
Experimental Creative Minimal Electronic

Experimental Creative Minimal Electronic


Experimental Creative Minimal ElectronicPowerful Electronic Music with Atmospheric mood and Action Dynamic.

    After purchase, the track will be available in high quality WAV format:
  • Full Track (1:34)

VideoHive Projects Where My Music Was Used

Dear Customers!

  • I hope this music will inspire you, your audience and your customers.

  • If you’ll have any questions or need any changes regarding music just message me through EnvatoMarket or here –, I will try to help you.

  • After purchase! Please, do not forget to put a rating to this track. It will only take you a few seconds, but for me it will be a huge help in development my music. Go to the “Downloads” section and rate the download by clicking on the required number of stars.

To VideoHive Authors!

Feel free to download the watermarked preview file. Please include a link to my music in Your item description. Send me a message letting me know, that You’re using it, to link and feature Your item as well. Thanks and have a good day, hope You enjoy the music.


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