
Hair Dryer

The sound file titled “Hair Dryer” features the distinct sound of a hair dryer in operation. The sound is characterized by a constant, high-pitched whirring noise that varies in intensity and pitch depending on the speed setting of the hair dryer.

At the lowest setting, the sound is relatively quiet and subdued, with a gentle whirring sound that is consistent and even. As the speed setting is increased, the pitch and volume of the sound increases, resulting in a more intense and forceful sound. At maximum speed, the sound is a loud and powerful whirring noise that can be heard from a distance.

The sound of the hair dryer is typically accompanied by the sound of blowing air, which varies in intensity and direction depending on the angle and distance of the hair dryer from the hair. This adds a subtle, airy quality to the overall sound of the hair dryer.

Overall, the sound of a hair dryer is a familiar and recognizable sound to many, particularly those who use hair dryers on a regular basis for styling their hair. It is a sound that signifies beauty, self-care, and grooming, and is often associated with the experience of getting ready for the day or for a special occasion.

The sound effect is suitable for scoring movies, commercials, YouTube videos and more.

Consists of three different parts with varying degrees of tonality:

  1. Hair Dryer_1: 0:06
  2. Hair Dryer_2: 0:07
  3. Hair Dryer_3: 0:14

Included WAV and MP3 version.


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