
Wizard Magic Fire - HTML5 Game - C3P

Wizard Magic Fire - HTML5 Game - C3P

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In Wizard Magic Fire, wield your magical staff and unleash powerful orbs of magic to strike down the serpent of the dark wizard. Engage in an epic battle against the forces of darkness as you strive to vanquish the malevolent sorcerer. Are you ready to harness the power of magic and save the realm from impending doom? Join the mystical adventure now and embark on a quest to defeat the dark forces!

Desktop: Mouse

Mobile: Touch


- HTML5 game playable on all platforms (PC, Mobile, Android, iOS) – 3 files included (.c3p and all source) – Easy to Edit – Touch Controls – Fun Gameplay ∙ SoundFX ∙ Music

Included items Free ads HTML5 Game files Generate 3 source code ( .c3p )

Please don’t forget to rate if you like the game. I appreciate that very much.

sounds: Envato elements some pictures: Freepik


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