Funny Dolphin Game (Construct 2 | Construct 3 | C3P | CAPX | HTML5 | Cordova) Admob and FB Instant

Funny Dolphin Game (Construct 2 | Construct 3 | C3P | CAPX | HTML5 | Cordova) Admob and FB Instant

Funny Dolphin Game (Construct 2 | Construct 3 | C3P | CAPX | HTML5 | Cordova) Admob and FB Instant Ready.


- Very Interesting Game.

- Made In Construct 3.

- HTML5 included (For Your Website).

- HTML5 included with Facebook Instant.

- C3P File Included (Admob Ads).

- C3P File Included (Facebook Instant Ads).

- CAPX File Included.

- Cordova Included.

- High Score Recording.

- Documentation Included.

- Support : Touch/Keyboard/Game Pad.

- Keyboard Controllers : Left and Right Arrows, A, S, D, F, G Keys.

- Design Included (PSD and PNG).

- You can Contact Me. (if you need any changes).

- You can Hire Me. (if you need full reskin).




Rating 0
Sales 1
Price $18.00
Author Pro_Gaming
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