Fish Rattan Decor Lighting

Fish Rattan Decor Lighting

Fish Rattan Decor Lighting

Model has been checked with the appropriate software. You can easily position it the way you need or animate.

Note: The product comes without scene, camera or lights, include only 3dmodel. Renders have no postprocessing

About model :

Have a fully textured, detailed design that allows for close-up renders No cleaning up necessary No special plugin needed to open scene All pivot points are right position All part of Model are named for easy selection Dimension : (mm)

Big Fish : 1170L x 670W x 870H Small Fish : 650L x 950W x 890H Light Bulb : 93L x 93W x 156H Overall : 1600L x 1060W x 2250H File Formats:

3ds Max 2016 V-Ray ( 3.6 ) OBJ (Multi Format) FBX (Multi Format)

Rating 0.0
Sales 3
Price $10.00
Author Ambi3d
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