBizz - Advanced AI ChatBot Plugin with React Js & Python - 1   ChatBizz - Advanced AI ChatBot Plugin with React Js & Python - 2  ChatBizz - Advanced AI ChatBot Plugin with React Js & Python - 3 ChatBizz - Advanced AI ChatBot Plugin with React Js & Python - 4 ChatBizz - Advanced AI ChatBot Plugin with React Js & Python - 5

    Introducing ChatBiz AI – Smart Chat bot for Better Supports, Solutions & Marketing!

    Streamline your customer communication using AI-powered bots and a chat system designed for conversational marketing. This means you can automate interactions with customers, saving time, and boosting sales, all while using familiar software you’re already comfortable with.

    ChatBiz AI is a user-friendly automated bot designed for various needs, such as SaaS, CRM, personal projects, and more. Elevate your business conversations effortlessly with ChatBiz, developed using Python and React JS.

    Elevate Your Business Conversations using ChatBiz. It is built with the Python & React JS. It will help to engage and convert your visitors into paid users for your SaaS or other products. You have to train this bot once by giving complete information about your products and it will provide quick answers to customers using the information you have provided. You have to use the OpenAI API to use this bot on your product. There will be minimal charges for the API (pricing). You can customize the colors, fonts, names and many more quickly with admin access.

    Note: The SaaS version of ChatBizz is available with an extended license.

    Product Intro Video:

    Setup Video Tutorials:

    Backend Code Setup:
    Frontend Code Setup:

    Login credentials:
    Email: [email protected]
    Password: 12345678

    Key Benefits:

    • Boost Sales: Engage customers effectively and convert them into paying users for your products.
    • Automated AI Replies: Let the bot handle inquiries with quick and accurate responses, saving time and effort.
    • Increase Profits: Turn engaged conversations into revenue-generating opportunities.
    • Cost Reduction: Streamline customer interactions, reducing operational costs.
    • Customizable Design: Tailor the bot’s appearance to match your brand with easy customization of colors, fonts, and more through admin access.


    • Python
    • React JS 18.*
    • OPEN AI
    • JavaScript
    • HTML
    • SCSS

    Browser Compatibility:

    ChatBiz AI works seamlessly on popular browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge, and others.

    Getting Started:

    • Training Ease: Train the bot by providing comprehensive information about your products.
    • OpenAI API: Utilize the OpenAI API for integrating ChatBiz into your product. Minimal charges apply (see pricing).
    • Documentation: Refer to our detailed documentation at for a smooth setup.

    Customer Support:

    Our dedicated support team is ready to assist you. Contact us for any issues or pre-sale questions, and we’ll respond within 1 or 2 working days. Your success is our priority!

    Enhance your business conversations and streamline customer interactions with ChatBiz AI. Buy it now!
    v 1.1.0 - 05 Feb 2024
    - Added PDF file upload option.
    v 1.0.0 - 03 Feb 2024
    - Initial release.
    ChatBizz - Advanced AI ChatBot Plugin with React Js & Python - 1   ChatBizz - Advanced AI ChatBot Plugin with React Js & Python - 2  ChatBizz - Advanced AI ChatBot Plugin with React Js & Python - 3 ChatBizz - Advanced AI ChatBot Plugin with React Js & Python - 4 ChatBizz - Advanced AI ChatBot Plugin with React Js & Python - 5

    Introducing ChatBiz AI – Smart Chat bot for Better Supports, Solutions & Marketing!

    Streamline your customer communication using AI-powered bots and a chat system designed for conversational marketing. This means you can automate interactions with customers, saving time, and boosting sales, all while using familiar software you’re already comfortable with.

    ChatBiz AI is a user-friendly automated bot designed for various needs, such as SaaS, CRM, personal projects, and more. Elevate your business conversations effortlessly with ChatBiz, developed using Python and React JS.

    Elevate Your Business Conversations using ChatBiz. It is built with the Python & React JS. It will help to engage and convert your visitors into paid users for your SaaS or other products. You have to train this bot once by giving complete information about your products and it will provide quick answers to customers using the information you have provided. You have to use the OpenAI API to use this bot on your product. There will be minimal charges for the API (pricing). You can customize the colors, fonts, names and many more quickly with admin access.

    Note: The SaaS version of ChatBizz is available with an extended license.

    Product Intro Video:

    Setup Video Tutorials:

    Backend Code Setup:
    Frontend Code Setup:

    Login credentials:
    Email: [email protected]
    Password: 12345678

    Key Benefits:

    • Boost Sales: Engage customers effectively and convert them into paying users for your products.
    • Automated AI Replies: Let the bot handle inquiries with quick and accurate responses, saving time and effort.
    • Increase Profits: Turn engaged conversations into revenue-generating opportunities.
    • Cost Reduction: Streamline customer interactions, reducing operational costs.
    • Customizable Design: Tailor the bot’s appearance to match your brand with easy customization of colors, fonts, and more through admin access.


    • Python
    • React JS 18.*
    • OPEN AI
    • JavaScript
    • HTML
    • SCSS

    Browser Compatibility:

    ChatBiz AI works seamlessly on popular browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge, and others.

    Getting Started:

    • Training Ease: Train the bot by providing comprehensive information about your products.
    • OpenAI API: Utilize the OpenAI API for integrating ChatBiz into your product. Minimal charges apply (see pricing).
    • Documentation: Refer to our detailed documentation at for a smooth setup.

    Customer Support:

    Our dedicated support team is ready to assist you. Contact us for any issues or pre-sale questions, and we’ll respond within 1 or 2 working days. Your success is our priority!

    Enhance your business conversations and streamline customer interactions with ChatBiz AI. Buy it now!
    v 1.1.0 - 05 Feb 2024
    - Added PDF file upload option.
    v 1.0.0 - 03 Feb 2024
    - Initial release.
    Aureo - Shopping Cart - CMS 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 2024-07-27T11:03:40+00:00 /item/aureo-shopping-cart-cms/49967676 Aureo is a clean, modern, user-friendly, responsive and functional eCommerce. Aureo it is a best solution for create your Online Shop. Aureo is developed with the latest technologies such as Angular15+, Angular Material, NodeJs, MySql.

    Aureo is equipped with a control panel, where you can manage products, view orders, manage images, manage PayPal and Stripe payments etc…

    aureo ecommerce cms



    • Angular15+
    • Angular Material
    • NodeJs
    • MySql


    • Responsive design
    • Payment Paypal
    • Payment Stripe
    • Admin dashboard
    • Menage Products
    • Menage Orders
    • Menage Categories
    • Tool Images
    • Tool Settings

    Version 1.1 – ( 16-03-2024 )

    Added: tabs add image + upload image panel.
    Added: tabs in edit image + upload image panel.
    Added: Products table export as excel.
    Update: GET Subscription' deprecated with use an observer argument
    Bug Fix: social-network duplicate name column.
    Bug Fix: routing
    Bug Fix: reduce API calls.
    Bug Fix: details page carousel reset array images when change product.
    Aureo is a clean, modern, user-friendly, responsive and functional eCommerce. Aureo it is a best solution for create your Online Shop. Aureo is developed with the latest technologies such as Angular15+, Angular Material, NodeJs, MySql.

    Aureo is equipped with a control panel, where you can manage products, view orders, manage images, manage PayPal and Stripe payments etc…

    aureo ecommerce cms



    • Angular15+
    • Angular Material
    • NodeJs
    • MySql


    • Responsive design
    • Payment Paypal
    • Payment Stripe
    • Admin dashboard
    • Menage Products
    • Menage Orders
    • Menage Categories
    • Tool Images
    • Tool Settings

    Version 1.1 – ( 16-03-2024 )

    Added: tabs add image + upload image panel.
    Added: tabs in edit image + upload image panel.
    Added: Products table export as excel.
    Update: GET Subscription' deprecated with use an observer argument
    Bug Fix: social-network duplicate name column.
    Bug Fix: routing
    Bug Fix: reduce API calls.
    Bug Fix: details page carousel reset array images when change product.